Disney won’t do a Bible film. I bet my spine on it.
The main reason is there could be some people all over them for doing that. Some people think Christmas is a word that shoulden’t be said on TV. So Disney doing a film on the Bible would have them go crazy.
It doesn’t bother me, I just doubt severe;y it would happen.
Just because they have a similar setting, it wouldn’t be riping off. It’s not like Dreamworks has a monopoly on movies set in Egypt.
Still, not going to happen.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure Disney’s going to steer well away from the bible.
Another setting I’d like to see is renaissance Italy, although I’m not sure how they could build a story around it.
What 2D film should have it’s next blu ray release with Disney releasing a couple of new ones?
Italy would be awesome!!
Hey guys, all this talk about locations of Disney films and what they can do reminds me of this killer picture.
The only problem I see is Pinocchio. Which is set in Northern Italy, not Germany.
Oh, I thought it was Germany. But then I don’t remember that movie at all.
Yeah, the original books and the movie are set in an Italian villiage. The architecture is what we associate with German. But the fact is, that sort of traditional Alps wooden architecture is found in Southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Northern Italy.
Oh, cool!
That’s such a cool map! But yeah, how could they get a detail like that off?? The book was Italian, lol.
I love it when people try to paste broad universes like the Disney canon together.
Yes! I love it whenever the Disney movies come together.
England seems like a populer place.
I think England and France are overused and stereotypical.
I agree. Out of the all fairy tales that take place in North America. ParF is the only one unless you count Enchanted.
I prefer that they take place in distant places. American ones are more boring and untraditional.
How about South America.
I just relized something. Did they ever go back to his home land? It seems they stay in New Orleans. But America really dosen’t have princess’s and prince’s.
They ned one south of the border fo sho!
Brazil would be a nice place. I may see one there.