Pixarteers Thread!

Well, I don’t know about everybody else but I’m doing great thank you :slight_smile:

Are you mad at me? I’m sorry. I probably made a lot of Pixarteers mad. :frowning: I’m very sorry to all of you.

And Miss Carrera, that’s awesome!! I’m bored. Want to PM? :smiley:

This was posted a little bit before this evening, are you still bored?

I’m sorry Virginia! I would have loved to PM but I believe I logged off very soon after posting that because I didn’t think there was much going on. Next time for sure though! :smiley:

You guy’s like my new sig?

Yeah, I really like the cute Toy Story quote in your sig. Nice. :slight_smile:

EDIT So guess what happened today…turns out we are watching A Bug’s Life in my Civics class! Pretty neat huh? It’s not everyday you get to watch a Pixar movie at school!

I love it, Pixarfan!

Miss Carrera, cool. :smiley:

Hey there, stranger. Haven’t spoken to you in a while. :slight_smile:

Why would we be mad about you here? :neutral_face:

I just sort of felt like I made everyone angry when I left. :frowning: I’m sorry I left the ranks.

lol didn’t even know you left.

Well, I didn’t leave the forums. I rudely, abruptly, and without explanation left the Pixarteers like a jerk. :frowning:

I didn’t even notice you left, Virginia. Methinks because it was around the time all of us left to start the ill-fated Pixarteer Forum and we all know how that went. :unamused: Anywho, it’s nice to see you’re back.

Oh, okay. That that’s even more embarrassing, because now I sound like an idiot. 8D (what did happen to the forum?)

Hehe LOL so I guess I can add,Miss Carrera’s fic to a list of fics that involve Lightning and Sally either making out or um…yeah cough4th basecough8D :laughing: :laugh:

8D It’s dirty?

No one ever posted on it and it separated us all from PP. So we abandoned it. :stuck_out_tongue: I think it’s still there, just with no activity.

Ah. I posted there sometimes, but…everyone ignored me entirely. So I stopped.

Have you read the 3rd chapter? ;-p Honestly,nearly every Lightning/Sally fic has that,Why does everybody think that way about them? 8D

No, I haven’t. I think it’s because they’re cars, so it’s not quite as dirty, so you can get away with more.