Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

Wow those look beautiful, and I’d bet my entire collection that these images are (or at least were intended to be) wave 3 of the Toy Story Collection.

They appear of the high quality befitting Thinkway’s line, match reports of the line-up from the UK toy fair and the description seems in keeping (particularly the bit about the certificate of authenticity, which so far has only accompanied characters in the Toy Story collection).

All these things lead me to conclude there is yet hope for wave 3, and that if it is what we see below then it’s fantastic news and I couldn’t be more excited to get my hands on them. :smiley:

If however these images are of the Toy Story Collection but they are no longer intended for release then I’m going to feel heavily cheated. They can’t taunt us with these beautiful high res images then not let us get our hands on them… can they? Knowing they existed and not having them is worse than them never having existed at all. At least then I wouldn’t have got my hopes up.

But I’m feeling positive…

Wow those do look amazing, the detail and quality is a lot better than the initial soft toys that were released and the listing does sound exactly like TSC. I really do hope these are released and that wave 3 does appear soon. Had a look on the Amazon UK website and it does look promising. I think I’ll be keeping a close eye on these. Here are the links if anyone wants to have a look: … 38&sr=1-18 … 75&sr=1-19 … 52&sr=8-15


Wow. Great find.

They definitely look like “Toy Story Collection” versions of each of the characters, especially as they were intended to come with a “Certificate of Authenticity”.

I’m particularly pleased that they apparently don’t include any additional “action/interaction” elements like some of the other Toy Story figures. And the prices seem indicative of a Thinkway product also.

I’m guessing someone has already emailed Thinkway with pictures of these items and asked for clarification whether they’ve been cancelled or delayed until 2012?

Also, forgot to note, my Lotso’s “Toy mode” does not work!

Just followed up on the above post regarding the new possible toys for wave 3 by going onto the Vivid Imaginations UK website, I believe they are one of the main suppliers of TSC here in the UK.

Went onto the Toy Story page and found this: … tory-3.php

Definitely looks like these belong in the same collection as the other TSC toys that have previously been released. Have now also sent an email to them enquiring about release date.

Will let you guys know when I get a reply.

Good to see wave 3 (as we define it) isn’t dead. These have to be TSC. I just hope this isn’t all of the next wave. Not to complain too much, Im just not as interested in Bonnies toys just yet. Not when I’m still missing Stinky Pete, a proper Slink, Mrs potatohead, and Zurg. Still, gotta give them props as these all look pretty nice. prickle pants and Dolly especially. Buttercup doesn’t look quite right to me, but its probably as close as they can get.

I went ahead and updated the first post with the new items.

Well now I am going to start saving money so first day these hit stores I can pick them all up I don’t want to have the same problems with those that I am having with Rex.
I would love to see a Mrs.P and some cheap toys like the bucket of soldiers which would sell like hot cakes all I ask is a 15 or even 20 dollar accurate Lenny.

Wheezy, Lenny, and maybe one or two others could fit into that cheap catergory a la the bucket. I was doubtful it would ever happen, but who knows, they finally released some non electronic, cheaper toys

These three characters look awesome. I few interesting things to note:

  1. right before wave 2 was announced, Mr Potatohead popped up on Amazon, which was the precursor for the whole wave, it’s possible we can get still be getting a chuckles, Trixie, maybe peas? As well as any from the previous movies: Big Baby, Twitch (from Doomseeker), Stinky Pete, Zurg, Mrs. P

  2. It is strange that Jenny from thinkway would tell us they are being released in the fall, only to say they weren’t going to release any til 2012, and after all that, 3 characters pop up on Amazon in JULY…what do they smoke in Canada?

  3. It appears that none of these characters have the extra electronics, which most of us didn’t want…could they actually read this board?

  4. As a result of (3), these seem to be the cheapest TSC characters so far (except the bucket o soldiers), coming in at 19.99 Pounds. This is the equivalent of $32. However, the TSC is more expensive abroad. Most of the TSC in the UK are about 39.99 pounds retail, or about $65. Since the normal price here is $50, 50/65 = x/32 , x is about $26…so…I’m guessing the max price in each one is $29.99, might even be $24.99. Which is refreshing ($75-$90 for all three, opposed to $50 for one).

  5. So far, Doomseeker has been right on the money: Hawaiian vacation Woody, Jessie, Buzz, and now these three. Will this trend continue and we get Twitch and Big Baby, or will Thinkway just stick with the characters appearing in the shorts? Or will they go back and do Pete, Zurg, Mrs. P, or Bo? Or some combo? The verdict is out.

It might be jumping the gun to assume they dont have electronics. I know their not listed but often times the details get changed by the time they actually get released, and these aren’t actually out yet (right?) so there’s no telling what might change between now and then. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them add voice boxes to all 3 of these characters. Even with a lower price tag. They could just be waiting until they have a number of phrases finalized so they can say “over X phrases” in the bullet point.

Edit: as for who they might do next, well I do think they want to focus on the characters getting the most screen time, so yeah if their not in the shorts they might not happen any time soon. That said though there’s no telling who will be in the short attached to the Muppets. If Big baby and lotso’s gang appear in that I could see them releasing those.

That very well may be, and it certainly wouldn’t DETRACT from the item. Assuming they at least sound like the original voice actors. However, they don’t add enough to a small plush to be worth the extra $20…even though I’d buy them, regardless. It makes me more likely to give them as gifts t my nieces and nephews, who i would not pay $50 for a stuffed animal that has no guarantee of surviving a year.

This leaves 2 of the toys that Doomseeker saw (not counting all that Mattel junk and the U-command Zurg) still not found. Could wave 3 be based around purely the shorts? If the others are supposed to be Twitch and Big Baby, maybe the next short will be centered around Sunnside as opposed to Bonnie’s toys.

I think that at least one of the toy story toons will be set at sunnyside. Does anyone remember reding an interview with Jack Angel saying how he recorded lines for a Chunk toy? If dolly, pricklepants and buttercup are TSC wave 3, i think there would be more than 3 toys in the wave. Fingers crossed Trixie and Chuckles will be in it too! :smiley:

Some Comparisons

As we can all see big improvement…Just hope these are released soon.

I just read in the replica thread that someone contacted Jenny by phone and was told these are only available in the U.K.! That sucks. I tried to see if I could order them from Amazon UK but it won’t let me ship to the US. Anyone have a game plan on how to get these in to US collectors hands? Do you think if we contacted Vivid they would help us out?

Your Kidding only in the UK looks like us people in the US are going to have to pay high amounts of money on EBAY.

in attempt to bring the discussion back in here, I’ll go ahead and repost this image of the other wave 3 items.

Trixi is the first of this new batch I actually want, just as a companion toy for Rex. Just makes sense since their supposed to be from the same toy line in the movies.

This news that these are UK only though is a real slap in the face. With any luck though maybe we’ll just get them later.

Um Kyle I hope you know that’s a fake image fan made…The Trixie is one of those little collectible toys way under scale peas are the amazon ugly looking ones…Only real ones in the picture are Buttercup,Pricklepants and Dolly

Gah, guess my sarcasm detector was broken. I mean, yeah I got that the captions were just jokes and the logo was just slapped on in ms paint, but the underlying image looked real. Although I did get suspicious of them doing Totoro, that seems pretty unlikely. As for peas in a pod, I cant keep track of all the ones that are out there, and I have none myself personally.

And I take it that’s a Mattel Trixi?

Yeah the image does look good who ever made it but I recognize all those toys those were the Peas I was going to buy until I found the Japanese set on ebay.

Yep it is the Mattel version she looks amazing but is way under scale.