Sweet Treats!

If you remember my Brad Bird sig that I wore in relation to the Ratatouille DVD (the one-disc), I poked fun at him for releasing a bare-bones DVD. Well, it wouldn’t be right for Pixar to go overboard with WALL•E and release a 3-disc (even though the third disc is just a Disney File I could do without) and for me to not thank them for it…

And it looks like Andrew Stanton has gotten into the mood of Movember, too. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s a neat sig, Rachel! Great that you paid tribute to Mr Stanton (and took a jibe at Mr Bird last year, though I don’t think either one of them has as much say as the home entertainment release guys in what format their films get released in).

It looks to more like a photo manip, though it could really be Mr Stanton leaning on a giant Wall-E standee. Is it? If you created that composition yourself, where did you get the respective images of Mr Stanton and Wall-E? (I’m curious as to what he was leaning on in the original photo if it was indeed was a composite)

I love the background too! (Is that from the ‘Art of’ book?)

And it’s the first time I heard of the Movember phenomenon! Though I think he wore his five o’clock shadow anytime I see his photos and interviews (I’ve never seen him clean-shaven!)

EDIT I’ve seen his photos of him holding his Oscar for Finding Nemo, and he look so much more…juvenile! :smiley:

I like your new sig, Rachel! Good idea to pay tribute to Mr. Stanton. And those massive WALL-E eyes are adorable. Is he leaning on them? Heh. :smiley: I wish there actually was a 3-disk over here, but I won’t hold it against him. :laughing:

Excellent siggy rachel. I like it.

Thanks for the feedback, y’all! =)

The Star Swordsman - Thanks! =)

lizardgirl - Yeah, it’s him leaning on a cardboard WALL•E. Well, you can always order the 3-disc over the 'net… :wink:

thedriveintheatre - I don’t think either one of them has that much of a say of the format their films get released, but that’s why it’s a little bit funny, because I’m singling out the director for kudos, heheh. No, I didn’t composite that image (I’m pretty bad at Photoshopping), I just found a publicity image, and thought the background looked nice. You can click here for the original image. I think the BG of that photoshoot is from a Pixarian artist, but I’m not sure if it’s from the Art of book, and I’m too lazy to check. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, you should see pictures of Andrew Stanton from his early days at Pixar, like before Toy Story was even released - he looks so young!

You’re totally welcome rachel.

Rachel - I love your “Andrew Stanton-ified” signature! Your newest one (highlighting the Pixar Planet awards) is pretty neat, as well. Nice work! :wink:

Ouch! :laughing:

– Mitch

Hey, that was a compliment for Andrew Stanton, not an insult. :stuck_out_tongue: But seriously, he does look so young in the behind the scenes of Toy Story, I just had to mention it. =)

Thanks. But how did you know that I made that signature? TSS is wearing it, too, so he could have created it. Heheh. :wink: But yeah, it was me that made it.

Rachel - Ohh, I see. Heheh. Whoops! Sorry about that. I sounded like an insult to me, though. :laughing:

Heheh. Very true. But, you see, it has that “flavor” to it that deems that it’s yours. Only you could have made such a pristine-looking signature in that particular style. :wink:

– Mitchn

Yeah I remember that Brad Bird one! It made me laugh. That was a neat idea thanking Andrew for a ‘proper’ version of WALL-E :slight_smile:

Mitch - “Pristine”? Golly, thank you very much.

lennonluvr9 - Yeah, I couldn’t let Pixar release an awesome DVD set like WALL•E and not thank them for it! Thanks for the feedback. =D

Here’s the signature I created for the Pixar Planet Awards…

What do you guys think? The trophy is mass-produced by the BnL brand, and even though you probably can’t read it in the sig, it says “World’s Best Dad” on it (which is so hilarious, when you think about thousands of identical trophies saying that, ha ha.) You may have also noticed The Star Swordsman wearing this signature, too. Keep an eye on it because it will change with every stage of the awards. :slight_smile:

Ooh… your sig got me real excited, rachel! Was that a source image, or did you composite that? “World’s Best Dad” indeed! Laugh out loud! :smiley:

I’m sad I missed the nominating period due to my vacation :frowning:, but I’m real looking forward to seeing the nominees. I don’t mean to sound pushy, but when will they be announced?

Haha, ironic, “World’s Best Dad”. :laughing: I really like it, Rachel; it’s simple but effective and very professional-looking.

I like it too rachel. I think it looks really good on me. :laughing:

thedriveintheatre - The image of the trophy is scanned from the WALL•E sticker book. Some really cute stickers in that one… Heheh, well if my signature got you excited for the awards, then it’s done its job, then! Thanks - that’s good to know. And the finalists have already been announced, buddy! :wink: Click my sig to see.

lizardgirl - Yeah, I thought that joke was really funny, too. Ha ha. 8D Thanks for the feedback!

The Star Swordsman - I think it looks good on you, too. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, since everybody else seems to be getting into the Christmas spirit, I thought I should, too. Here’s a Christmas message from your jolly pal, Santa Hal!

He already had the Kremies ‘beard’ so all it took was putting a Santa hat on top to finish the little cockroach’s costume off (the Santa hat image was provided by Fett101 in the signature thread.) But unfortunately, I’m dedicated to promoting the awards until it’s almost Xmas, so can’t wear this signature until then, but I was too excited to wait until then to show you guys. :slight_smile:

I may have some other Xmas siggies up my sleeve, too, but I’ll see how I go for time…

Awwww, a really cute siggy rachel. I love the little hat on him.

Aw, sweet, Rachel! Look at ickle Hal! Heh. And someone just had to do a WALL-E pun this Christmas. :laughing:

Love it- it’s so cute. It oughta be in an official Christmas card! It’s great to get a “Merry Christmas” from a Pixar cockroach. Good job, rachel!

That’s absolutely adorable, rachel! I feel a sudden craving for Twinkies (or “Twiggies” as they’re called here) now… why didn’t I think of that pun earlier? :smiley:

Can’t wait for the Wall-E X-Mas sigs if you have the time you make them…

Thank you, everyone! :smiley:

TSS - Gracias! Yeah, Hal does look really cute… :slight_smile:

lizardgirl - Well, if anyone was going to do a WALL•E pun, it would have been me. 8D

bright dot-dasher - Thanks. Hmm, yeah, I can see a 2-D version of Santa Hal on an Xmas card.

TDIT - TY! That reminds me, I really need to see if they sell Twinkies at the supermarket, still.