Pixarteers Thread!

Aw, hugs Miss Carrera

Um, who wants to talk about cheese? :mrgreen:

You’re too nice Virginia. :slight_smile: I like cheese, especially cheddar and marble! :stuck_out_tongue: What about cake? Anybody like cake?

Me! :smiley: I love cake. And cheese is really good, too, I had some for lunch today.

The fight was over hours ago. :stuck_out_tongue: It wasn’t even a fight, just a Cars argument.

Oh. :blush:

No no no no no no no nooo.

Virginia, you don’t have to feel bad. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, okay. 8D I’m just so confused! 8D Can I put the Pixarteers back in my signature? I want to verify with you first. :smiley:

Of course! You’re always welcome back. :slight_smile:

Glad to hear that it was just an argument
 Pixarteers fighting each other? That would be awful! We gotta stick together! :slight_smile: I too am going to add Pixarteers to my siggy but not right now, it’s 7am, I shouldn’t even be on here! LOL wish me fun at ugh school.

Goooooooood Mornnnnnnin! :sunglasses:

Thanks for the wise words of peace MissCarerra! We should all really try to get along, y’know

Moving on, I’m wondering whether anyone will be writing a Cars spy fanfic soon
 cos, coincidentally
 I’ve got a long-gestating idea for one! Yes, I was writing a Cars spy fanfic way before the sequel’s plot was announced, which was why I’m so excited because it’s as if Pixar and I operated on the same wavelength!

If you wanna see what I did, look waaay back in the Fanfiction boards, on page 4. My idea was one of the first fanfics on the forum, back in '08. It’s a crossover with a certain espionage-themed TV show, and I’d love to hear your opinions on it (preferably I’d be grateful if someone can bump this thread back into awareness with a critique or compliment :mrgreen:).

The most surprising thing is, my villain is actually quite similar to Professor Z, if you search up his model on Google. :wink:

And I’m thinking of resurrecting this long dormant crossover fanfic if I get enough interested parties. So do have a look, and lemme know what you think, Pixarteers!

Fight? I’ll start another one. You guy’s are all
uh, NERDS, yeah, haha, NERDS! I am evil, am I. :smiling_imp: 8D

Nerds? That’s kinda lame, don’t ya think? Though, with the rules limiting to what can be said on a froum, I guess that’s the worst. So, ouch
 That hurt. I will now go cry under my pillow :stuck_out_tongue:

@thedriveintheatre Sounds kinda cool, I will make sure I check it out especially since you gave me such great comments on my fanfic, I feel compelled to do the same!

Garrett,you there?

I’m here! Anyone wanna go in the chatroom? I haven’t got the chance to use it yet!

Yes, yes I am :slight_smile: what’s up?

I like you’re siggy pic Garrett (may I call you that?). Too bad King retired though

Call me anything (but Garebear) lol awww thanks! :smiley:

Garebear? :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: