Pixarteers Thread!

Lol when I was in school a lot of girls called me Garebear. Now only Ami calls me Garebear lol

Garebear! LOL, I used to have a crush on a guy at school named Garrett and I always imagined that when we dated I would call him that. Funny thing is, we went to a school dance together and I realized I didn’t like him and now everbody at school will remember it for eternity and always remind me. :blush:

What happend? You just wasn’t into him anymore? :astonished:

Awwwwwwww so sorry to hear that :frowning: there where like 3 or 4 guys with Garrett ass gthere name in my middle school :laughing:

// Yeah in school they would say “Awww Garebear! I want a hug.” -.- lol

No comprende tu
 :~o :laughing:

LOL. I’m surprised there are so many guys with that name. At my school it’s really uncommon, actually the Garrett I know, his real name is actually John but he goes by his middle name. And my vice principal is Mr.Garrett.

Yeah lol
// lol Garrett Leslie McNabb (my full name) sometimes I wish my name was just David lol

Are you by any chance related to Donovan McNabb? :laughing:

My real first name is Rebecca. I don’t really like it. :confused: You can call me Becca though if you like. Just not Becky, for some reason my mother hates that nickname, yet names her child Rebecca. XD

Haha, the way my parents named me is very confusing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ooh, an argument! 8D

so, how goes it, peoples?

Not bad. We were just discussing our names and how we got them etc.

xCarsluverx: lol I might be some how related to him but, I think it’s best If I don’t say how I think he is.

Becca: lol ok, ok xD :laughing:

Grace: lol xD

Virginia: Not much, took a quick shower just now.

Cool! My name is(duh) Virginia. I got it from my dad’s grandmother.

Cool, Garrett! Hope you smell like soap. 8D

LOL yes, I would hope so. That’s cool Virginia, I have the same middle name as my grandmother and my mother and my great grandmother I believe, which is the only name really passed down in the family.

My name was supposed to be Emma after my great grandmother, I think, but my dad at the last second talked my mom into changing it to Emily, which is my real name. :stuck_out_tongue: And then for some crazy reason they decided they liked my middle name (Grace) better, so I’ve been called that all my life. :laughing:
And Hola, Virginia! :slight_smile:

Hallo, Grace!(that was hello in German)

My middle name is Anne, my dad’s mother’s middle name.

I adore any Cars fan fictions!! :slight_smile: I have many to catch up with still. :frowning: School is annoying.

lol I smell like soap, lavender, and such xD

Good. :wink: