Pixarteers Thread!

I dunno it sounded like you were irrtated,it’s hard to tell on the internet…sorry

It’s not just you. So many people think I’m irritated when I type. I don’t understand why. Probably because I’m not putting a happy face in my posts.


Oh…so watcha wanna talk about? :slight_smile:

I’m up for anything. I’m procrastinating pretty hard right now anyway. :wink:

Well right now I’m on youtube…It’s times like these where I wish I had a time machine…

:open_mouth: Wow! I was so surprised to see this thread up and running!!! Hey guys!!

Hey!!!throws confetti 500 Pages!!! :smiley:

This is so exciting!!! What made this thread pick up all the sudden??

In basic terms, the forum tore us apart.

I’m happy we’re all together again. I sincerely like truly missed everyone. It was weird being here without you guys all in one place!

So are you guys gonna completely delete the old site?

I didn’t make the forum, another member did. He probably will, considering no one really wants to be there.

yeah…DJEARWORM rocks!!! :sunglasses: :smiley:

I liked it over there, I just feel like everyone was closer over here. Like you could pop on anytime and talk to someone, and over there it took a while.

Yeah,that’s true…

Yeah, I liked it too. It was pretty.

I never said no one liked it, I said no one really wanted to be there.

“This Place about to blowwhh-oh-oh-oh–ohohoh!!!” :sunglasses:

What’s that? :open_mouth:

Ke$ha’s new song!!! :sunglasses:

Oh… :laughing: