Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

Look guys, it’s easy to see why there were no Thinkway Toy Story toys at the Toy Fair. The big movie of the year is Cars 2. If they had Toy Story Toys, it would overshadow the Cars toys. They are going to wait until all the parents have bought up all the cars toys to release the new Toy Story toys. Pixar isn’t going to step on their own feet. They know how to make money. We probably won’t hear much about the Toy Story Toys until around the time that Cars 2 comes out.

That would only make sense assuming the Toy Fair’s purpose was to show off new products to the general public, which isn’t the case, and even then the logic would be questionable.

Haven’t Thinkway themselves confirmed wave 3 for later this year already though. Does anyone remember Thinkway at the previous Toy Fairs. Like I say I saw zurg at Hamm 2 years ago on Vivids stand in the UK and it seems I was the first to ever post on them only 2 weeks ago. It might be that Thinkway just don’t attend US Toy Fair (which is weird I know)

Has anyone ever asked them why they don’t go to Toy Fair? Or their comments on the Wave 3 pieces I saw?

They have attended, that’s how we found out about wave 2 last year.

Your the only one who’s reported seeing a TSC Zurg by the way. (to my knowledge)

Last year is no supprise with TS3 out in the Summer, but what about the year before??? That was when I first saw TSC toys at Toy Fair UK and like I say saw Zurg and Hamm then…can anyone remember back that far? The first I remember seeing of the TSC were the John Lasseter videos on YouTube…I don’t remember anything coming out of NYC Toy Fair. It would be awesome if Lee did his versions of the Youtube videos to announce the wave 3 toys, seeing as they are all from TS3

I know they have confirmed 3 but they could just pull the plug on it mayb not enough hype?Fans might not of liked this lineup ya know just like they pulled the plug on TSC Hamm they can do it to an entire wave if they please.

hey guys-
about 10 years ago, I seriously collected Toy Story stuff- Since I have no way to display them (I have 3 little ones who would love to open all of my NIB items) I decided it’s time to let them go.
Here is my list in case you are looking for anything-

My best item is my Medicom Rocky VCD mint in box! Only 2000 released!

Thanks for looking :slight_smile:

I don’t know what others are finding, but if you’re still looking for Bullseye, don’t panic and run to ebay. Last night at a TRU in NJ I saw two minty fresh Bullseyes on the shelf, so I’m assuming they’re new stock and not a couple stragglers collecting dust since before Christmas. Times are tight, admittedly I was tempted to pick them up and flip 'em myself, but in the end morals won out over greed. I just hope fellow fans find them and not someone looking to make some quick cash. ebay looks pretty flooded with these atm, so that’s another indication that more are being found out in the wild, I’d say.

Anyway, unless this is fluke (or this particular TRU has less traffic than most) I’d say there’s still plenty of hope. Call around, you might get lucky.

Hey guys, I’m as disappointed we haven’t got any new info about wave 3 as you guys are. But, I have not shown you guys my collection yet, so here it goes.

Hope you like them.

How did you remove the helmet???

My 5" Twitch won’t stand, the Woody from that collection feels funny, like it has some toxic paint on it, and the Mr. Pricklepants has something sticking out of its back that I’m pretty sure it doesn’t need…

Mr pricklepnats has a tag sculpted on him that is supposed to be there. Twitches legs twist rotate at the hip, try that

Well just got back from vacation…Going to hit the sack and then head to TRU in the morning and pray there is a bullseye wish me luck guys he is the only one im missing…

Good Luck! If you or anyone else ends up missing out on one, I can get one to you for $90 shipped (in the USA).

I went into TRU tonight and saw every single TSC item(minus rex)!!! I finally scored a jessie so now all I need is Rex and Chunk to compete my collectin of thinkway toys.

Has anybody treid to write “ANDY” on the TSC Jessie’s feet? Because there’s text imprinted on it.

Does anyone still see TSC Rex in the states?

^ No. I saw one in a Disney Store around June of last year, but that’s the only time I’ve every seen one in person.

I live in Canada and we do not get as much TSC stuff then in the US.

But this one time I went to my local TRU and I saw TWO TSC Rex’s. But I didnt buy them. I was sooooo focused on finding Woody lol.

Anyone know how I might hang a paratrooper from my celeing? I keep trying to attach one to some impossibly thin fishing line, (the kind used in magic tricks so it practically invisible), I don’t want to damage the para-shoot in any way, but when I use regular tape it only stays put for a day before it falls. Any ideas on a stronger hold, but not too strong that it messes it up?