One sentence story game.

“they would kill all the world leaders, because in the end they are the ones at fault. Then get rid of all the weapons by throwing them into the sun. They…”

“did so, but then the had to remain underground because they were being prosecuted for their crimes. The…”

“Canadians who were keeping them there were glad they weren’t blamed for this. Then…”

“…Unicron, a giant mechanical being composed of our planet Earth, decided he wanted to get up and change location. This…”

“didn’t sit happily with earth’s inhabitants and they eventually…”

“kicked him out of their planet, proving that…”

“… he wasn’t really a fundamental part of the planet after all. But then…”

“they decided to spruce up their life, by…”

“… wearing empty chip bags on their heads while throwing empty banana peeps at passing cars. This was…”

“madness, so a group of psychologists investigated the causes of such atrocities. They concluded that…”

“evolution was going backwards. This caused a panic and…”

“confusion. One of the first affected people was Kate Middleton, who…”

“a ray had been projected on earth, that made them behave this way. They then…”

“Saw Kate eating bananas and jumping from tree to tree. she also liked to slap people and call them names. She then…”

“fell from a tree, since she didn’t have the proper hands and feet to climb them. The…”

“end result was that she was killed. Humankind became more advanced…”

“after the initial failures, and they got to…”

“reach the peak of human possibility. They then became too arrogant and attempted to…”

“become Gods. That resulted in…”

“them all becoming wounded and had to be treated by their dogs. The dogs then…”