Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

Hehe!!! Probably the best think to do. However when I got them, I blew my cover because I couldn’t find them so I had to ask someone to show me where they were in the store!!

Thanks Mr.Potato :smiley:! I actually thought about using that excuse along time ago but I am still to frghtened to go :frowning: Since I don’t own a credit card either ( I am only 14) I have to ask my sisters to purchase online for me which is embaressing I always say “It’s a paperweight”, it turns out to be a very awkward yet comical thing purchasing toys. And Mr.Potato head, you Sir are fearless! :-d Man you guys are awesome…

Well I am only 16 but when I need a specific item online I ask my uncle and he is cool with it as long as I give him the money for the item… He is the kinda guy that says I’ll mind my business if you mind yours no questions asked which is totally cool would have been hard to explain to him why I wanted a Barbie and Ken made for each other set.

That’s cool, I wonder when wave 4 will release for TSC? Sorry for jumping on another subject :smiley:

You guys shouldn’t feel embarassed to buy a Jessie doll. The cashier doesn’t know who your buying it for. You could be a dad buying for you daughter.

Well we just got Wave 3 this month so we may not see wave 4 for another year or two.

WOAH! Are you serious :-O, that sucks… I think wave 3 wasn’t paticularly that good, in the sense that I expected better packaging from Dolly and Buttercup, I hope wave 4 is Trixie, Zurg, and Chunk or Twitch :smiley: What toys do you want in the next wave guys?

Well when I emailed thinkway they replied saying that wave 4 will be finalized in 2012 now if that’s early or late, i don’t know. I’d defiantly would want a Mrs. Potato Head and prospector. Zurg would be awesome as well as trixie and chuckles. However Chuckles I’m not too sure that they will because of how he’s not too much for a major character in TS3 so public may not be too interested (I may be wrong!!!) But a stretch would be awesome. They could do a cool jelly- like package. or something. I think once these character have been made, they be done. Unless of course another short is made with new characters. I don’t really believe that they’d revisit anymore characters from Toy Story 1 but maybe from Toy Story 2, that’s why I worry whether or not they’d make a Stinky Pete - but still i think Zurg we be in the line because they’d already made a prototype of a U-Command which for some reason they didn’t pursue in TSC wave 3. So perhaps they decided to make him a TSC and put him in wave 4???) But as I’ve said, I may be completely wrong.

Very informative Goblet :smiley:. Could you show me this U-Command prototype? :slight_smile:

It was information that a member on this forum called Doomseeker got from the U.K Toy Fair. He said that when he went he saw prototypes of Mr. Pricklepants (which was made) Dolly (which was made) Buttercup (which was made) and the Hawaiian toys (which were made) He said that he also saw a Zurg, accurate size an all but he wasn’t Toy Story Collection but a U-Command toy. He said that he also saw Big Baby and Twitch that were TSC. I thought that seemed odd that thinkway had all these toys all ready to go for wave 3 but when the time came, they were never made. So I emailed thinkway a while back and asked why this were they replied that a range of characters are in production for wave 4 but have not yet been finalized for a predicted 2012 release.

Sorry that I don’t have a picture, it was only information that was posted some months ago … :blush:

Hey guys, look what I found! I believe this is the image taken from a Toy Story book of some sort. I found it on another Toy Story forum (not on this website). The page where I found the image is here: … 2&page=159
I was literally captivated by the packaging and some believe it was from Disney Pixar’s files but it was not used (obviously because it was not seen in the film). I really like the packaging and I HOPE that Thinkway use this packaging.

Oh, then don’t worry Goblet :smiley:

My Ideal wave 4 would be Mrs.P,Trixie and Zurg its all I ask of Thinkway and maybe Stretch. I see no need for a Chunk or Twitch because we already have good Thinkway Versions but Sparks could use some work. I’ve also seen that Zurg Box Art its a nice looking concept.

I went to my Local ToysRus picked up a Barbie and Ken Pack lol So dont worry go get those Toy Story Toys lol and If anything use what Mr. Potato Head said It works TRUST ME!! lol :smiley:

Yea it does work like a charm they rarely ask but every now and then you bump into a curious clerk and they ask why are you buying this Doll and you simply reply It’s for my Niece then walk away like a big shot. 8D

Just hope we get that for the ultimate Toy Story Collection Zurg.
Something a lot like Rex’s box design but something perhaps more for girls for a Toy Story Collection Trixie.
Pete’s box from the movie and a Stinky Pete Prospector doll with a toy mode and interactive.
And Mrs. Potato Head because my Mr. Potato Head’s getting lonely.


Until then, we have to be patient…Unfortunately :neutral_face:

Why did the Disney Store lie to us rumored date was yesterday for wave 3 but nothing even today :angry:

Hi guys this might sound really dumb but I can’t figure out how to get a picture above my name on the right side of the screen when I post could some help my out with that, Thanks :smiley:

I took a while to figure it out as well but all you have to do is upload a picture onto your account on image websites like image shack, flickr or photo bucket (Do do so you must hve an account.) This image most not be over 100 x 100 pixels or 40 KiB - I didn’t really know what it meant by that so I just searched for pics with 100 x 100 pixels. You then go onto your profile and select edit avatar. I then copied my image location from my account on Image shack and pasted it into the little bar that says upload from your machine.