things that freaked you out as a kid

Basically, this scares me today. What scares me is when you hear a noise in the basement. When you hear something in the dark, all alone, you run the hell out of there! Or turn on the light.

Those 2 twins from the shining that say “come play with us danny. Forever and ever and ever.” Still creeps me out.

Oh, so many things used to scare me as a kid.
Spiders, death, wolves, kidnappers, and Chuckie (I rather spend a night in a room with Jason and Freddie Kruger then watch this movie again!).
I actually used to check my bathroom for kidnappers and wolves. And by wolves, I mean “The Big Bad Wolf”

I used to be scared to death of the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Knuckles Game Over jingle. It’s like you were killed instead of Sonic. He’s my video game hero. I don’t like to see him die! :laughing:

I’m scared of people, as well as needles(When I was 7, I had a spinal infection. 27 shots, 14 piclines. It was ugly.)

I’m also scared of people. Especially when I have to TALK to them. :open_mouth: But my biggest fear is…throwing up. I call it The Fear because I don’t like to say the word. I had a panic attack once because of it. (and it turned out my little brother didn’t even do it.)


EDIT- Please do not post multiple screen caps of a large size, as it may take a while to load on some people’s computers. Thanks!


ugh… THX. When I was young, I would cry EVERY SINGLE TIME. I’ve gotten over it, but I still skip it. :blush:

The ads I used to see for visiting Toronto. It was also advertising Phantom of the Opera and the commercial consisted of the Phantom’s mask in the sky just hanging there above the Toronto skyline. It proceeded to go from daytime into night. It was accompanied by what i thought at the time was some pretty eerie music and a scary narrator saying things like “Resist no longer!” Flipped me out when I was about 5 or 6.

I always thought that there were weird creatures under my bed, and our dining table! I would never put my feet on the floor, then the creatures would eat them! I also didn’t (and still dont) like loud dogs that barks all the time. :laughing:

Anyone remember Courage the Cowardly Dog? When I was a small child, I was absolutely terrified of that show! Some of the things that happened in it were just so creepy and it just had an overall dark and sinister feel to it. I still don’t know why they showed that show to children!

I was also really scared of my bedroom closet and I had to sleep with the its door closed. There were a bunch of white coat hangers hanging in there, and in the dim moonlight they kind of looked like skeleton bones.

Haha, i still watch Courage it’s awesome! ^
I was actually freaked out of natural things, not creatures… I watched Volcano and Dantes Peak reaaaaally young and was so scared about a Volcano happening near by haha (and killing everyone)

I loved it, but that was probably because I was too old to be scared anyway (around 12?). I always chuckle when the bad guys took so long to get to Courage, and how he would always save Muriel and Eustace while they remained unaware.

I remember this one memorable scene from one episode where this fox kidnapped Muriel to make her into a stew. Courage was hanging off a cliff, and the fox stomped on his hand to get him to let go. I laughed like crazy for some reason (probably because the fox stepped lightly several times instead of just driving his heel down once). :laughing:

Most of my childhood scares were from movies:

The clown and electrocution nightmare sequence from The Brave Little Toaster.
Any scenes with Hopper in A Bug’s Life.
The subway worker who saves the train driver but melts in a pool of lava in Volcano.
The part where Hercules swims through the Pool of Souls and turns old in Hercules.
The reveal of the Mutant Gang in Toy Story.
The guy who got eaten by a T-Rex while on a toilet in Jurassic Park.
Some Goosebumps and Are You Afraid of the Dark episodes.
Believe it or not, a Kilometrico pen advertisement, I was scared when they played a ‘hearbeat’ sound effect at the end.

Taken TDIT’s list… and amended it as most of its the same… except the “Some” should be “ALL”

I’m positive there are more but I cannot remember what they are!

They freaked me out so much!
Which is now weird because WALL-E is my favorite animated film, haha.

Anyway, another thing that freaked me out and still does are Butterflys. They are creepy!

NEEDELS!!! :cry: Wait, does it count if it still does?

As strange as it is? The old intro for Disney films.

Just looking those up gave me the creeps. :neutral_face:


The big purple McDonalds character. Its just creepy. What is it!?

Probably because I had a nightmare as a child that my dad turned into one.

(although as an adult I think that’d be preferable :p)

I really freaked out if I ever see/hear any HIV/AIDS word or advert.

In fact it still give me creeps. Eek!

With black, red and white…such intense doesn’t it?