Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

They look good can’t really judge Buttercup to much since it is only a side view.

Buttercup most definitely looked better from the front view prototype picture we got of him but still I’m ecstatic about them!!! I love how they made Dolly’s box look like patchwork and Mr. Pricklepants like a stage. I suppose Buttercups’ Box looks Okay but I think I think it could of been better, like cutting the shape of grass around him or something like that but still I’m not too bothered because it’s the toy that I will be using in my collection in the end!! :confused: Does anyone know if they will hit Toys R US shelves any time soon? :question:

Does anyone know if Dolly comes with a stand? I would have to assume that she would, but I haven’t heard anything.

I don’t think she does.

Thanks for all the new photos!

I think they all look good, but I’m not sure they’re going to be worth paying substantial $$$$ (as a non-UK/non-US collector) to obtain them.

The packaging is interesting. Shouldn’t Mr Pricklepants have had something to do with the “toy” as opposed to his “personality” in TS3? Unless Mr Pricklepant’s personality in TS3 was his “toy” personality? Dolly and Buttercup both appear to have packaging that is appropriate to their “toy” personality/design, although since Dolly appears “home made” by Molly, it’s odd that she’s coming in her own box.

I think Pricklepants was marketed as a performing hedgehog toy.In the movie I compared him with deluded buzz but not as extreme meaning straight out of the box he assumed he was an actor just like Buzz thought he was a space ranger.

Does anyone know any news for Thinkways plans for wave 4?

Iv just made an account just for this page, so yeah please excuse me if i mess up here 8D . Iv wanted the TSC ever since they came out, and have just started getting them, im only 15 so its kinda hard for me to get the money but i so far have: Woody - On sale for £18!, Bullseye - £45 :open_mouth:, And Finally Bucket O’ Solders - On sale for £5 :smiley: Anyway, i mostly wanted Rex but yeah i clearly cant get him anymore, but i know i can still get ( wave 3, Jessie & Buzz ) so il never really complete the collection but oh well. And i do belive Hamm will be in wave 4, i read somewhere that they created him but they didnt want him in wave 3. Anyway i hope this posts…

Bushy ~

Hi, just to say good luck with the collection. It will be very hard to get the full collection now, especially Rex. I’ve luckily got them all so far and have just ordered Mr Pricklepants, Dolly and Buttercup. Really want Hamm in wave 4 but don’t know how likely that is, where did you read about him?

Yeah i think it will be impossible to get them now :frowning: just get Jessie Buzz and Wave 3 i guess, and i cant remember but i defenatly seen it and it said we have designed it but it wont be released for wave 3. Sorry i cant help anymore, and id like to point out im in the UK and i never even seen Rex, RC and Aliens here. and Rex & Aliens are who i wanted the most 8D just my luck!

Hiya Bushy,
Hope the collection goes fantastic! Referring to your posts, I did see aliens and rex in Toys R Us (2 in the UK) and one of them is where I got my aliens. But I got RC in the Entertainer (in Lakeside) Unfortunately when I went back to my closest Toys R Us, Rex was gone and so where the aliens, rc etc. Maybe they’ve stopped shipping them here for a while?? Also, I read somewhere that Health and Safety are pulling the reigns on Lotso because of his Strawberry fumes :bulb:

You can get Buzz, Mr Potato Head, and Lotso off but you can probably find them cheaper on eBay or something. Jessie is also in Toys R Us. Haven’t seen RC or Rex anywhere and Aliens you can get off the internet for a decent price. The Aliens are a really good one to get. I can’t wait for my wave 3 toys to come now! I’m also in the UK as you’ve probably seen but luckily I just ordered the whole lot as soon as they came out, quite expensive though. You may have to get a part time job just to finance your collection haha. But very good luck with your collection, just one last thing, you won’t regret buying these toys as they are just a brilliant collection to have! Let us all know how your collection comes along.

Hey bushy,
It’s awesome to see that someone the same age as me is collecting tsc toys! I started off with woody and rc and now have most of them, i even ordered Hamm from the American Disney store as I live in the uk! The best chance you will find a Rex is toys r us, as most people have said!
So far in my collection I’ve got :
Tsc buzz
Tsc woody
Tsc Jessie
Tsc bullseye
Tsc rc
Tsc Rex
Tsc aliens x 2
Tsc mr potato head
Tsc lotso
Mrs potato head (one with bendy arms but with toy story features)
Disney on ice wheezy
I have ordered dolly, buttercup and mr pricklepants ( I have to ds ones as well)
Tour guide barbie
Fire truck
Ds Hamm

That’s all and still collecting :stuck_out_tongue:

w00t. My Dolly and Buttercup are waiting at my folks. Got them delivered there as I’m generally at work and won’t be home for deliveries. I’ll nip up and get them shortly. Pricklepants was only just dispatched today so should arrive tomorrow.

Might get some pics up if there aren’t any already posted by the time I get them.

Not VG pics I know, but hey…
Dolly is tiny, smaller than I expected, not sure why. Just felt she was bigger.
Also Lee Unkrich’s sig is on the certificates alongside John Lasseter for these toys. Makes sense,but it wasn’t on Lotso’s certificate.

Those pics look okay.
Dolly looks ok,but buttercup looks weird from the front.

Yikes Buttercup is not looking so good but Dolly looks excellent even without the tooth.

Dolly looks pretty good. Her mouth is embroidered on rather than being felt though and the stitching round the hem and neck of her dress isn’t even stitched. It seems to be screen printed on which seems lazy. Not worth the money either of them ,but hey, we already knew that, right? haha. Still pleased with them

Pricklepants is the marquee toy in this wave anyhow.

They look brilliant!!! It’s so nice to see new TSC items!!! I don’t think Buttercup looks that bad it’s just he looks a bit different from his prototype!