One sentence story game.

“commercialized it, but nobody bought it because…”

“…Everyone thought that they had enough TV’s. They then …”

“used the parts of the unsold TVs for…”

“time macines. They used the time machine to travel to…”

“1889, when they would try to kill the newborn Hitler. They…”

“failed, so they decided to go to a Led Zeppelin concert in 1975. After that…”

“they decided to destroy the time machines since they were too dangerous, but…”

“Lex Luthor tried to stop them, and he…”

“traveled back to 1955…”

“to try and kill Superman. He got some Red…”

“Kryptonite, but it was accidentally directed at Supergirl instead. The unpredictable effect of the stone on her was that…”

“She became a 90 Year-old. Her powers were now…”

“stronger, because Kryptonians didn’t age on Earth as humans do, so she wasn’t too old or weak. However, her enhanced abilities vanished when…”

“the effects of the red kryptonite wore off. She then…”

“decided to take a fitting revenge on Luthor by…”

“throwing him in the middle of the Indian ocean. Eventually she removed…”

“him from the water, but she dropped him on a desert island that…”

“had very little food, but he had an ace up his sleeve which was…”

“a communications device. He contacted…”

“Mythbusters! They have him tons and tons of duct tape to make some with. He then…”