Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

well sounds good i guess i also dont think big baby would make it to the market if he doesnt im at least hopeing we get the pricklepants the dolly the buttercup and the twitch that was mentioned also a good sparks chunk i dont really mind since i already bought the chunk that was made by thinkway which is in scale and very accurate

Seriously?? Release all the Bonnie’s Toys and NO TRIXIE??? The one character that NEEDS a realistic model…DS stores ones are good enough for most.

…well this just plain sucks. If they were going to release Bonnie’s stuffed toys, I’d have though they would be sold together as a 3/4 pack (depending on whether they made the peas). I kind of understand why Twitch is in there, but Big Baby? Unless it has its crayon markings hidden under the outfit so that you can change him from new to old by pulling it off (not sure how they’d do the eye though) what use is a brand new baby toy?
I’m hoping that they’re making wave 3 bigger than the past ones, and that they were only showing the finalised prototypes. Unless Big Baby or Twitch have electronics in them, there didn’t seem to be any higher priced toys in the wave. Here’s hoping they reveal Mrs. P, Trixie, TSC Zurg and the Prospector at the next toy convention. :unamused:

Is there any website that will be posting pictures from this event?

Sounds like a pretty weak lineup. A new Twitch is a waste. Wasn’t a big character and the version we have is good enough. Didn’t someone who had inside info say there was no chance of TSC versions of Sparks, Twitch, and Chunk anyway? I have absolutely no interest in a U-command Zurg, and I doubt many other people do either, including kids. U-Command Buzz is an absolute shelf-clog already. Most of the others sound unlikely to make it to retail too. A new looking Big Baby doesn’t really make sense. It doesn’t work as a display piece, since it doesn’t represent the character, and it will undoubtedly be too overpriced to even appeal as a normal baby doll. Out of that list I’d only really be interested in Pricklepants, and that’s if he’s made well enough, which will surprise me. The Hawaiian Woody and Buzz don’t really surprise me though. I had been thinking that a 3rd Wave coming out this late would need a rehash of a main character to anchor it. Though those versions probably wouldn’t count as TSC now that I think about it.

If they dont include Trixie in the wave, I’m not buying a single Bonnie’s Room character and stick to the disney plushes…no point of getting a $50 pricklepants if i’ll never have Trixie…

ill be pissed if mrs potaohead doesn’t make it either…have to buy another spud head, and sculpt pieces

So, no Bo Peep,Pete, Zurg and Ms. Potato Head… what a waste of time waiting for wave 3…
I can´t understand why we can buy a Lotso but not Stinky Pete… and what about Bo or Ms Potato Head, to femenine character with importan support in 2 of 3 movies! Also, most of the TSC new way toys are Plushies? Where is Trixie?

I´m really disappointed with this line up. Hope The change it before release.

We need to complete WR, we need to complete TS1-2 main characters cast.

I was waiting for someone to doubt my report, it’s fair enough as I’m new to the forums. There were no leaks for the previous two waves (that I’m aware of)and with regard to it coming out so fast, Toy Fair was yesterday!! so that’s when the info came out!! I have no reason to lie or embelish the truth… I’m as much a fan as anyone on this forum and want some of these toys in a big way (still not bothered by non-messed up Big Baby!) If you choose not to believe my report that is fair enough but wait until later this week when hopefully some pictures from the show emerge or next month at US Toy Fair and you’l see that I have made nothing up.
I would be suprised if the US Toy Fair had anything to add to what I saw, the thing to remember is that these shows are not for fans but for the retailers (TESCO, WAL-MART, TRU) and to get their commercial buyin to these toys, there would be little point of holding things back.

I’m not suprised by the selection wave 1 was Toy Story specific, wave 2 TS2 specific so if you follow that trend it was pretty obvious that wave 3 was going to be TS3 specific, the shock is no Trixie! I would hope that a further forth wave would include missing key characters from all the films so…
wave 4:
Trixie, Stinky Pete, Zurg, stretch and Bo Peep
I would add though the amount of new toys I saw would in my opinion constitute more than one new wave of toys

The new figures don’t sound that great. In fact, I’m not particularly interested in any of them.

Hopefully Zurg will be released as a TSC figure or even as part of Thinkway’s non-TSC range.

