Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

I’m not sure if mine’s just an anomaly or if I’m misunderstanding, but my Lotso still smells like he did when I bought him over a year ago. Granted the smell is not quite as strong since he’s not been in his box, but I can still smell the strawberry scent pretty well when I pick him up and hold him. I’ve never had the issue that some on these boards have of him losing his scent, so maybe mine’s part of a different batch or something like that, who knows.

On a separate note, super excited to see that Dolly, Pricklepants, and Buttercup are finally making it out to the stores and shipping from the online retailers to the lucky UK fans who got to purchase them already. As much as I don’t want to fork over the huge amount of money for importing them, if I miss the boat on the Disney Store website release of these I may just have to do so, as even with their quirks, I absolutely love these guys and want to have the complete collection to give to my own kids one day when I’m older. That is if I can ever bring myself to let them go like Andy did, these guys are so near and dear to my heart that I can’t even imagine giving them to anyone else.

It does seem rather odd that they would release a wave entirely devoted to Bonnie’s toys without also releasing Trixie or Chuckles, but maybe we’ll get lucky and have a surprise reveal right near Christmas or sometime early next year when they announce Wave 4. Like everyone else, if they only plan to do one more wave, I’d really really like to see them do Prospector, Zurg, Trixie, Mrs. P, and either Stretch, Chuckles, or Big Baby. I’d love all three of those last ones, but I’m almost certain we’d only get one if the rest of those get put into that wave. That being said I really hope they don’t disappoint next year, I had really high hopes for Wave 3, and for them to only release these 3 really surprised me, and the weird distribution of them kinda strikes me as odd too. Hopefully the next ones will have a more widespread release, as this constant checking of the website and this thread to see when they go up is driving me nuts, not to mention reeking havoc on my wallet and budget. 8D

Same. My Lotso still have the strawberry smell. Well its only near his belly, but he still smells. And i got him a year ago also.

Hey guys, just to let you know I went into my local toys r us and noticed that they had all the tsc toys except Rex and aliens ( they didn’t have dolly, mr pricklepants and buttercup) !

My Lotso still has his smell as well.

Pricklepants packaging is LOL. He’s easily the best in this wave imo

Thanks for uploading, im not sure if i want buttercup tbh, i mean i want the collection but he really isnt that good… :confused:

Buttercup looks fine. He’s made with a kinda glittery, shimmery fabric which doesn’t “do” photos. If your a collector you’ll get him. Easily the best Buttercup there will ever be :wink:

Could you do a photo of buttercup & bullseye to compare them? im curious of the size difference

I have to agree. He might not be perfect, but compared to the other two Buttercups we have he is leaps and bounds about the others. I am excited to see him in person. My main question right now is about Dolly’s height. She just looks a little short to me. Though having not seen these three with the other toys, it is hard to tell. We need a pic of them with Buzz and Woody to really get an idea of their size. I have been checking alomst hourly…nuthin.

Boy I want these more and more every time I see pictures.

The cheapest place I can find them that has international shipping is on the entertainer website, and even then it works out to be around $45 for each toy…
There’s no way I’m going anywhere near the Disney store, they charge ridiculous amounts for shipping.

I know! I love it how it mentions emeryville on his suitcase, and how it says “I was moved to tears”- everyone :laughing:

Absolutely Brilliant. Thanks Thinkway, they just made my life a whole lot easier!!! :mrgreen:

pic to give an idea of scale

^ Do you think we could see a picture of their boxes from all angles and their Certificates of Authenticity? Also, does Dolly have a stand? Thanks.

Dolly does not have a stand sadly.

chatroom tonight anyone?

what’s chatroom?

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Hey everyone, Havent been on for a wile but im glade to be back!!

I wanted to know what everyone in the US is doing about the new collection toys? Are you gong to get them from over seas? Going to wait?
Someone that has them already can you post photos of pricklepants box? I like Buttercups and Dollys, but havent been able to get a good look at Pricklepants.