Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

I’m not going to stress it if I can’t get these then I can’t get them sucks that they would only sell in the UK those things would sell like crazy over here in the US.

At least they are cheaper, so you can get them to the US for about the same price as the $50 plus tax ones…i mean, they don’t talk or anything, but Buzz is honestly the only one advanced enough for the $50 price tag…woody and jessie should be like $35

For instance, what if Trixie was released? (which i hope. Rex was at least 50 sterling pounds…imagine getting that from the UK…50 pounds is $81 plus international shipping…that one will HURT if its released…

So is the US even getting a Wave 3 or what UK gets that wave 3 which is exclusive to them do you think we will get an exclusive wave?

Jenny from Thinkway made me believe that all future TSC will only be released in the UK, FWIW

Just had to point this out I do not remember anyone being harsh we were all just very suspicious and we all had reason to be I mean a lot of rumors were flying around and then you just walk in and give us great news…I know some of this was directed towards me so I apologize for not trusting you and hope to see some of the other items you mentioned soon.

That sucks Slink what was it she said that made you believe that future waves will only be released in the UK?

Luckily there are only a few plausible choices left for the collection

Only ones I can see them feasibly making are:

Bo Peep
Stinky Pete
Peas (don’t really need them, but why not?)
Big Baby

Those are the only plausible ones in my humble opinion. And even if they release some of them, it certainly wont be all of them. It is also possible to see a TSC Chunk, sparks, or Twitch, but I don’t see that happening, and if they did, most people would be satified with the US version.

You know, now that I think about it, didn’t Jack Angel say in an interview that he recorded dialogue for a new Chunk toy?

got a reply from vivid imaginations

{Thank you for contacting our consumer services department. The Toy Story Plush toys are no longer in our current range, but you may still be able topurchase them either in the shops or we would advise you to look on the internet.

We hope this is of use to you.]


did they mean the buzz and woody etc? or the dolly… I did mention dolly,buttercup and mr.pricklepants in my previous email.

Wow, Thinkway and Vivid have got to release some sort of statement on the status of these. My guess is that it’s a SUPER-limited release and there were only like 1000 of each made. Wouldn’t be too surprised. We’ll see though!

If you are reading this Thinkway, PLEASE RELEASE THESE IN THE US!! Just make it an online order thing!!!

That cant be true, they are brand new. I asked Jenny from Thinkway and she said they werent a limited release…just limited to the UK and they take orders, so make as many as the stores ask for…

I definately wouldn’t panic, Vivid customer service is likely confused

He did say that. I posted about it a couple of pages ago.

Lee’s been tweeting about these 3 toys a lot recently.!/leeunkrich

Jeff Pidgeon too.

me to him (having recently found out about Dolly): From the sound of things the US isn’t getting these new toys, their UK exclusive. Real bummer if true.

Jeff: A bummer indeed, but that doesn’t shut the door on getting them. At least they’re being made at all.

Will there be a Zurg toy soon?

Well, if things hold up the way they are, we should see a U-Command Zurg that was originally a TSC sculpt, so there will be likely be one put out at some point, but it’s effectiveness or “authenticity” may be questionable. I’m crossing my fingers that we’ll eventually see our dream “Wave 3” with Zurg, Pete, Trixie, and Mrs. Potato, as so many people on this forum and the other forums seem to want accurate versions made of those, so it would almost be foolish for the company to not make them. Now if they go and make them Uk exclusive like these next guys I may have to write a strongly worded email to someone ( 8D ), but here’s hoping they wise up and make these worldwide. :slight_smile:

I wonder if the U-command Zurg would be another UK exclusive? I wish we had a definitive answer as to whether or not we will get a TSC version. I can see me settling for the U-command one if it doesn’t get compromised too much. I would just hate to get burned and have them release a TSC one later.

I know what you mean. I think of all the ones they have left to do, and even some of the ones they’ve already done, Zurg is one of the toys I wanted most, and it seems like he would’ve made the most sense too, as we’ve already seen a mock-up of the packaging in that Toy Story Art Book or whatever it was called, and in the movie we see all of the features that they could put in this toy, like the Zurg Vision, light-up mouth, ball gun, rolling wheels, and he’s even got phrases in the movie that they could easily use. The Prospector makes sense using that logic too, so besides the fact that he may follow his movie counterpart and not sell very well, I can’t believe we haven’t seen him or Zurg yet.

I am kinda in shock with how many members from the UK are happy that these new wave 3 toys are only exclusive to them…Its not like when we got exclusive toys we were happy.

Its nice to feel exclusive…like flying first class :sunglasses: