Pixarteers Thread!

Haha, I can’t wait to see that. I love it when The Simpsons makes Pixar references. 8D

Hello all!

Hey Garrett. :smiley:

Hi Jess,Garrett.Sorry I haven’t been on a lot My computer crashed and my dad had to reboot it… :unamused:

Oh snap! So sorry. I didnt see I had replies… Im cleaning out twitter. soooo whats up?

Yeah, sorry about not explaining that. I was talking about the Steelers game, when Batch threw a pick at the very end to end the game. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh… Okay. How are you?

I just worked my butt off on this stupid reading report thing. Part 2 is tomorrow and it’s going to be harder. I’ll still be on, but I can’t imagine being on for too long tomorrow.

Other than that, todays was a really good day. Jazz Band was amazing. I love music so much. It’s so rewarding when you know how to play an instrument. It seemed like everyone was really nice today and mellowed out. Usually everyone I know is loud and crazy so that made the school part of the day calming. I officially hate my English teacher. He has zero respect for those answering his questions. He’s a complete jerk. I should take my camera out and record this moron secretly…:confused: Don’t even get me started on the weather today! :slight_smile: Though it was raining, it was cold. I love the cold so much. It helps me think a lot better. It’s much more comfortable.

Heat is gross.

So how is everyone else?

I’m good. About to go to bed soon. Yeah, I may not be on much here soon. My computer’s power cord broke and we’re moving so we may not have internet, but I’m here now!

I love those moron teachers! :smiling_imp: I mess things up for them. Anyways… Im doing fine sorry bout the work load Jessie. :frowning: Me? I got rid of 109 people I follow… lol

Why’d you unfollow all those people, Garrett?

Cuse They didnt tweet things I liked or at all. And one said Retarded on a Pixar forum… lol kidding.

:open_mouth: …well I respect my elders too. Like, he gives a lot of work but I’m not going to mess with him because of that.

When are you moving, Forster?

October 14th. I’m going to bed now. Good night!

Night Forester… I respect them to It’s when the ones that start picking on you is when I hate them.

Aww but Garrett that doesn’t mean pick on them back. :frowning:

Night Forster!

Yeah I guess.

I can’t wait for Halloween! :smiley:

Right. I saw on twitter.

Night Forster!

Hey everyone! Hey baby! :slight_smile:

Sorry, doing some hardcore studying right now for APUSH, but I thought it would nice to just drop by and say hi!

In other words, I just found the most epic song in the world for homework. It’s like extreme death electronic, if anyone likes that kind of stuff. I’m going to listen to it until my ears bleed.