Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Mermaids? Really? Well, my excitement level just dropped. I still have hopes for this movie, though.

Mermaids? I’m so excited!

I hope that they’re traditional mermaids like in old sea faring legends. You know, the kind who trap men with their voice and beauty and drag them to the depths of the ocean to seduce them (for love or other things). The demon ones, not the red-haired singy “dreams-come-true” meramids.

I like those ones, too, but I don’t know if they’d fit in with Pirates!

They’re exactly those.

What? Haven’t you seen any trailer?

I am not against the incorporation of mermaids in the franchise; in the trailer, some of them are evil and look like they eat humans…at least that is what I understood. This is going to be epic.

SCORE! I’m so much more excited for the movie. I love mermaids, and I’m sick of them being items for little girls’ birthday parties and such. Let’s get some classic mermaids!

The evil mermaid leader will be one named Tamara, played by Gemma Ward. Underwater, they look like hideous creatures such as in this concept art:

Just like in Harry Potter.

Well, they’re mermaids, so there’s nothing new, but I don’t see a great deal of resemblance with the Goblet of Fire ones (which looked awful).

Here’s for a comparison:

Anyway, maybe they seem a little alike in the concept art, but you’ll see the live-action ones. They’re totally different.

Ah. The whole pirate/mermaid thing makes me think of Peter Pan. :smiling_imp:

Hey! I saw Peter Pan just right now!

Wow, that’s cool!

[size=85]It does have mermaids, right? [/size]

Peter Pan?

Yes, there were mermaids. And they looked…good. Better than in The Little Mermaid, actually.

I agree, even if they were beezys!

I don’t like the Harry Potter mermaids, the Pirates mermaids (above and underwater) look much better.

Ah. I think Ariel is pretty, but she seems too…human. Probably the intention. 8D 8D

Yeah, Ariel is pretty sometimes. Depends on the light.

I mostly dislike her personality. I like her hair, eyes, and…that’s it. :stuck_out_tongue: But, these mermaids do look good.

Clever quote reference!

Well, I’m really excited to see the mermaids. Australian supermodel Gemma Ward will play the “good mermaid” that Blackbeard captures.

“You’re killing her!”

“I’m a bad man.”

I finally watched the new trailers! Looking extremely good, especially the [spoil]whole needing a mermaid for the Fountain of Youth[/spoil]. I can’t wait to hear the details to that.

Me as well, EJE. It sounds very intriguing. Very creative, too. But I guess we’ll see. The more we talk about this, the more excited I get.


Gemma Ward is Tamara, a dangerous mermaid. The “good” mermaid is Syrena, played by Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey.