Pixarteers Thread!

I’d never want to be home schooled. I’ll get stir crazy from being in the house with the same exact people every single day. I’d rather wake up early, sit in class, and come home. If not being home, going out with friends to movies and stuff after school.

Bye, MC!! :smiley:

You just hit the nail on the head :confused: Kinda what it’s exactly like, but with some friends… // just aaate dinner, got to go somewhere soon.

I have to fold my baby sister’s entire dresser of clothes!! :frowning:

Wow. Lol I had to do that once for my sis. Two hours later… :laughing:

I hate folding clothes!!!

Hahaha me too! :stuck_out_tongue: which is why it took 2 hours xD I got sidetracked by the… Ummm… Toy pony :open_mouth: :laughing:

8D I get distracted by anything.

I do that when I clean my room. While cleaning, I’ll find something I haven’t seen in years, and then I’ll stop what I’m doing just to play with it for a billion years. o_0

8D Exactly. I do that all the time. “Ooh! A shiny thing! <3”

Yeah :laughing: xD "Oh it’s my Camaro hot wheels car! plays cops and robbers with it for about an hour :laugh:

I literally have a bag full of cars, mostly broken, but from my childhood.

I’ve always loved cars and I’ve always had them around me, but if you point to a car and ask me what it is, I can’t tell you.

lol I can identify most cars, and tell you abouut them. Tho, in learning about it I had to spend some time with a bunch of old guys who, where suggestive also my knowledge is mostly of Mopars and older cars. Which is all I need :slight_smile:

Boo!! ;-p :sunglasses:

Never in my life have I seen a Mopar. I’ve never heard of one until I met you. Is it American? I’m only questioning it due to the fact that I’ve never seen one. It’s also probably since I’m too young, but just in case that isn’t why, I’m still curious.

Course ya have there are millions and millions on the road in America! They are Dodge, Chrysler, Plymouth, AMC, and Jeep!

Hi Garrett!

Hola! lol :slight_smile:

Whea tha heck is Ami? :laughing:

So busy, and grounded until she gets a job :frowning: