Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

I just don’t understand it. Toy Story collection is supposed to be a brand of authentic Toy Story Characters, if Thinkway already did Woody, Buzz, and Jessie, why would they do them again? :question:

One word: Money.
Buzz rakes up so much of it, they think that by releasing an ‘updated’ version every few months, kids will beg their parents for the newer model. Which, sadly, they do. :confused:

Money explains the variants, but it doesn’t explain why their considering them TSC when clearly they are not. They will sell regardless of what that categorize them as.

Anyone who still needs 1 Hamm Banks are back in stock on … 5/1000342/

Lotso laugh Woody, sing and yodel Jessie, and Power up Buzz Lightyear are now available at disney store UK. Saw jessie instore today (didn’t buy, of course!), but woody and buzz are online.

I found the links for them. … 6/1000050/ … 4/1000050/ … 2/1000050/

They all look pretty bad… aside from Power-Up Buzz, who looks just like a standard Buzz figure. And is it just me or does it look like his arms can stretch further than the TSC version?

This is crazy, the boxes for these characters ddon’t even say, “Toy Story Collection” :angry: Why would they claim to make a wave 3 when they themselves now this is NOT “Toy Story Collection”

Apparently they have the worst marketing people in the world.

…so they’re basically the same as the last cheap Buzz Woody and Jessie dolls released, except they laugh and they now look like they’re posessed by a demon baby. Woody looks so freaky…

The packaging is pretty cool. I like that the boxes look like the figure’s torsos.

Jessie scares me though. Her expression is very … “off-putting” to say the least.

Jessie and Woody’s expressions are prety freaky! :open_mouth: their mouths are weird too.
Did anyone else notice that it says Buzz is exclusive to the Disney store, but doesn’t say anything about Jessie and Woody ?

ps , thanks for adding the links, nachozrule!

They can’t make money off of these dolls! I’d be scared to keep those things in my room in the fear that they’d come to life and kill me. AND I OWN A CHUCKY DOLL!

so i sent a message to thinkway asking:

“Is there really going to be a third wave of Toy Story Collection toys coming out this fall? If so, which toys/characters will be making the wave? And will this aswell be the last wave or more to come in the future?”

and i received a message back not too long ago from Jenny Sze, saying:

"Thank you for your interest in our Toy Story toys. A part of our new release, Hawaiian Vacation Talking Figures of Buzz Lightyear, Woody and Jessie are already launched in North America and up on our website,

There will also be new talking figures of Power Up Buzz, Lots O’Laugh Woody and Sing & Yodel Jessie to be launched in August in North America and will soon be up on our website.

There are many concepts for wave 4 and will be released once they are finalized in 2012."

She didnt really answer my question about wave 3 nor mentioned whether there will be a wave 3 coming out in the fall. So i’m guessing that she misunderstood what i said or wave 3 is going to be a “surprise”. I replied back to her askin about wave 3 and i’m still waiting for a reply. So stay tuned in with me too see what Jenny has to say, if i receive no reply, then we’re all going have to wait till fall 2011 for wave 3. If nothing comes up, then TSC is officially/might be over depending on this “wave 4” in 2012.

I know that they probably won’t tell me anything, but I just sent Thinkway an E-mail regarding possible characters for future TSC waves. It’s worth a shot, right?

i guess it doesn’t hurt to try, thinkway has probably screwed all TSC fans over with this new Hawiian crap and these other toys for “wave 3.” We wanted wave 3 to be TSC toys not randoms, eh? :imp:
what if Jenny Sze is just a new employee at the company and didn’t get the message right from the producers? I received a message before from Thinkway which was not from Jenny Sze. Idk forsure with whats going to happen, but there was much speculation of wave 3 in the FALL 2011 :confused:
so lets hope that the REAL WAVE 3 will come out in October or so! … ave-3.html

Actually Jenny has been at thinkway toys forever…People have been emailing her since wave 1.

Just got an email back from Jenny, and it’s the same thing everyone else has been getting:


Thank you for your interest in our Toy Story toys. A part of our new release, Hawaiian Vacation Talking Figures of Buzz Lightyear, Woody and Jessie are already launched in North America and up on our website,

There will also be new talking figures of Power Up Buzz, Lots O’Laugh Woody and Sing & Yodel Jessie to be launched in August in North America and will soon be up on our website.

There are many concepts for wave 4 and will be released once they are finalized in 2012.

Jenny Sze

And this is the email I sent her:
Hi, I was just wondering if any of these characters have the slightest chance of being included in a future wave?

Emperor Zurg
The Prospector
Mrs. Potatoe Head

Thank you for your time.

TSC Lotso, Woody, Buzz, Bucket, Bullseye, Jessie, and RC were added back to…if they restock TSC, people might have a shot at Rex, sadly it will probably be $65, but much better than the current ebay price over $200

well Jenny wrote back saying:


There will be no more new characters available in 2011.

then i wrote back:

Sorry to say, most people on have agreed that your sales will go down the drain in the Toy Story section of Thinkway Toys. Thanks for ending the Toy Story Collection and ruining many hopes of a Wave 3 of TSC toys and giving us these poor Hawiian toys aswell as the power up buzz and w/e else you made that won’t impress the Toy Story Collection audience
/fans. Please consider Thinkway Toys to look at the forums on and giving what the fans want instead of your newly produced toys. Thank you for your time and good luck on your sales. :slight_smile:

i think that some people in this world should consider what most fans want instead of ruining a great a toy collection. thats that.

There’s really no need to reply back like that, she’s isn’t the head of the company or a platform to send your petty complaints to. Look, I’m as disappointed as anyone else, and yes there does seem to have been a miscommunication somewhere, but Thinkway doesn’t owe us anything when it comes to future waves. Their a business, and that email is meant more for issues you have with something you’ve bought or questions about things they already have for sale or coming up soon. You asked a question you got a response you didn’t like and now your whining to them (or Jenny in this case) about it? What your doing is starting to resemble harassment if you ask me. If your going to waste her time at least try not to sound like a little kid who didn’t get their way.

steps off soapbox