Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

No, Kyle, I wouldn’t call that a soapbox speech, I agree with you 100%. Not trying to gang up on the poster who sent that, but that really accomplishes nothing except to put a bad taste in their mouth when it comes to dealing with people like us. They could just completely ignore our emails and just tell us that what they plan to put out will be seen when it’s put out, and they could not share any advance notifications. I agree, it’s frustrating to see them continue to release rehashed versions of the same tired Woody, Jessie, and Buzz figures, but obviously some data that they have suggests that it is a good idea to do so. Hasbro takes a lot of flack for this kind of approach too, and in recent years I feel like they’ve become embittered towards the “collector” community as a direct result of people whining constantly about things like this due to their feelings of entitlement. These companies owe us nothing, if anything we owe them a tremendous amount for finally making a Collection of toys that looks like the ones in the movies, and while it may not be complete, at least we have the stuff that we did get.

On a separate note, given all the recent talk of TS4 seeming to be a serious possibility, I started thinking about it, and I guess I would be okay with them doing so, as long as it meant we got some new Toy Story Collection characters released around the same time as the movie, or sooner. At least we can get some good out of them attempting to milk the franchise. :laughing:

While I’ll agree that the poster used the wrong approach and accomplished nothing…

I think Jenny/Eleanor should get a little crap about it (respectfully). I mean, the least they can be is honest. Whether it was saying wave 3 would have new characters in fall of 2011 or now…If you are going to answer questions, at least answer them truthfully, or don’t answer them at all. Why even have customer service answer questions, if they are lies? Clearly there has been dishonesty, which just poorly reflects on the company

But like Kyle said, you have to take into account the fact that these two people, Jenny and Eleanor (sp?) are just customer service reps. They aren’t involved in the decision process at all. They are simply relaying what they are told from higher up, and for all we know, they could be frustrated too, as maybe they’ve been being told that there will be new characters this fall, and then suddenly they’re told that what has been announced is what we’re getting and nothing else, so now they have to explain to people who think that these two should know everything why they were initially wrong about this new set of characters. Personally, I think we all just need to give them a break and stop sending 20 messages a week to them asking about this stuff, and let the Customer Service stuff return to its original purpose, which was to replace faulty parts on the toys and provide assistance when a toy doesn’t do something right. We know that what’s been announced is what is coming for the rest of the year, so let’s just let it go and stop pestering them with the same old stuff. Once we hear about what’s coming in 2012, then we can ask them about that, but I think they deserve a break from our fanboy rage.

^ Exactly
I don’t think any of the Customer Service Reps deserve fan boy rage Thinkway has some of the best customer service I have seen.I messaged them for a replacement COA for my Bullseye since he didn’t come with one and she got back to me right away and I received it in the mail a couple days ago no questions asked.The problem is she is just telling everyone what her boss tells her to say she is not lying or deceiving anyone.

BTW I checked Disneystore for RC and he is already out of stock did he sell out that fast?

^ I just did a search and found him. Here ya go! … artial&Dx=

Man, I really hope they re-stock Rex and Utility Belt Buzz, especially Rex. I skipped out on Rex for a while and now he’s impossible to find. And I actually got Utility Belt Buzz for my birthday last year, but exchanged him for regular Buzz. Now Utility Belt Buzz is impossible to find, and I’ve seen regular Buzz’s on clearance for as low as $25.

I actually just got back from Disney World about a week ago :sunglasses: And tried looking for the Collection toys both in Pixar Place at Hollywood Studios and in Downtown Disney. Didn’t see a single one.

guys… this is the wave 3 new sculpt molds to the characters… :open_mouth:

Those are the European Disney Store Edition… :cry: I wanna new collector toys…

Yeah, I already posted links to them on the last page. Buzz looks fine, but Woody and Jessie are scary. :open_mouth:

Sorry, I didn´t notice it… well at least I posted the pictures… hehe sorry.

I know this is the TSC topic, but I want to share my own collector edition Pete…

Mostly finnished. I have to work in some minos details, the hat and scarf…

Me as “the poster” to Thinkway toys, it is wrong of me to accuse Jenny but although I suspect there could of been error of her misuderstanding everybody’s message, for all we know it could be a computer that’s sending the same message to everybody. I don’t really care if you people call me a whiner, a kid who didn’t get his way or whatever, I’m not the only person here who thinks a company should consider looking at forums and surveying people on what they want mostly, so don’t be making me look like the only “whiney” person on this website/forum. Second who cares about what Hasbro does, they can go have fun making different types of Transformer toys and G.I. Joes since it’s easily to create a new robot for Transformers or a new soldier for G.I. Joe, but Toy Story though wasn’t a TV show in the first place to begin with and to end a good toy collection like that saddens me because I love it just as much as you people do. Just look at all the people who help other people on this forum finding toys for their TSC collection by telling each other what the prices are, where to find and if it is on sale/clearance, are you that weak to give up a collection that me and the rest of us all really like? Well if I could, I would rather have Thinkway listen to us “raging fanboys” than think about money and switching or ending TSC. Kids can have their “hoola-dancing” Buzz while us collectors get Stinky Pete and Zurg to add to our collection. I think Thinkway would be losing sales from most TSC collectors and that is my opinion. If you don’t like anything I just said, then why bother butting heads with me on a forum, and if you don’t like that answer then bite me. :laughing:

I think what you’re failing to realize is that there’s a difference between discussing our complaints on a discussion forum and expressing those complaints to representative of the company that you have the problems with. I never said that we all weren’t upset or that some of us haven’t “whined” because they haven’t produced the toys we would like them to make, nor did any of us say that you were the only “whiney” person on the boards, you’re just the first one to have taken that a step further and submitted your complaints to Thinkway, and in a rather unprofessional way.

