Pixarteers Thread!

LOL. I’m not obsessed with Pixar (but I enjoy most of their films) but I am right beside you when it comes to Cars obsession. If your ever looking to have a discussion about Cars, count me in! 8D

The whole site we can roam free. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyone home?

Yeah, I’m here nights. :slight_smile:

Were miss you, Wish I saw that eariler. Man, a lot of are members are leaving.

Awwww! I saw several of CarsLuver’s posts around this site and I really hoped to get to know that member! I messaged her/him when I first joined the site and never got a reply…I see why now. That’s so sad. :frowning: I hate when great memebers have to leave, but we still have each other right? And hopefully we can look forward to fresh new memebers. :cry:

I don’t understand why you replied, David. It’s not like she can read it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I miss her, she was awesome. :frowning:

Hey guys…I know I shouldn’t be on here,but I saw how much you guys missed me so I’ll come back,but I may be slow in posting… :slight_smile:Cause I don’t wanna get busted… :open_mouth:

Well now she can…sorta, hope we see you more CarsLuver.

OMG! CarsLuver! Hey :smiley: I’m really happy to see you! I’m MissCarrera by the way. :mrgreen: I joined after you left but your posts were some of the first ones I saw as a guest and I really admire you. It’s great to meet you, I hope we can see you around here and maybe get to know each other/become friends. But be careful, wouldn’t want you in trouble again that’s for sure!

Yeah,I’m being VERYcautious…but I hated not being able to fangush with other fellow Cars fans…

Hey, fangushing isn’t against the rules here, you know… it’s in fact, encouraged!

I love fangushing :smiley: Nothing better than getting into an amazingly detailed and obsessive conversation over something you love with somebody who loves it just as much! It’s the funniest thing because 4 years ago I loved Cars and my mom said “There is no way you’re gonna love that movie by the time the sequel comes out, you probably won’t even go see it,” Look who was wrong!

Hey nice to see she’s back! :slight_smile:

Hey, guys. I know I don’t belong here, but I just wanted to say hi. And welcome back, carluver! How is everyone? Miss Carrera, I likes your avatar. :wink: Anyway, sorry to bust in like this, just wanted to say hi to you guys. Sorry.

Hey Virginia! I haven’t talked to you on the boards much lately. Thanks for the compliment on my avatar. :slight_smile: No need to apologize, it’s pretty quiet around here lately. How have you been doing?

Mornin Pixarteers!!! :smiley:


Good afternoon! :mrgreen:

I’m good, Miss Carrera. How are you all? :smiley: