Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

If i could get my hands on one of those Octopus’s i would be happy just having that to replace Stretch with. (Thinking on getting Lotso Gang… No clue yet if i should or shouldn’t.) … 1c1cdf9540

Heres one look how much they want for it!!! Yeah right!!!

Nice reviews Sumori.

Hello all, I was just curious. If they do create a TSC Trixie do you think the packaging will resemble Rex’s? I personally hope it doesn’t because I think Trixie’s packaging could be drastically better. What are your thoughts on this guys? :smiley:

Why wont they release Toy Story Collection Wave 3 on Disney Store :angry:

On the Trixie’s Box topic I personally like Rex’s packaging, so no comment.

I also like Rex’s I just think Trixie’s packaging could be better. I love Mr.Pricklepants packaging, it looks just immaculate :smiley:

I am still waiting on Disney Store to get wave 3 but from the pictures and videos I think Mr. Prickle Pants has one of the best toy story collection boxes :smiley:

I live in the UK so I could pick him up now, but I might pick him up in a week when I also get UB Buzz from Tesco :smiley: (I heard that alot of people had to send their Ub Buzz back a few times, I hope mine works perfectly) :smiley: I’m sorry that you can’t get Mr.Pricklepants yet :frowning:

Thanks the rumored date was today, but nothing has showed itself so I am just wating :smiley:

Correction, waiting

DAMM!!! Why am i not a BILLIONAIRE :cry: !!! I want that toy SO Much! :angry:

When the seller refers to themselves in third person in the description, you know there must be something weird about them. o_0

^ Probstein123 offers refunds on returned items. Just noticed that. 8D

Probstein123 reduces shipping costs if you win multiple auctions !

Okay wow. Looking through his store, most of the stuff he’s selling is well over $1000. There’s a $100,000 baseball card. And he’s got a feedback score of 37865, so this guy must be rich.

Does any one know if thinkway are still releasing their TSC Rex??? I haven’t seen him in a while and he was sort of next on my list of toys to get!

@Goblet I believe has one? A question to all you guys, I want to keep all my TSC toys in package, and I also want to remove the batteries. But I don’t want to open the packaging just incase I rip the packaging to remove the batteries :frowning: HELP?! Also I can’t find the 3 Pack aliens in the UK for a reasonable price anywhere, suggestions also :frowning:?

Thanks LiamAnslow you’ve been really helpful. I also believe that amazon has aliens but they are a ridiculous price - £40 I think. Well I know for a fact when i bought mine in Toys R Us they were only about 26. I’m just holding out for another Toy Story short.Perhaps then we’ll see some more characters on shelves like Rex, Aliens or even Buttercup, Dolly or Mr. Pricklepants . . .

You’re very welcome :slight_smile:. You’re so lucky to get them at that price -.-, I would visit my local Disney Store in the city centre(resembles a mall)to see what TSC toys are in stock, but I feel very embarrassed :frowning:. Also, Wave 3 is on Goblet if you’re desperate to purchase them. Oh also, I checked Amazon’s TSC alien 3-pack, I am not paying that price :confused:

Checked the Uk Amazon and i dont see the TSC Rex they have the smaller one. I too am looking for TSC Rex was never able to get him and the prices that he is selling for on Ebay are Crazy IMO. Can anyone get one for a reasonable price ?

@ LiamAnslow do not be embarrassed I walked into a TRU like a man and picked up a Jessie TSC doll with confidence then…Handed it to a little girl with 50 bucks and told her to meet me in the front of the store. :laughing: Just kidding if you really are embarrassed and the cashier ask you something which I doubt he/she will just say its a gift for your niece/nephew.