Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

I’ve searched the net too and haven’t heard a whisper that would corroborate any of these claims unfortunately. I hate to doubt people, i guess i’m just hopeful that wave 3 will offer much more than a few supporting character toys.

Fingers crossed.

Despite the lack of a Trixie (the only character I’m honestly surprised about at all), I’m super excited about the lineup for Wave 3! Its a shame I most likely won’t be able to buy them all, but I definitely will get Zurg. I’d like to get Big Baby as well, to modify it, but I think I need a Lotso first.

kyle i feel the same way as you i was actually the first one to feel skeptic about what he is saying first off he just came to the thread and started saying all these things 2nd ive searched every site i know for some kind of info on what he is saying here and have not found 1 bit of proof to back up what he is saying and come on people dont you think there would be some kind of video or leak somewhere by now?

I think that if he was making it up then he would have told the wave 3 that everyone has been expecting for the past few months, “trixie, mrs. p, zurg, stinky pete”.

Somehow the fact that the lineup is completely different than that makes it seem more credible to me. Don’t know if that makes sense, but oh well.

it makes perfect sense i would believe him but the reason i dont is not a single leak not even any articles about it anywhere isnt that weird dont you think there would be a video an article anything out there to back him up well theres not which is why im so skeptic.

The thing about leaks is, they’re just leaks. Nothing shown at something like this toy fair is supposed to be seen by the public, which is why there are no pictures. I’ve looked up other things that I know was at the same toy fair and didn’t find much at all. The security must have been really tight, simple as that. Just hold on, more info could come out any day now.

I wanna see the 2011 Hasbro NonTSC Potato Heads!

But like I said, while pictures weren’t allowed, video was. so if this is legit my question would be why are there no videos of it? or pics? the no camera rule isn’t too easily enforced these days when every phone has a camera. Also worth noting is that there’s nothing to be found here. … 11_preview

An no similar reports of simply seeing these things. Doomseeker says he didn’t have a professional need to be there. understandable. but if he was able to get as close as he was, then so should many others. both insiders and other people covering the event. I’m not completely discrediting him, I still think everything sounds believable. its probably true if he were making it up it would be more in line of what we actually wanted to see in wave 3, rather than disappointing, yet oddly specific additions like a U-command Zurg. I just grow a bit more skeptic the more time passes and still we have no other indication that they had any presence.

Regardless we’ll know soon enough when the US toy fair hits. That probably gets a lot more coverage. Still, if anyone finds anything solid to go on, by all means share it with us.

Kyle raises some good points…I also think its possible that even if Pricklepants, etc are being prototyped that those aren’t the ONLY ones…

I mean, Thinkway has been getting annoying emails from several of us regarding Wave 3…I have a hard time believing that after getting questions about Stinky Pete, Zurg, Trixie, Mrs. P, etc that they’d come out with a wave, practically NO ONE is asking for…I mean, I can see the bonnie’s toys but Big Baby? REALLY? not even a replica big baby, but a new in box baby doll? Not to mention the ONLY plush they’ve made to date is Lotso, and suddenly a very plush heavy wave?

If that is the whole wave, and they make the plush Bonnies toys but no Trixie, they are seriously off their nut.

Why is Big Baby so bad and if they ever made a toy story collection one it is supose to come as new not like the one in sunnyside.

Let’s say your collecting toys…list these in order you want to have:

Mrs P
Big Baby which is completely inaccurate

Now rank which ones are worth $50

if Big Baby is last on your list, i’d be surprised

Inaccurate by who’s definition? It would be accurate. Just to the flash back and not the rest of the movie. They wouldn’t sell a naked baby doll with pen scribbles any more than they would woody and buzz with Andy written on the foot. not for the toy story collection at least. they’ve made it clear your not buying the Woody or the Lotso, your buying a Lotso, or a big baby or ( whatever). One of many. If you want to take it further as the owner your free to do so. I do get the appeal of a post sunny side version of big baby, but your wanting this line to be something it was never meant to be. Instead, hope that they make a cheaper full scale big baby.

I don’t find any of the info to sound suspicious on its own. I don’t doubt it just because its not what I wanted to hear. If anything I’d be surprised if we weren’t dissapointed in some ways. that’s just how fans role. theres always going to be a give and take between what the dedicated fans like us want versus what is profitable. Its more about what we’re not hearing, from other sources that I need more convincing.

Also, random thought; what if you could have big baby both ways? the parts under the clothes could easily be given the correct markings, since they would just be covered by clothes anyway. so the only problem I see would be finding a way to make the marks on his arms appear and disspear, and a way to “break” one of the eyes. perhaps you would press an eyeball in like a button to turn it off. and as for the skin, they could do something with water or something that hides/reveals the markings. I dunno, just throwing out some ideas. If its going to be 50 bucks I can see them packing it with at least some of these features.