The remainder of the figures really aren’t that interesting. I’m surprised that they’re making an “original” Big Baby, but not a screen-accurate Big Baby. And I’m definitely surprised there is no Trixie! In addition to Zurg, Mrs Potato Head and Stinky Pete the Prospector, Trixie seemed like a “must have” figure.

Hopefully Toy Fair in February will provide more details about Thinkway’s products.

Some of the omissions I can understand. The Prospector is not appealing to fans under 11 (“A stinky old man doll!”), a movie-accurate Zurg would be a logistical nightmare (The Ion-Blaster alone would be pretty complicated), and Bo Peep is a very fun toy to begin with (Maybe a DS version could work, like their Hamm). But Mrs. P just makes fiscal sense, since the already have the old model to work with. Weird…

i do find it hard to believe but im starting to inch closer and closer ive always been a bit of a skeptic so dont take it the wrong way and welcome to the forums

You’ve every right to be sceptical from a newbie, but rest assured all I’ve said is true, I genuinely hope that there is more to be revealed at US Toy Fair though.
Thanks for the welcome!

I dont get it why did they make a new twitch when there is already a near pefect one, they should make stretch and a sparks that can become taller and stuff. And am i the only one who would by a big baby even if it wouldent have a broken eye or tatoons?

twitch to me makes sense as they probably will just stick a voice box and a few new buttons on the current model. I would think Mrs. P would make alot of sense too with the current model, but Mr. P might have not been selling to well. Looking at the already produced acurate non-TSC versions that Thinkway has I would have expected a Chunk also. His molding would be done. Just had a voice box and a couple of new buttons.

I am most surprised by no zurg, Stinky Pete, or Trixi. They are the ones I wanted most and seem to be the most popular choices of other collectors.

Unless the Bonnie Plush ones come together in a set, I will be buying the Disney Store ones. $30-50 for a small plush toy is just crazy

It also could be possible that some of the other characters aren’t being made because they were unable to reach agreements with the voice actors for production. Just a thought

Mr. Potatohead is clearly not a great seller…but it’s a $50 Mr. Potaohead…and it’s NOT screen accurate…doesn’t have back compartment, seperate eyes or feet, etc…

Even if he’s not a great seller, they could at least produce a Mrs. Potatohead in smaller quantities…it might not sell great for $50, but it would sell a fair amount in the $35 range…it does on amazon, Target when they went on clearance, etc…

Hi i know most of you know me from the Toy Story Replica thread but I finally posted on here. I heard about the news of the wave 3 line up. I’m pretty upset too but I would still want Mr.PricklePants,Dolly,Buttercup and Big Baby. I can keep Big Baby the way it is or easily mod it if possible. It stinks that there is no Zurg because he would go perfect with Buzz and most of us can’t complete Woody’s Roundup Gang without Stinky Pete. Also I don’t why they would make another Twitch because I’m fine with the one now even without sounds or his staff. Trixie should totally be in wave 3 because she’s Rex’s new friend and could easily be made by the same materials. I still think we should also have Mrs. P but a lot more characters too. The last movie already came out we still need some old characters too like from TS1 and TS2 like Hockey Puck and Troikas. Even though a lot of in this forum made our own customs, some of us don’t have too much artistic talent or the right materials.

Wheezy…would it have been too much to ask for TSC Wheezy. He would have been a great pocket money price point addition to the line :frowning:

Yea that would be awesome but good thing it wouldn’t have to be electronic because they would have to find John Ranft’s voice in their files or would have someone else do the voice. A TSC Lenny would be good too because he wouldn’t require electronics and not everyone can go to TS3 on ice.

Hey Doomseeker can you go into greater detail about the Mr. Potato Head you saw?

By the way, I just joined. Long time reader first time poster.

They took the risk with Big Baby, but I’m glad they did. Like I said months ago, they could get the appeal of it simply being a quality babydoll to younger audiences, and the fact that it’s a replica for all fans.

I’m glad that they’ll finally be making a large scale Zurg. Again, Toy Story Collection would’ve made the most sense, but it doesn’t matter as long as the final product is of good quality.

Looks like the elusive non-TSC Potato Heads have finally surfaced. I don’t expect it to be perfect, like you said, but it’s a step in the right direction.

Now about Stinky Pete and Rocky Gibraltar…