Pixarteers Thread!

They exist outside of Pixar Planet, but that’s what I meant. I feel that this is a way to get away from those types of people who must receive joy out of that stuff. I used to get mad at people who had any type of dislike toward the movie, but I’ve matured a lot, and I don’t get angry at that anymore. But, those I do get mad at are the ones who feel the need to be excessively rude.

I’m not one to troll and I sincerely doubt anyone else here, besides the bad seeds who pop out every once in a while, wants to. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh okay. :slight_smile:

Okay, now that we got that out of our systems, who likes my new avatar of Jeff [spoil]Gordon[/spoil]Gorvette.

Off-topic: Do we have a strike code?

I’m so glad you waited for all of this to be over just to ask that. :neutral_face:

Well, actually I changed it after all this stuff was done.

So like I said, instead of adding your input into something here, you wait for people to stop talking to just so someone can compliment your icon.

I like it. It looks just like the picture of Jeff Gorvette.

Lol. I would’ve contributed to this prior argument, but I was totally confused as to what was going on. Sorry.

Though, it was mentioned. I was going to shut down the Pixarteers because I thought we may have been splitting up Pixar Planet. However, it was a misunderstanding.

So…everything is cool? I just kept my two cents out of it because I didn’t really know the whole conflict and I don’t like to be one to get into trouble when it’s not my business. Although I must agree with one thing that you said, which is that this place is a nice escape from the haters. (The whole site is an escape I mean).

Yeah everything is cool now. :slight_smile:

pixarfan9099: It used to work last time with [strike] tags. For some reason, it doesn’t now. :question:


Hi, Garrett! :slight_smile:

Hey guys :slight_smile:

LOL, this doesn’t seem to be a very lively conversation. Hmmm…let’s see…uh how’s the weather where you’re at? It’s alright where I am but the stinkin’ wind is so cold it’s driving me nuts! I just bought a nice spring coat but until the wind goes away I can’t wear it. :angry: :laughing:

It gets a lot more active during Summer vacation. You kind of came in when we’re the most dead. :stuck_out_tongue: It’ll get much better in the future because we’re all busy with school. Not just us, the whole forum. I mean this place was incredible in the Summer, but now that everyone is pretty busy, the whole forum is pretty quiet.

I used to post here literally every five minutes or so (in the Summer), but then school came. :frowning:

How’s the weather, you ask? Well, it’s cold and the sun managed to show its face a few times today. Other than that, it isn’t as awesome as it was a day or two ago when we had our first thunderstorm of the season! A good sign, might I add. Also, last week on Friday was pretty warm for Winter, so it was really nice.

Ahh I see. I was wondering why it wasn’t so lively. Kinda sucks that I FINALLY stumbled across this site. I’m still a noob kinda. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m glad it will pick up in the summer though, I’m in the same boat: school. I’ve got the hardest semester too, ugh, which means tons of homework…which means less PP. -Sigh- Imagine the world without school! JK, I want to be a teacher when I grow up actually! Hahaha. Hmmm, your weather doesn’t sound a whole lot better. Spring will be nice when it gets here though. :slight_smile: Hey, how did you guys come to join the site?

^ My brother and I were actually looking for Cars stuff when we stumbled across the site. :slight_smile:

I came to this site because I wanted to know if there were more people like me out there; it turns out there was. :slight_smile:

Hahaha I’m a bit of a combo of both of those. I Googled a lot, looking for a fan site but I never found a suitable or active one so I gave up on that. Then one day (I was at my grandma’s, no clue why I remember that XD) I Googled something to do with Lightning and Sally. I clicked the link and found a PP forum. I read every post on that forum and I was dying to join in. And yeah, I joined as quickly as possible!

I’m just glad I’m not the only one in the world who is obsessed with Cars and Pixar. :stuck_out_tongue: