Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

The Buzz vs Sparks set is only $4.99 now on Amazon [url]

what’s with the Buzz/Sparks plugs? does anyone collect the smaller line?

A better question is why they chose Seek N Destroy Robot. Though, I doubt Sparks was the name of the actual toyline to begin with.

WooooooooooOOOoooooOOOT! RC finally arrived (I have had a TERRIBLE week: cat ran away, got a ticket, flat tire, my iPod stolen, AND my friends are mad at my wife over unimportant BS). He was kinda hard to work at first, I was under the impression that one had to hold down the trigger to work the other parts like steering and forward/backward. ALSO it is some LAME business that he doesn’t come with all his batteries…

Once we got the hang of him, he was much easier to maneuver. when we FIRST started him, we were outside and in the sun, and it seemed like his Spoiler kept getting in the way (or something), but once we took a break, ate dinner, and started him up again in the house, he has pretty much worked like a charm.

So now the question is, do I install a few magnets in him and Buzz and Woody’s butts so they can sit on RC? he bounces around SO much I wonder if I should even bother…

I wouldn’t bother, there’s just no way it would stay. Its hard enough to get them to sit on it when stationary.

Speaking of RC, the antennas of mine do not come out of his sockets once in. is this to be expected?

Yea mine did that as well.

I’m starting to get the feeling that thinkway is deliberately holding back wave 3, so the hype builds closer to christmas, and it sells very well due to christmas.

I’m hoping this tactic will lead to success and possibly a couple characters coming out every christmas for a few years.

Conceivable good Sellers include:
Bo peep
Big Baby
Mrs Potatohead

the list goes on…

Snake and Wheezy are long shots, but could easily be made and sold for around $20, at a nice profit (it also wouldn’t hurt to have a few cheaper TSC to go with the soldiers)

I know Mr P is a poor seller, but its $50 for bells and whistles, plus amazon had it was 12.99 at one point. If they had limited release around Christmas every year for the minor characters, and kept the main (buzz, woody, jessie) around year round, I could see them being very successful with Mrs, Potatohead.

I mean, think about it, if collectors had to wait for 3-4 characters every christmas, it keeps hype up all year. And plenty of characters could sell well simply because it’s christmas. Some would even be good candidate for simple “thinkway” toys and not actual TSC. Some characters like Shark, Wheezy, Snake, maybe even pricklepants and buttercup, could easily not be “TSC” and have voices and junk and just sell plushes for $20-30

Hi there! Long time lurker, new user :smiley:

I’m loving the Toy Story Collection by Thinkway a lot- it’s the only thing I’ve collected from this series of figures besides the Mattel 5 inch figures. In TSC, I have Woody, Jessie, Bullseye, the Alien 3-pack, RC, Lotso, Mr. Potato Head, Bucket O’Soldiers, Rex and Buzz, so technically all of them.

However, there is one thing that eludes me: Utility Belt Buzz u_u Around Christmas, they had five or six of these at my local Wal-mart but I didn’t want to get it because I thought to myself: "I’m not spending 50 bucks on a figure I have with just a utility belt. Now, I look on ebay and I can’t find one, while I go on Amazon and they have one for almost 600 bucks O___O Holy schnikes. Now, I gotta hunt around at all my local places or just be one piece short of the “full” collection. Luckily I got Rex while he was cheap- I got him for around 60 on Amazon in December ( well, actually my roommate bought it for me for Christmas- with the way it’s skyrocketed, he’s kickin’ himself now xD)

As for Wave 3, I’m really excited to see what’s in it!!! However, even though it’s going to come out in the fall tentatively, I have this sinking feeling they might end up not making them. :confused: With all the Toy Story stuff being clearance’ed or sitting or shelves, they might cancel it due to lack of interest, which would reallly reallly stink :confused: I would do anything at this point for a Stinky Pete to finish up the Round-up Gang and I’d really like a Zurg too, but not as much as Pete.
I just really hope they make them because I’m loving this collection so far- I would buy the entire set the day Wave 3 comes out XD

Welcome to the forums, NewLifeDante! It’s always nice to have a new member. To get a Utility Belt Buzz, your last chance, if you live in America, is probably Walmart or Toys R US. Yes, the item is not on their website, but, if you find it worth a trip, I’d recommend it. Good Luck finding Utility Belt Buzz. Another tip, after searching on the internet, the toy also goes by Space Col. Buzz Lightyear or something like that. :confused:

