Thinkway's Toy Story Collection


True. My girlfriend and I have two collections. The Official Collection and the “Reject Collection”. The Reject Collection is the crappier models that we happened to purchase over the years. This is the one that our kids will play with someday or her students at school will play with.

That also worries me…I see myself jumping for joy adding these suckers to my cart as fast as I can and then when I try to purchase them it says sold out and they are taken down from the site… :neutral_face: :cry: :exclamation:

Not to get religious or anything but if that happens then…it wasn’t God’s will. But choose to think positive. Self-fulfilling prophecies are REEEAAAALLLL…creepy, I know.

We will see lets just check disneystore as much as we can these next couple months and see how it goes.
I will have my Iphone on disneystore 24 hours a day if I have to… (Not Really but I will check as much as I can.)

disney is also horrible at taking down the item once its gone and making you think you’ll get it

Also, several people with the same vinylmation, later got emails that they were sold out when the order was place and get a refund…

so even a few days afterwards, you have to be concerned…

Well, might as well not worry about “WHAT IF’S”

To YourFavouriteDeputy

Maybe one day the UK will get a Exlusive

But maybe one day you will stop being childish and grow up a bit.

Good Luck getting your limited time toys USA (I do hope thought that some of you get it, well all of you exept Yourfavouritedeputy :smiley: )

Slink are you trying to give me a heart attack? :laughing:

I don’t worry about toys in general…just saying for those of us who are a little more high strung

Thanks Laddy! You made me see the err of my ways. Making fun of people who brag about having exclusives that other people can’t get is childish. I shouldn’t joke around about such a serious subject. I mean, joking is 100% childish. I’m never going to joke again.

P.S. You have saved my soul…

Just an observation here, but typing “in your face, USA rocks baby” in all capitals reinforces pretty much every negative stereotype of America I can think of.

That was kind of the joke…
I love every country. Just poking fun at the folks who were happy that Americans weren’t getting the new toys. I don’t wish that on any toy story collector. We are all in this together. I hope there are no UK or US exclusives. I do hate Australia though…

…please sense the sarcasm this time.

I sensed the sarcasm and to all of you who didn’t…

[size=200]USA ROCKS BABY!!![/size]

[size=50]SENSE THE SARCASM[/size]

[size=200]CANADA ROCKS BABY!!![/size]

[size=50]SENSE THE SARCASM[/size] :stuck_out_tongue:

Guys can I just say, you are getting in an arguement and getting a bit hyper, these are toys for crying out loud! Not the end of the world if some of us don’t get them. Look at people in Africa dying and all you guys are thinking about is silly toys. I mean some of you guys get the toys put them on a shelf and don’t even bother with them. But I take mine out, show my little brother them, let him play with them. Toys are meant to be played with.

Now grow up all of you please (:

Ummmm dude read the small text we were all being sarcastic…And did you really have to bring up Africa I feel just as bad for them as the next guy but does us having a hobby of toy collecting really affect them?

Ok guys, cause of chilletoes were getting a little of topic. chilletoes why do you have to say such things ( i feel really bad for places like Africa and thats why i donate.), It was a joke for talking about getting Toy Story Collection toys to North America, that are only available to UK. :neutral_face:


LOL, i like how the same person who was glad to get exclusive merchandise…brings up Africa.

“Will you eat your food? People are starving in Africa” Last time I checked, I couldn’t mail my brussel sprouts to Africa.

Its one thing to be thankful for what you have, but that isn’t going to make me less ticked off at Thinkway, because children in Africa are starving.