Pixarteers Thread!

Yep! Except I thought that piano was really easy to learn.

I didn’t think it was too bad either, but I mean I don’t read music. I just memorize :smiley: It’s a lot like typing!

Yeah, it kind of is! :slight_smile:


What??? :open_mouth:

Like how you always have to keep your fingers round and wrist down and with the bow you have to be holding it a certain way and all that.

Oh I didn’t know those steps actually had a name. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah my left arm always hurts when I try to play. :frowning:

Bravo on learning it, I heard it can be difficult. :wink:

Very. :frowning:

Yeah, I still sometimes have trouble with faster pieces.

I have trouble with the slow stuff.

Hey guys anyone here? :unamused:

I’m here!

YAY! :laughing: How are you?

I’m doing pretty good! It’s a very quiet day, but I’m doing good. How are you?

I’ve had a quiet day too. My 8 month old nephew stayed the night last night. I’ve got a picture of him and my 1 year old sister kissing <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/love2.gif” alt=“:loves:” title="In

Love" /> :laughing: They are so adorable! Right now I have butter all round my mouth :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

Awww. :slight_smile:
And sorry to leave you, but I’ve got a room that needs a bit of straightening. :frowning: It might not take too long, though, so I don’t know. But anyway, talk to ya later!

It’ okay see you later! :stuck_out_tongue:

Fumpanell!!! :laugh: Random huh?


Fum-pa-nell :laugh: Just trying to break silence Garrett style. :laughing: