Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

I have also posted this in the replicas forum…

Can i just say, I’m from the uk and I’m extremely glad that they are only released in the uk. We never get anything like this, for example the Disney store Hamm was only available in the US and not in the uk, I had to order the Hamm of the Disney store website from the US. My guess is that these toys will be available in the US as soon as they are a big success here in the uk.

Also, trixie would be a great toy for part of the toy story collection, not just for a companion for Rex but as a collectable. She is part of toy story! She does deserve to be noticed, the trixie toys that have been in shops are absolutely crap, I mean look at the plush trixie, doesn’t even look like her. The tsc one of her would be a perfect toy to complete a toy story collection, well my collection anyway.

I would just like to say, I am going to get the thinkway bo peep on eBay, the only thing is that she doesn’t have a hat, does anyone have a spare hat for her or maybe even the sheep. I would love her, I have the bo peep from toy story on ice, and to be honest it’s crap, doesn’t even look like her!!

I previously posted it on the repica toys, but I thinks this is a better place:

Great! and I have an excuse to travel to London again.

Well, guys, be quiet. The launch in the UK guarantees that the European Disney Store will sell them. It is probably a European release for licensing reasons. As Mattel was not allowed to sell their Woodys, Buzz and Jessie in the United States. Maybe now mattel sells Bonnie´s toys in the United States.

Remmeber, the new Power up Buzz an Woody/Jessie, as well the Hawaiian toys are an American/Japan exclusive (expect for the Disney store especial editions, minus hawaiian edition). Also whe have here a new Buzz Turbo glow Buzz as an european exclusive from Mattel (quite similar to power up buzz).

I’m confused. Are you saying they are going to release those three under Mattel in the US?

He’s just speculating. I cant see it happening personally.

There is no way Mattel will carry the TSC. Vivid is a distributor for them, not a competitor. If thinkway is seriously only UK now, only hope is knowing someone there, or possibly…do they ship to USA?

Is speculation. I think Mattel could launch their own versions, and I doubt that ultimately these are part of the Toy Story Collection (though it mentions COA)

But, as has happened before that two firms share toys molds. Buzz molds in Mattel Toy Story 2 version are those created by Thinkwaytoys. Molds Hands of Jessie and Woody are the same (the heads were slightly modified). Mattel has given many license to Pixar, and have been banned in its home market is now likely to give them more locks in USA, otherwise it makes no sense an exclusive release for UK

Even Thinkwaytoys launched a Mr. Potato under his signature!By The Way by Toy Story 1 Rex was owned by Mattel … hehe maybe a trixie? But not TSC one…

Re: Mattel Trixie

What version of Trixie is that? It doesn’t look like the tiny “buddy” version. Did Mattel release a plastic Trixie as part of their 6" scaled line of action figures which included Buttercup, Stretch, Twitch, Sparks, etc? I’ve never seen it before.

Even if it is out of scale, it looks like it would be a good place-holder (or even a permanent addition if an in-scale Trixie is never made).

It was technically on sale at…but it was never actually in stock. It was actually the pixar collection line, slightly smaller than the 6 inch line. I actually saw once on ebay an australian member had a “Bonnie’s Room” Pixar collection pack with an “escape woody” and a trixie…it had “KMart exclusive” on it. It was the ONLY one I’ve ever seen, and it was off ebay the next day…and i’ve never been able to obtain even a picture of one since.

Re: Mattel Trixie

Thanks Slink. I had forgotten about the Pixar Collection range. They were TINY. Not as small as the buddy figures, but pretty small.

Re: Toy Story Collection - Wave 3 (UK)

Major bummer that these are UK exclusives. I’d like to own them all, but with VAT, shipping, etc they’re going to be prohibitively expensive for moderately sized plush toys.

Thankfully a kind forum member has already helped me to obtain the Disney Store versions, so at least I have each of those characters in my collection.

Gee…wonder who that was… :mrgreen:


I’m not sure, they wore a Batman mask and a Superman costume to conceal their identity!

Unless the “S” on the costume stood for something other than Superman, like Slink perhaps?

I am that nerdy…and i only wear a cape on weekends :sunglasses:

Aaahhhhhhhh the sweet smell of VALIDATION!!! To all you naysayers I say “told you so” As I’ve said all along I had and have no reason to lie about what I saw. now I’ve skim read most of the posts but where is the confirmation that these are UK exclusives? I appreciate that they are on the vivid website (again told you so about Vivid) but I haven’t seen anything that says UK exclusive nor anything that says Disney Store exclusive. TSC toys are avilable in every British toy outlet, from Tesco and Asda to TRU and Toymaster, so I see no reason to assume they will be DSUK exclusive (I hope they are available there as my wife works for Disney so a nice chunk of discount will come my way :smiley: )
I hate to sound a bit like an annoying “told you so” but there were some pretty harsh words from many members of the board to the facts I was making, so I’m swimming in this pool validation and crossing my fingers that the Zurg I saw will be on the way sooner rather than later.

Oh and I have to say that if they do prove to be UK exclusives I have to say it makes a nice change and not to sound too horrible will make US collectors appreciate the financial hurt us European collectors go through all the time!

Are you allowed to trade on here? If so, I would be happy to buy one of these new toys and trade it for either the disney store Hamm or TSC aliens. PM me ! :slight_smile:

No one talks about a Disney Store UK exclusive in the UK, but In Europe. Vivid doesn´t distribute toys outside U.K, but DS had distribute TSC toys with multilingual packing abore Europe. And also they distriburte officially Thinkwaytoys where thinkwaytoys has not headquarters or allies.
Indeed, the toys have been removed from Vivid toys page

From amazon or the vivid website?
edit: just searched on amazon and they are still there! i think they have just been removed from vivids’ amazon page

Oh great, Disney Store UK only ships to Europe.
Looks like I’ll be resorting to paying the ridiculous package forwarding price, that is if there are even ones available in the UK.

I’ve just read the post that Thinkway confirmed the UK availablity of these products…very interesting and making absolutly no commercial sense… If true I would expect the prices to be higher as the production runs will be shorter.

And the products are still on Vivids Toy Story product page and the page

Welcome to the world of the non-US collector!!! :smiley:

its funny, if you see the toy story page clicking form the home page: … -story.php

No new toys, but if you look for the toy sin the list: … tory-3.php

There it is…