Pixarteers Thread!

I’ve been on twitter all day. Ya they gots some issues… Lol

I’ve been having problems with Twitter. D:

Okay, am I the only one who knows were talking to an alien!

What? :open_mouth:

You talking bout me???

No clue what he’s talking about lol

Haha yeah that was weird… :laughing:

Haha, I saw Invader Zim and was kinda copying Dib.

Haha I love Invader Zim! :slight_smile: well I just woke up from a nap… A nap in the morning? Yep sure did. Fell asleep listening to music on my phone… The violin sounds soooo pretty :slight_smile: .

lol, You know what I gotta do, write a new chapter on my story, I haven’t done that in a while.

Good to hear that. I’ll be waiting!!! :slight_smile: Soo whats up?

not much really, brothers sick so trying not to catch it.

Hmmmm, I feel like singing the Doom Song now.

Ah well i hope he gets better.

Hey Jessie,I saw your vid on youtube about your reaction…Now I get to see what you look like for the first time…you’re pretty :slight_smile:

Jeff I tried adding you as a friend on youtube… :slight_smile:

^HIIIIIIIII!!! :smiley:

HIIIIIIIII!!! :smiley:

So how are ya doing? :slight_smile:

MUY BUENA!!! :smiley:

Thats good to hear! :slight_smile: I t’s raining! Yay rain! Today i feel sorta out there like i have this feeling that I don’t know how to describe it. Its not a happy feeling or a sad one. Okay see it like this… your friends are gone… ok you have that feeling of abandonment ok now add joy to it. t’s a complicated feeling…, I just can’t describe it. :confused: