The Incredibles vs The Fantastic Four

What’s wrong with Iron Man 2? :confused:

I thought that Iron Man 2 was good but not as good as the first film. I just hope that Iron Man 3 isn’t that much of a rushed effort since they had only two years to work on the film.

Iron Man 2 was entertaining, but nothing very good, while the first one had great value.

Oh. :neutral_face: Okay.

I remember seeing a website somewhere that compared toe Incredibles to the Fantastic four, and they basically said The Incredibles was a direct rip-off. :frowning:

Some people can’t understand what a “parody” is. Poor thing.

Again, I don’t know anything(or much, I should say)about the F4 comics canon, but I think the movie The Inredibles is much better than either F4 movie.

The Incredibles is definitely better than both Fantastic Four films. I like the Fantastic Four comics as much as The Incredibles.

The only comics I ever got into was Spiderman. In 2009, when they began producing the Incredibles comics, I bought some. But I stopped, because it wasn’t satisfying to me. It was too different from the movie.

I love Spider-Man comics. It’s funny because with most comic book adaptions I always think they make them too different from the comics.

8D Yeah, that is funny. Do you like the Spiderman movies? I like the first 2, but not the third.

The first two Spider-Man movies were good films, but some things really bothered me like how much they changed The Green Goblin costume and took his bag of tricks away (they put everything in his glider) and no finger blasts. But the first two were good films, the third was pretty bad.

Well, I think they wanted the movies to be more serious. If he looked like in the comics, he wouldn’t be very threatening.

I suppose. But he is supposed to sort of look like a joke and then be the most threatning Spider-Man villain.

That makes sense. I just personally think it might be odd in a movie like that. Just my opinion.

I didn’t think Spiderman 3 was all that bad. I was just upsect that Venom got very little development. I mean, he gets knocked off to the side for emo Peter.

I greatly dislike 3.

Spider-Man 3 isn’t as good as the rest, but it’s not as bad as some people say either.

I won’t say it’s horrible. But I do not like it.

I just remember laughing inappropriately a lot during Spider-Man 3. 8D I feel bad for saying that, but some parts just seemed so ridiculous it was stupid. Still, not completely awful.

Exactly! Many parts were just silly to me. And I despise the ending.