As for wave 3, A user named Doomseeker claimed to have seen a Toy Story “Wave 3” at a UK Toy fair.
I remember listing he listing these toys:
TSC Pricklepants
TSC Twitch
TSC Dolly
TSC Big Baby
U-Command Zurg sort of like this bad boy … Id=3964012
and Hawaiian versions of Woody, Buzz, and Jessie which were based on the Hawaii short in front of Cars 2 this summer. Weirdly, there wasn’t any photo taking allowed at the UK Toy Fair, so I’m a little skeptical. But, on the Canadian TOY R US website, another user, found the Hawaiian versions here: … on&x=0&y=0
So, I guess Doomseeker was telling the truth. Well, I hope I helped, NewLifeDante. Welcome! :smiley:

Thanks 1997, I’m really liking it here! I’m planning to go to another Toys R Us for about 30 miles from me today and see if they have it because everywhere around here is sold out of Utility Belt Buzz :confused: I hope they have one because I’m running out of places. xD

As for Wave 3, it’s not a bad line-up, but I, with a lot of other people I’m sure, would have preferred older characters (I want my Stinky Pete!). However, Mr. Pricklepants is my favorite new character, so I’d be really happy to get him! Buttercup and Dolly would be pretty cool as well, but Big Baby just seems… odd to me to have as a TSC toy. Also, I really hope that the Zurg isn’t U-Command; I’m sure I’d buy him anyway, but I’d really like a TSC Zurg, like that you’d get if you lived in the Toy Story universe, complete with a movie-accurate box.

Also, as for the Hawaiian figures… :open_mouth: ZOMG! lol I didn’t even know about these. Now, I gotta save up 180 for all three of them. I really want to see what the boxes like because I think what really makes a toy for a collector is an awesome box. I really hope they aren’t just plain white toy story boxes, but boxes like the TSC boxes.

  • Also, just realized that they only ship to Canada :confused: I wonder when they’re going to go up on the US website. I don’t want to have to search for them and have them skyrocket in price XP Not again, Utility Belt Buzz!

I think it would unnecessary to include Big Baby in the collection. He is a baby doll. My sister has one still like it.

Hopefully when Hasbro releases it rumored new Toy Story Mr. Potato Head they will make Mrs. Potato Head as well.

The new hasbro potatos have been seen and thyre not at all toy story related. Just new potatoes.

Unfortunately, regarding the Hawaiian figures, I believe they are just Hawaiian versions of the cheaper product line, as if you look closely at the picture of Jessie, her hair looks like it’s the plastic version, so that would lead me to believe they will be in the plain Toy Story boxes, and not cool Toy Story Collection style boxes, which is quite a shame considering the high price point.

He might look like a generic baby doll but he has a very specific sculpt. go ahead, post pics of your sisters doll, or even find another one that looks like it. I positive it wouldn’t look like the one in the movie.

By the way, just read this post on Sideshow. Apparently utility belt Buzz is no longer being produced. … count=1980
I still need to buy one, but it sounds like its going to be a lot harder now. Wish I could have bought him when he was more readily available. Ive seen a number of them in stores, sometimes more than the normal Buzz’s, but none of them had paint jobs that met my personal standards.

If anyone needs a Buzz Lightyear with Utility Belt, I have a couple spare that are in mint condition. The box is unopened, no dents, scratches etc. I’m in the UK though so postage and import taxes would be on top. Looking for about half the price of that one on Amazon.

My mom got me a TSC Utility Belt Buzz for my birthday by mistake a couple months back and she let me take it back to get a TSC normal Buzz. Now I kinda wish I kept it, because I’ve seen plenty of TSC normal Buzz’s (some even on clearance) but no TSC Utility Belt Buzz’s.

Also, speaking of scarcity, what the heck happened to Rex? I’ve been looking for him for months…

I think it’s been mentioned before on this board, but Rex was a pretty limited release as it was, as Disney Store was the only place that you were really guaranteed to find it, and some people lucked out and found it at a few ToysR’Us stores, and even one Target if I remember correctly. Aside from that, your only other real choice was to look online, but by now he’s skyrocketed in price, much like several of these guys. I would keep checking your local Disney Store if there is one nearby, as Thinkway has apparently said all of their stuff except for Utility Belt Buzz is still shipping, plus around the time of the Toy Story Toon with Cars 2 or Wave 3, supposedly in the Fall, I would expect to see at least one or two more shipments of these guys if we’re lucky.

Hopefully they’ll start shipping rex again soon, because he’s the TSC toy I want the most. Over here in the UK, i’m pretty sure he was a toys R us exclusive , and i havent seen him either online or instore for a while…

I got Rex in the Disney store a few times so he definitely wasn’t a Toys R Us exclusive. It took me ages to find one without some kind of rip in the box though. I think in the end I ordered it online so it was perfect.