Pixarteers Thread!

Thanks, Pixarfan, I’ve found it now; only I’m not going to read it just yet because I haven’t seen Toy Story 3 yet. I’ll make sure to tell you when I do read it, though!

[EDIT]- Hey everybody! I’ve my fifty-second post! Yea! :laugh: :laugh: :smiley: <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/youwhaaa.gif” alt=“o_0;;” title="You

Whaaa…" />

Oh, I almost forgot to ask: who likes my new sig?

Hey, Pixarfan, looks nice! Did you take the picture on your own, or did you find it somewhere?

Talking about Pixar’s toy cars, my youngest brother (and sort of me :blush: :laughing: ) own nearly 40 of them at least. He went through this time period (and still hasn’t really come out of it) where every time he sees one of those cars he wants to get it, and that always works good for me because although I don’t play with them much anymore, their still fun to look at and everything. The most recent one he got was the Doc Hudson with decals, and that would have to be my favorite car.

Jessie, yet again, great music! I didn’t realize how much I like listening to the guitar.

Thanks everyone for all the positive feedback on my animations! I think I forgot to mention this earlier, but "Imagine was directed by my next oldest brother (a title that always seems to alude him :cry: ) I have to give credit to the rest of my family, too… without them I think I would be lost!

Wow, I was staring right at it the whole time that I was reading your previous posts, pixarfan9099, and I never even realized that the Pizza Planet truck had eyes! Sorry, I’m having one of those really “off” days, I barely got any sleep last night. But it’s really epic! How did you do that? Photoshop?

Ding, ya don’t gots ta! ;-p

Evil, I’ve read it. :slight_smile: And smiled. Get some rest, hun. :confused: You sound super tired.

You’veGotAFriendInMe, I agree with Evil, I wish I could play in front of a big crowd! I’d be so scared. Were you nervous? Can you give us tips? :slight_smile:

Snipe, congrats on your number of posts! :laugh:

pixarfan9099, I do! :slight_smile: Everyone loves the Pizza Planet truck. I’ve always wondered how their pizza tastes.

Snipe, I found it somewhere. Though I wish I had him! About the toy Cars, I have about 50 or so, including many different Ramones and McQueens. The first ones I got were back in May 2006, I got McQueen, Sally, and Fillmore.

Oh wow, I’m stupid, haha! I complete forgot that there were toy Cars! Like I said, I’m having one of those days…

I wish I had some toy Cars, though. I actually don’t even own anything Pixar-related, except for the DVDs themselves. :frowning: Blasphemy, I know. Please, I don’t want to be drawn and quartered!

Ding! :angry:

Nah just playing ;-p

hehe 8D

Haha, I’ve only been a Pixar fan for a little less than two months, that counts as a good excuse, right?

Actually I think what I just revealed is more blasphemous than what I said before about not owning any Pixar stuff. runs away

Ding, you’re making it worse! :angry:


:open_mouth: Okay, that settles it. Ding has to be dealt with. :smiling_imp:

8D Just kidding. Don’t worry, I’ve been a Pixar fan for over 7 years, and I don’t own anything other than the DVDs either. Well actually, we have this little Incredibles Chritmas tree ornament…but other than that, nada.

I’ve got to be going now. Good night, everyone! yawns


G’night Snipe!

Hey, better late then never! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah but I’m glad that I’ve been enlightened to the awesomeness of Pixar, and I have realized the error of my ways. It’s all because of pure luck, actually! I was flipping through the channels a little bit after spring break in May and I ended up stopping on the Disney channel randomly. It also turned out they were showing the last 15 minutes of Cars at that exact time, and I saw it and loved it! Yeah, so that’s how I got obsessed with Cars and Pixar, just by blind luck. And it’s a good thing too, otherwise I might’ve never of met you guys! Just think, if I would’ve pressed ‘channel up’ or ‘channel down’ one time too many, I wouldn’t even be here today! :open_mouth:

Edit: Good night, Snipe!

Cars hooked me on Pixar as well. I’ve seen all of the movies, of course, but I never was “super interested” in Pixar until 4 years ago when Cars came out. :smiley:

EDIT: Didn’t someone suggest that we make our own chat room/server/whatchamacallit in the Pixar Planet chatroom a while back? :open_mouth: Like meeting up one day out of the week at a certain time and just chatting away? I’m too lazy to go back and see who suggested that. ;-p But it seems like a good idea.

I should probably get going to bed now, so goodnight! I gotta say, between doing volunteer work for eight hours everyday, and then going to marching band practice and just generally being very busy, this place is like my one hour of bliss every day. Especially this thread! So thanks for keeping me sane! :stuck_out_tongue:

Night! :smiley:

Hear hear! I second that idea.

Wow, Ding, I’m glad you managed to catch the last bit of Cars on the Disney channel. You’re a really awesome member of Pixar Planet, it wouldn’t be the same without you here :smiley: Goodnight!

That was me. :slight_smile: But yeah instead of posting everything on the thread, we can go to the chatroom and chat there instead.