Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

Andy…is that you?

Whoa, maybe I’ve been gone for too long, but where exactly was it confirmed that would be selling these guys in October or that they would be limited? I know that occasionally before they’ve said things like “We’ll have new Toy Story stuff in October”, but I didn’t know they had specified that they would have these guys. If it’s true, then consider me excited, but I am quite skeptical until we see anything official.

Uhh… I can tell you that the exclusive Toy Story Dolly, Buttercup, Mr.Pricklepants TSC versions will only be for a limited time at the Disney Store and that it is 100% true. Jenny from Thinkway told us. So we will see them in Late October. :slight_smile:

I’m hoping Jenny is telling us every thing cause if there is more then just Dolly Buttercup and Mr.Pricklepants i won’t have enough cash. Cause what if They release Trixie but we had no idea and problable some people would not have the exact cash on there Pre-Paid Credit Card or Credit Card.

Thats why you need to be prepared and store an extra 50-100 bucks just in case there are more characters or just in case these 3 come out to be more money then we expected.

Thanks for clearing that up for me, I went back and saw the post with the email from Jenny. I guess in the initial whirlwind of news and posts when this wave was first discovered I missed that post on the first read-through. Good to hear that there will at least be some available here in the US, but the notion that these will be limited makes me lose hope for any more figures like Zurg, Prospector, Mrs. P, or Trixie, as they obviously don’t think that these toys will sell well enough for a market-wide release. Now to stalk the DS website. :laughing:

I’m new to this forum and I’ve been reading a lot about the third wave of toys and heard some talk that they might be limited to the UK, I’m not saying I believe because I kinda doubt they would do that. I live in the US and hope this is just people from the UK wishing they could get an exclusive line. Also does the wave come out in fall or later in the UK rather than the US. Does anyone have accurate info on the components of the third wave. Please give me as much info as possible on wave 3 :smiley: thanks!

Well i now that Thinkway toys will not be releasing a TSC Zurg cause they were original doing one and had the prototype toy, then some jerk said that they would want it to be a U-Cammand Zurg. :angry: SO that sucks! But the U-camand Zurg is going to be released to the UK and North America. But just the thought of a TSC Zurg must say that they are going to keep going with this idea. I wrote to Jenny about when are they planning to stop making the Toy Story Collection line. And she replied that they are not going to stop making the Toy Story Collection toys, in till they are pleased with the selection of Toy Story Collection toys they put out. So there is still HOPE! :astonished:

Based on the fact that they released buttercup, dolly, and pricklepants, I’ll actually be quite shocked if they bail on Trixie, they might even make chuckles. Maybe there is some reason for a limited release. I still think its possible that they just havent worked out the contracts yet with Toys R Us…or maybe TRU isnt interested anymore because of the hawaiian toys…which i saw already $15 off the other day. Its also possible they have less interest in mass producing the cheaper, plush toys…they are afterall, proud of making “thinking toys”.

However, the older the character, I feel the less likely I feel will be produced. Bo peep seems very unlikely, and Zurg and Stinky Pete may be too. But I think they’ll at least finish Bonnie’s Toys, except for the Peas and maybe chuckles

I just got word from Jenny that the date will be October, 25, 2011 when they release the 3 toys on the Disney Store, but she also mention that this date might change… So at least we have some sort of date… i guess… :-\

Yes a date!Even if it may not be official I will not have to stalk Disneystore that much now.

Long time lurker, first time poster.

hi everyone, nearly finished my collection (for now at least) mainly stuck to the toy story collection toys and a few of the original main characters IE bo peep piggy bank hamm, slinky etc but i’m missing RC car and i can’t find him in the UK anywhere and was hoping someone can help? i did purchase from disney store US along with Hamm i went on holiday came back to find a message saying no longer in stock so they sent the hamm alone for £30+ postage wasn’t impressed as i mainly ordered for RC car :cry:

I’ve spent alot on my collection had to pay over the odds for a few toys now as they seem impossible to find like Rex for instance i just paid £120 for him and would prefer not to pay that amount again for the RC, so if anyone in the UK knows where i can buy please let me know or if anyone outside of the UK can guarantee some in stock at a reasonable price please get in touch.

Thanks for reading, p.s great forum, have fun reading, CAN’T WAIT FOR THE NEW TSC TOY’S!!

Well, i can’t really help you. Cause you said you tried RC on the Disney store and they said they didn’t have any in stock… I don’t now how long it was when you tried but they still say RC is available at the Disney store. Maybe try again? I really can’t help you my friend.

[url]shopDisney | Official Site for Disney Merchandise

Yeah i noticed when i returned from my hols that it was still listed as for sale, it’d really just bug me now though if i purchased again and this time they send it, so i’d be paying £30+ again for something i’ve already paid for.

Sorry i ordered it about 2 weeks ago roughly, returned from my hols friday and it was there (without RC obviously) and checked right away on disney us and noticed it was still for sale.

I would complain hardcore to disney…and say u already paid international shipping and they screwed you over…

Yeah good idea, you might be right, i think i will give that a go, i’ll report back if i recieve an order/shipping confirmation.

I think i found a sneaky way of getting TSC Rex

This is a korean TSC Rex imported by Mimiworld in korea. They have impoted some TSC toys such as Woody, jessie and REX in korean packaging.

This is basically a same rex as the english one but in korean packaging.

its not like he would speak korean or anything he would still be in english but just korean packaging. and certificate of authencity will be in korean too.

Now, even in korea these TSC toys are running super low quantities as the toy story 3 was in cinema like a year ago, but i found a website that does international shipping and it might cost you $75 USD all together including shipping to US.

That is perfect and the COA will not be a problem as I can email Jenny and she would send me an english copy without me even saying what the problem is…So whats the link?

let me find out if they stock the items… looks like they havent updated the page for a bit.

The one thing I’m worried about concerning the Bonnie’s Toys TSC wave is how much Disney Store will charge for international shipping. I’m fine paying $20-30 for each toy, but if it totals to $50 shipping each, I’m not going to be very happy. … =192341102

Okay I dunno how much they have in stock

but it just said my rex left their shop and on the way to G-market.

G-market is like a korean ebay and they would do international shipping for you, not the seller themselves.

i assume that the seller sends the item to G-market and they send it back to the international address.

so anyway rex is bought for me and if anyone is keen to get REX for $75USD hope this helps