Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

okay that sounds good

To this day, the only Rex’s I ever saw in stores were in Disneystores. I’m still on the lookout for a Utility Belt Buzz. I saw him everywhere for a while before Christmas, then he just disappeared.

I’ve found this Rex on if anyone is interested :slight_smile: … 500wt_1156

Then there are 3 others that I’ve found on that are from Israel, China and Japan so therefore the cost for these are very very high but the one off the UK site seems your best bet :smiley:

Only draw back is that if you’re wanting to buy the TSC Rex from the UK site then you will only be able to do this if you order from the UK, they aren’t shipping worldwide.

If anyone still wants a Bullseye, pleas pm me…

You can have one for $70 (including). It’s essentially what I paid + shipping. Bought extras for friends that found them elsewhere


Hi guys, here’s a photo of my current Toy Story Collection that I thought I would share!

Thinking about getting Peas in a Pod to add to the collection soon but not 100% sure yet.

Anyone who has the Peas in a Pod got any good comments to say about them?

Can’t wait to get all the new toys that are to come in Wave 3 this Autumn :smiley:

Yay, it worked!

Nice collection Porkchop!

Hey,guys. I know it’s been a while since i’ve been on here but I’ve been working on something the last couple days and decided i’d share.

“Do we have to hold hands?”

I came across a bin of Potato Heads at garage sale, and most of them were the 80’s version with posable arms. They only wanted $2 for the lot of them, so I grabbed ‘em. I decided to experiment with one of them to see if the posable arms were compatible with the TSC, and turns out they are just about the same size. Stuck them on pegs from the original eyes (as I don’t really need them with the separate replacemens and eyebrows) and viola’. Now my TSC Potato Head has 2 eyes, short legs, and posable arms, and they’re even removable.

Best of all, they wobble around when he moves back and forth. Let me know what you guys think!

EDIT: Yes, the pictures uploaded correctly. Sorry for how blurry the last picture is, my phone won’t focus on what’s in front of it (it’s my only option to upload images to the internet) but that’s the best I could show the new peg on the old arms.

Dang! That’s the most-accurate looking Mr. Potato Head I’ve seen in my life. There’s not even one flaw, except for the Tater Tush. Good job! :smiley:

They seem a little bit small compared to the rest of the body, but being the correct shape makes it all worth it. Nice job.

Yeah, there are flaws there if you ask anyone nitpicky enough like me. The arms are too thin, and the pupils are too small.

Okay apparently it decided not to post… great…

As for the pupils, I had nothing to do with that, and can’t really fix them.

But for the arms, they are the same length as the originals, but the fingers are posed differently, but you’re right, Kyle they are a bit more narrow than the TSC arms.

If you want to get really nitpicky, the mouth is too low, the hat is on backwards, and is not even a TSC hat, it’s a standard Mr.PH Derby with a peg Hot-Glued into place to hit the button.

I just think that posing his arms adds so much personality to him on a shelf. And the irony is the arms having the big seam lines, since it matches the movies better, and the TSC’s didn’t.

So based on what we’ve heard of wave 3, what do you guys think the chances are we’re going to see Mrs. P as part of the line? I’ve been holding off on making my own because I thought for sure she’d get made, but now that doesn’t seem as definite. Thoughts?

i think the chances of mrs p are very low as mr p had really low demand. not many people wanted him
but dont take my word for it… i suggest you wait til wave 3 comes out

has anyone even emailed thinkway asking them whats going on lately

one more thing guys (bere with me) :nerd:

has anyone managed to fix jessies hair or make her wait thinner? :question:

Someone actually put up a guide on how to fix her hair sorry to who ever it was but i cant remember… :neutral_face: but yeah i did not try it yet and most likely will not i am scared to ruin a 50 dollar Jessie doll. :laughing: and as for the waist you will have to take out the voice box.

Not Thinkway, but if you wanted the Buzz/Sparks 2-pack, this is a good deal: [url][/url]

I posted this in the replicas page, I hope its cool I repost it here, too. I like praise. :slight_smile:

Here are some shots of my families collection:

Bullseye: Found at thrift shop. his hoof says he is from the Disney Store. I added the eyes, and I may give him a better saddle one day.
Jesse: non TSC one.
Buzz: Current Disney Store one, with added glow in the dark paint. I think this is the best Buzz ever, cause of all the features and Karate Chop action.
Woody: He freaks out if his hat comes off.
Woody’s Guitar: Found with Bullseye.
Weezy: Thrift shop find for 25 cents. says “Hasbro, 2004” on bottom. really squeaks.
Barrel of Monkeys: Blue Barrel painted Yellow.
Mr. Mike: one from my childhood. Everything still works like a charm. We actually have another one, but the tape deck is broke. (radio still works on the spare, though)

