Pixarteers Thread!

Oh please. The kid who has coffee in his blood. :unamused:

Why am I finding that hard to believe? :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

Hahaha no really! I donā€™t do coffee anymore because it keeps me up all night. And hardly any sugar really because it makes me act wierd. :laughing:

Weird? :open_mouth: eye twitches

In 6th grade I went to a theme park with my chorus group for a singing compition. After that me and my friend along with like 3 girls where put into a group. I ate nothing but sugar. At the end of the day I wasā€¦ Lets say almost killed by another girls dad who I was sitting next to while ā€œflirtingā€ witth his daughter. :open_mouth: :laugh: that was when I was in school :laughing: ah good times. Nearly dead too. :laughing:

Garrett, never have coffee ever again. Youā€™re like, normal. ;-p

But, but, but What about Starbucks??? Oh! Yay! Beastie Boys! Yay! Brass Monkey is playingā€¦ Oh wait what where we talking about? ā€¦Whatsā€¦ Normal? :laugh:

I hate coffee. :laughing:

You are a good person. :laughing: how are ya? :slight_smile:

Starbucksā€™s Hot Chocolate > Starbucksā€™s Coffee

I love hot chocolate <3 :laughing:

Iā€™m doing good.
I LOVE Hot Chocolate! :smiley: I had some this morning.

I had some yesterday after a snowball fight :laugh: thats good!!! Glad to hear it! Err well read it. :laughing:

Thatā€™s a pretty good time to drink something warm. :laughing:

It is??? Wow. Iā€™ve been doing THAT wrong for years then. :laughing:

^ Haha! :slight_smile: My friend and I had some hot cocoa after a snowball fight onceā€¦but I donā€™t think we added enough cocoa. :stuck_out_tongue:

I get the no sugar added for some reason. :open_mouth: infact going to have some now!!! :smiley:


I hate the one with no sugar. It just tasted like water. :neutral_face:

lol thatā€™s why I add Whip cream. :slight_smile:

I had some no sugar one at a hotel. Worst cup of hot cocoa ever. :stuck_out_tongue: