Thinkway's Toy Story Collection … CF0450.jpg

LOL Ok that has to be the best box yet lol Really Nice!!
Thinkway if you are reading this GREAT Job!!! lol


These are some pictures of my Daughters toy story collection…which i paid for!

I have also taken some pic’s of the new TSC Dolly, Buttercup & Pricklepants at the side of the old Disney store plush toys.

I think someone asked for a picture of the new Buttercup at the side of Bullseye.

Regards … 0_0006.jpg … 0_0005.jpg … 0_0004.jpg … 0_0003.jpg … 0_0002.jpg … 0_0001.jpg

P.S i think Buttercup should have been bigger!

Wow man, thanks for the awesome pics! You are an awesome dad to have bought all of those toys for your daughter, and I hope when I have kids some day I can be that awesome.

I have to agree, I think Buttercup should have been a little bigger, but since this is probably the best we’re ever going to get, I think I can be satisfied with this version. Aside from the size, he looks to be pretty spot on, and I really like the materials that they used for him. Dolly looks loads better than the DS version, even without the tooth, and for those avid customizers out there I’m sure it will be pretty easy to create a tooth, be it with thread or fabric. And Pricklepants, man he definitely is the star of this wave, I love that box he comes in, and he just looks great! Now if only DS would hurry up and list these guys for sale so I can stop contemplating paying double the cost to have them shipped from the UK. 8D

Craigtw1 thank you for the photos! Your daughter’s collection looks great! All of them look really good, but I agree with you and Masterjedi461. That photo with Buttercup and Bullseye WOW He looks really [size=85]Tiny[/size] lol I think he should have been alot bigger really. But again he is probably going to be the best we are ever going to get so he is on my list for sure.

As of right now for the TSC I am missing Regular Buzz, Rex, Bullseye, Dolly, Buttercup, and Mr. Pricklepants. Hoping i can get them soon. Ill post a photo of my collection soon. :smiley:

I think buttercup is a little small,then again i also think TSC bullseye is too big.

It’s hard to get a size comparison from this screencap,because you can’t see the feet in the pic.

Well… I think Buttercup is the right size… in a way… :confused:

Remind you that In the first picture, buttercup is closer to the screen and Bullseye has his neck down.

In the second picture. Bullseye is on a stand and Buttercup looks like he is on a thin piece of cardboard…

I think Buttercup and Dolly are both undersized but I won’t complain to much because what they lack in size they make up for in looks.

Hey guys… I now this is little bit off topic on what we are talking about right now(Buttercup size) But i wanted to now. What Toy Story Collection do you think is a perfect replica from the movie? I’m just wondering. :smiley:

I would have to say Mr. Potato Head…

Jk lol :smiley:

but seriously I’m not sure what do you think?

Also could somebody post the link to the flickr account of that person that makes those toy story toys that Emma said are her “customs” :smiley:

I think Woody, Buzz, and Rex seem pretty well scaled. All the others are just a lil’ off like RC, Jessie, Bullseye etc. :slight_smile:

Thanks just wondering when you know who sold Hockey Pucks how much were they
also do you guys suggest buying from spiritmama or no?

Hey Slink I see that SpiritMama or whatever is selling a roly poly clown that looks pretty good but I don’t know if I should consider buying because you said you might be making one what do you think?
This is the woman who is selling all of them. You can ask her the prices but they are pretty high, but I think it is overall worth it :slight_smile:

That Roly Poly Clown is no where near as good as Slink’s will be if you ask me so I would consider waiting :slight_smile:

Probably she spent a lot of money in her custom toys… :unamused: !
Finally, another lie…

BTW some one is interested on some jpg archives for 80$? LOL [url]This item is unavailable - Etsy