Most overrated films of all time

Agreed. :smiley: I don’t think Avatar is over rated, though I can see your point on TS3, because the other two were a google plex better. But then again, this is all subjective, so no one can be right…

Really? Everybody I know hates that movie, except you guys of course :stuck_out_tongue:

Well… while I did find Avatar to be overrated, I don’t think that makes it a bad movie at all. Seriously, overrated is not synonymous with bad. I just find it strange to think it’s made the most money out of any movies ever… that’s kind of ridiculous to me.

One problem I had with it, is that I didn’t really “feel” for the characters. The reason I liked Jaws so much is because the characters felt like real flesh and blood human beings, not just devices to move the plot around. While we see a good bit of Avatar’s characters, I wasn’t really rooting anyone on… it’s not that I hated them, I just didn’t find them particularly loveable.

I agree with Leirin, I find Avatar to be overrrated as well.

Twilight francise
High School musical francise

I agree, except for Avatar. Maybe I’m just a sap, but I found Avatar extremely emotional.

I think Pixarfan91 summed it up nicely!

The Ring ( this horror franchise is way out of control ).
High School Musical films.
EVERY bloody Twilight movie.
The two Paranornal Activity movies so far ( It’s like watching the security cameras on the show Paranoramal State ).

I agree with you on Paranormal Activity, I never saw the appeal.

Well, number two was…never mind. I’m not going to finish that sentence, now that I think about it.

^Oh? :laughing:

Avatar( I liked it better when it was called pocahontas)
Twilight( it killed vampires)
Jurassic park 3 ( an spinosaurus defeats a t rex…REALLY???)

I agree whole-heartedly.

Not really sure what to say about Twilight getting put on these lists - they’re popular with teenagers, but the real critics trash them!

I remember MANY female critics praising twilight, so…

You know what made Twilight better?
Making a “your mom” or “so’s your face” joke at every opportunity.

I know, I’m awful.

Twilight also turned half of the cibernauts into comedians, because its too easy to make fun of it :laughing:

I am glad to see that some people agree with me in that How To Train Your Dragon was overrated, i thought i was the only one, specially when there are a lot of HTTYD fans in here :blush:

I also think that Avatar and Twilight are overrated, too. Okay, Avatar is actually good, but too overrated. I haven´t seen Twilight yet, so i won´t say anything.

Yeah, I agree HTTD is overrated, tohught not nearly as much as twilight or avatar.

I thought Avatar was a great film, but it did awfully remind me of Pocahontas and did go on for a bit too long. The action scene at the end was exciting though.

Maybe I should watch some of James Cameron’s earlier films, like Terminator and Aliens for example. People obviously like them better.