You obviously didn’t listen to what I was saying about Hasbro either, as I wasn’t referring to either of those two brands, I was talking about Star Wars, which was a movie, not a TV show in case you didn’t know that. Hasbro holds Q&A sessions with several different Star Wars fan sites and they are allowed to send in two questions and Hasbro responds to them. They are a much larger company, so they can easily do something like this, whereas Thinkway is a smaller, foreign based company (their HQ is located in Canada). Over the years enough people have whined to them about things that they want that I think Hasbro has really gotten tired of dealing with collectors. They also make the claims time and time again that collectors are not their main focus, kids are, and I’m sure Thinkway feels somewhat similarly.

I’m not so “weak” that I would give up on this collection, because I would love nothing more than to see them produce a true Wave 3 that includes Zurg, Pete, Trixie, Mrs. P, and Stretch or some other toy, but if they decide that they aren’t going to make any more Collection toys there isn’t much that any of us can do. We can voice our concerns and express our desires for this line to continue, and given the number of emails they’ve likely gotten regarding Wave 3 I’m sure they already know we all would like for this to happen, but7 they are a business, and if they look at the sales figures and see that the Collection toys aren’t selling that well, and the non-Collection stuff is, they’re going to make more of the non-Collection stuff and less of the Collection stuff.

Unfortunately, you’re grossly over-estimating just how many people actually buy these things. Yes there are a lot of Collectors out there, but we are a very small amount of their sales, and if you haven’t noticed, the Collection stuff is what is either sitting on shelves or being clearanced out because it’s not moving, while the other stuff seems to move rather frequently and consistently. While the movie was in the spotlight the Collection was popular, but most of the people that wanted the Collection toys have purchased all that they’re going to buy, and therefore any further Waves of Collection stuff will not do very well, as much as it pains me to finally admit that. I’ve held out hope as long as I could that we will see the toys that we want made eventually, but anymore I think it’s pretty fruitless to do so. In the event that they do make another movie we may yet see our elusive Wave 3 made, but even that may be a “pie-in-the-sky” dream. We had a good run while it lasted, and I’m thankful to have gotten what we did.

Anyways, rant over, but I just wish more people would read the whole posts that others are making and try to understand what they are meaning rather than just taking one word and running with it.

Hey guys, I haven’t posted in a while, so I thought I would share what I have got in my collection :

Tsc woody
Tsc buzz
Tsc Bullseye
Tsc lotso
Tsc rc
Tsc Rex
Tsc mr potato head
Tsc aliens
Disney store Jessie ( I prefer her)
Disney store Hamm
1987 mrs potato head
Mr pricklepants
Peas in a pod
Tour guide barbie
Plush Lenny

That’s all, I would like to get ken and barbie to complete my collection !
Bo peep ( ts on ice)

You can get ken and barbie at

While I agree that TSC seems to be plentiful now, I think you might be looking at it the wrong way.

K-Mart has been the biggest clearancer of TS3 merchandise. I got Chunk, Sparks, small Rex, and the space aliens set for $7.50 each there. I got Lotso for $35 there as well. However, Kmart was the MOST EXPENSIVE place to get TSC. They were charging $60 for Mr. P, woody, and Buzz. They were also charging $30 for the figures that went everywhere else for $25. So now, nearly a year after the movie, they are getting rid of there supply that didn’t sell when the items were popular, because they were overpriced. The only TSC they still have there when they clearanced was Mr. Potatohead. The one Woody and Lotso (the one i bought)

Target clearanced out TSC a long time ago. But the target that i worked at only had 1 Mr potato head left by the time they hit clearance. Most Targets I went to, have very few TSC left when they add their annual toy clearance.

Other places I have not seen a clearance.

This is also the time of year where parents say “we’ll wait til Christmas”. This is the summer lull. If new characters came out near christmas, I believe they would sell well. And not only that, but new characters would help the sales of older characters. has restocked TSC, I think because they are preparing for christmas.

Toys R Us is packed to the gills right now with TSC. Every character except Rex, but they’ve been sold out of numerous characters all the time throughout this summer. And like I said, we’ve reached the summer lull.

Maybe if and when they have good sales over christmas, thinkway will get their act together and get some more TSC. If not, I will root for a TS4, jsut to get the toys released (because quite frankly ts3 was the perfect ending). But I want more characters, and if thats what it takes for thinkway to act…i’ll take it

Damn i think i have lost the COA of woody…

Does anyone know if i can kinda get the second copy of this?

Seeing as the hawaiian toys are from the hawaiian vacation short, does anyone else think the other toys (power up Buzz, Laughing woody and singing Jessie) could be from the short from the muppets? Maybe it is about a talent show or something like that.

If you email thinkway, they might send you another, but i’m not completely sure.

They will send you one for sure but it might take a while to get to you depending on where you live since they are in Ontario.

I have the Lotso.

The thing is, my Lotso keeps on repeating, “What’s the matter, you sound a little upset. Want a hug?” as well as phrases like, “Uh oh…What’s the matter!”, “Why goodness gracious, (giggles) you are a loud one, aren’t you?”. I only collect Lotsos. I will start to make a photo diary, but not sure when.

Thank you i will email thinkway to see if they can send me one.

I posted these in the replica forum too

but these could be the future toystory collcection waves from thinkway.

I do not know if they were in stock. but has the listing of these items saying they are out of stock.

but it could mean we might have these in the future

The decription of dolly says

Film accurate details using original PIXAR Digital Data Files
All materials matching Dolly in the film
Soft and cuddly
Highly detailed
Includes Certificate of Authenticity

and also the listing suggest 20-jul-2011

could it mean it would be in stores very soon?

thank you !