Yowsa! bit of a backlash! I understand everyone querying my claims…heck I’d be suspect if someone came along with no pics and made claims about the things I care about. Toy Story was a low key property at this years event…sorry but it’s true. It is a strictly no photos event, most images that have come out have been at the agreement of the likes of Hasbro. I work in licensing and attend many events (which is great cause I’m a fan) but I have to keep that in check…sure I could have taken pics but I have my professional reputation to consider and being kicked out of Toy Fair for taken pics would not be cool. There are many things that haven’t leaked that were there that in Toy terms are 10X bigger in the UK than Toy Story - Doctor Who, Cars 2, Lego… none of these have “LEAKED” but if images have surfaced more than likely they have been allowed. I have my fingers crossed that images will surface from US Toy Fair to back up what I’ve been saying…it’s frustrating to read people doubting you when you know full well what you saw…but I understand it. You doubters will be proved wrong! :smiley:

Toy Story 3 isn’t big news this year so very little focus from the press. The only real way that a leak was going to happen was from a fan (like me) who had nothing to lose (not like me). Try finding iamges from Cars 2 (there was loads on show that I could have taken pictures of) or Doctor Who…there is nothing on the web…this isn’t what happend at the UK show. The US one is a much different affair where fan sites are invited and allowed to take pics…doesn’t happen here (at least not yet)

YouAreAToy…looking forward to a big Andy’s room “I was wrong to doubt you” shout out when all I’ve said is shown at US Toy Fair :smiley: :smiley:

I’ve had a PM asking for more detail on Mr Pricklepants and I though only fair to share my comments to all (if you believe me that is :wink: )
Size-wise he was very similar to the current DS plush. The gold buckles and buttons were plastic/metal and detailed. His eyes looked correct and made of plastic, the fur had a multi-tone aspect to it like in the movie - not like the current plush. Don’t recall seeing anything about electronics.

The box was a closed box that you could open to see the toy inside…to replicate the theatre aspect, and the print on the box was red curtains. Next to the Toy was the certificate of authenticity

Doom by all means if i was wrong i will give you a huge apology and will admit i am wrong i have no problem with it im kind of half and half on it right now i feel you may be right casue you describe these items with such detail but then i feel skeptic casue i cant find anything on the web about these but anyway if you are right and this is indeed wave 3 ill apologize and say i was wrong when the time comes for now looks like im your mortal enemy (sarcasm at the end) :laughing:

Are you Zurg to my Buzz or the other way round :smiley:

Look I totally get the sceptisism, I’ve looked too and found nothing but haven’t been able to find very much from Toy Fair UK, sneeky shots of the new Thundercats toys and approved Star Wars but not much else. used to do an annual report from UK toy Fair covering everything but that site hasn’t been update since Christmas so I worry that it’s gone down so no good report!

I wouldn’t be suprised for 1 or 2 of the toys I saw never seen the commercial light of day (in the same way I saw Hamm 2 years ago)but I really hope (for my own rep) that pics surface from US Toy Fair

Is it possible to get some additional details on the Hawaiian variants of Woody, Buzz and Jessie?

Are they exactly the same as the existing Thinkway TSC figures, but with a cloth/material Hawaiian shirt over the top or were there other changes to the figures as well?

If Thinkway are producing figures for the Toy Story short with Cars 2, then maybe Mattel will do the same and we’ll see Hawaiian versions of Ken abd Barbie as well?

As much as I may hate to say it, I absolutely believe that Doomseeker saw what he saw. Whether or not that’s the only TSC stuff Thinkway is planning on producing is unknown; even Doomseeker says that it’s not all 100% certain. He’s letting us know what he saw and that’s the best he can do. I say “Thank you” to Doomseeker for his information. This will keep us busy speculating and wondering until the official news comes out.

Also, what does DS stand for?

Hi there! I also a Long time looker and first time poster. I have been collecting the TSC since day one…
my question is, If the Disney Stores and Disney on line have clearanced out the TSC, Crate look box Rex, Woody, Jessie, Bullseye, Buzz ect… also Target and Walmart stores clearanced them out, I can’t for the life of me figure out Why would they re-stock them and raise their prices back up after clearancing them? or better yet Why would they re-stock them to keep them at their clearance prices?
I have a DS at the corner where I live (lucky for me not Lucky for the Husband) they tell me they don’t know what is going to happen as far as the TSC goes?
I asked my DS if they will get anymore resin HAMM banks with cork stopper and they said they hope not. I asked why they say this and there reply was, for every Hamm that we got or put on a shelf one would be broken or one would break or get scratched from being handled. The DS lady said they were a total nightmere.

Is utility belt buzz worth 100 dollars cause thats the cheepest price i can find him for?