Pixarteers Thread!

That’s funny how that ends up happening sometimes! I know a couple people who are like that too. And about school Jessie…I KNOW! And I never have the chance to visit on weekends so whenever I come back on Monday there are LOADS of posts to catch up on!

lol now I’m wearin nothing but black…

Homeschool!!! :smiley:

I’m slightly confused as to the meaning of pixarteer. Aren’t all members except spammers and trolls pixarteers?


Is red a type of bananna?

Yes! :smiley:

I’m hungry.

then eat :stuck_out_tongue:

Public School!!! LOL just had to throw that in there. What is the homeschool life like? I’ve always wanted to try it but I am quite content with public school most of the time.

Me,personally I love it…sometimes I stay up till 2:00 in the morning…

Yeah that’s something I can’t do. Not when I have to get up at 6:30 the next morning! I don’t mind public school too much though because I have had the chance to make amazng friends through school. :slight_smile:

I find it to be quiet, but very convenient, as you don’t need to get permission to take time off during the year, and you don’t really have a schedule and stuff like that. I absolutely love it. :slight_smile:

I used to be home schooled. Then I dumped it so I could have “friends”. :frowning: I was so stupid then…

That’s cool. I only know a few people who are homeschooled. They switched from public to homeschool and let’s just say they are…um, the type of people you would consider “drop-outs”. They either got kicked out of school or claim that they do homeschooling when you know they aren’t and will never get a diploma. :neutral_face: What do you mean Virginia? Do you regret your choice?

Yes. I wish I could go back.

Awww. :frowning: What is so awful about it?

Public school? It’s boring, and I have 3 friends. Most people are very cruel.

Who likes this hair cut?

I love it!!

School: I’m sorry to hear that. I agree it can be very boring but at the same time it’s all I’ve known my entire life. I don’t have the option to be homeschooled. It is a different experience for everyone. I have many good friends which helps and I find school to be quite easy most of the time (excluding math!). It also depends on your school. I know there are very mean kids in all schools though, I have been lucky and have learned to be a friendly person and avoid conflicts with them.
The Hair: Very unique, I wouldn’t be brave enough to cut it that short though!
And: I G2G now. Talk to you guys later!!! Bye. :slight_smile:

Homeschooling is kinda boring to what regular school was. Ok! Cya!