Bo Peep: Custom. I had the Thinkway Bo as a kid, but lost it through time. once, my 5 year old daughter stayed the night with my grandmother, and somehow found Bo’s clothes, and kept them. I found them while rummaging through her things months later. Anyway, this new Bo’s body comes from a Liv Doll, the head is a classic Barbie with originally sculpted hair.
Her Sheep: Sculpty heads, Wooden pieces ear puffs, fun foam ears, googly eyes, hot glue wool, model magic body, dowel rods for legs.
Troll: thrift shop find. painted the bikini on myself.
Mrs. Potato Head: Current Hasbro one. added earrings, eyebrows, and alternate eyes
8 ball: from my wife’s childhood.
Mr. Potato Head: Current Hasbro one. I prefer these over the Thinkway Potato Head because its the actual product as the original manufacturer envisioned it.
Ducky: Found in my kids things, I think…?

Evil Emperor Zurg: Buzz Lightyear by Hasbro body (Buzz was green and grey, and had a laser arm, ala Megaman), Cup skirt, Lego Zurg cannon and Clasp, Fun Foam Armor and cape, Bionicle fingers. He really does have a hole in his backside that allows Zurg vision!
Little Green Aliens: TSC ones. I saved up my rewards at Toys R Us and was able to get these guys for $2.15, though.

Rex: Thinkway version, 1995. From when I was a kid! All of his talk features are rusted out (and recently, I all-together removed the parts)
Lenny: Found at a Thrift store.
Rocky: Mattel version. got him for like $2 at Big Lots.
RC: From Burger King when the original movie was out. We are saving up for the TSC one, though. :slight_smile:
Slink: TS3 version. Of course I removed the string from his face (decided to keep the other for now, though)

Hamm: Got him this last St. Patrick’s Day when the online Disney Store had a free shipping coupon (and, I think the first day they started carrying Hamm again). Right now, the money within him is being saved up for RC. :slight_smile:
Bucket O Soldiers: Toy Story Collection.
Frontier Logs: Found at Thrift store.

Dolly: Disney Store version with added real eyes and yellow button (we hope to find similar buttons to the others soon)
Buttercup: Disney Store
Mr. Pricklepants: Disney Store
Peas-in-a-Pod: Disney Store. I got these for my daughters 1 year birthday and she LOVES them.
Totoro: Ebay, shipped from Hong Kong. Not exactly the one I wanted, but he gets the job done.
Trixie: Disney Store. I REALLY wish there was something a bit more accurate…

Barbie and Ken: TS3 versions. Barbie is always loosing those shoes around our house, but so far, has managed to always get them back.
Ken’s house: Found at Goodwill for $15. I think its from either 2001 or 2003. the batteries still work in it. we also refurbished it a little (IE trays in the fridge, touch ups throughout, added a lego-made shower head, etc)
Barbie’s Corvette: Antique Mall, $10

Stretch: Mattel version.
That Monkey: We found this at the same Antique Mall as Barbie’s car. he was in really bad shape (fur coming off, bad battery acid on pants, and none of his clothes were the right colors), we gave him some new fur, little touches of paint, my wife made him new pants, and tada!! good as new Evil Monkey! Alas, we recently put batteries into him and are sorry to report that he does not work anymore. We can move his head and he’ll bang his cymbals that way, though…
Baby: bought at a Flea Market. sucks that his arms and legs are really off, but he is pretty big.
Sparks: Thinkway.
Xylophone: Current one by Fisher Price
Blocks: Our baby got for her birthday
Twitch: Thinkway version with a custom staff I made myself.
Chatter Phone: current retro-looking one by Fisher Price. I have a friend that has a genuine wooden base version that says she’ll give me once her daughter gets rid of it.
Lotso: Disney Store Version. we’d like to have the Thinkway one, but he’s too much right now…
Chunk: Thinkway version.

If anyone has Buzz’s box, we’d like to scan it, mod it and print out a replica (the real one is too much…)

Good news, everyone! My daughter ordered rc today at toys r us (they ordered it from the website, waved shipping, and did 10% off). He even gets shipped to our house, so nice.

And in other news, a friend is giving us their buzz box!!! We won’t have tsc buzz, but we’ll have his box! Woot. I have always wanted that box.

Can someone tell me what sayings were in the original 1995 thinkway versions of Woody and Buzz?

-“Howdy, partner”
-“My name’s Woody”
-“You’re my favorite deputy”
-“Yee-haw cowboy!”
-“There’s a snake in my boot!”

-“I am Buzz Lightyear. I come in peace”
-“Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!”
-“To infinity, and beyond!”
There’s more variations to those, which include adding laser sound effects to same, but those are just the basic quotes. All from memory.

Thanks Dinoco! :smiley: