Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

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Where does it say edit avatar? Thanks btw :smiley:

Click profile at the top bar where it says menu etc. then scroll down and there’s tabs. One of them says profile and click that tab. On a list on the left it says edit avatar.

Thanks Goblet97 I got one :smiley:

It looks amazing! My one’s just a bit plain, boring and simple but Woody’s my favorite character so I had to use him!!! But yours is awesome, I’m glad that I could help!!!

Mine is just the Mr.P logo but I like it matches my name.

@Mr. Potato Head, I like yours! I like the cool reflection then the signature underneath!! My name was just chosen at random and for no apparent reason what’s so ever! 8D

Perhaps they’re waiting for Halloween to pass???

I think my perfect wave 4 would be:

Mrs Potato Head

Exactly the same as mine! Wouldn’t mind a stretch but it might be out of their product aim (making toys interactive and a learning curve) But we never know :-\

Well look at this team…
Me-Evil Emperor Zurg, Sworn enemy of the Galactic Alliance and father of Buzz Lightyear.
Goblet97-Woody…Sherriff Woody, Leader of The Roundup Gang and arch enemy of One Eyed Bart and Dr.Evil Porkchop.
Mr.Potato Head-Mr.Potato Head, Married to the beloved Ms’s P and a happy father of 3 Aliens.
ToyStoryMan26-Wheezy, A Phenomenal singer of the Toy Story 2 credits and he has a fabulous squeaker.

That is what I was thinking also cars 2 is being released along with all the toy story’s in 3D on November 1st so that could be the date I hope, anyway :smiley:
Also I’m glad you like my picture thanks for helping me :smiley:

Yeah maybe. Perhaps when this new short (or movie if there is going to be one) is out Toy Story Collection items including those that are always out of stock now will be released.

Nice team Liam!!! 8D

Welcome Goblet :slight_smile:

[quote="Goblet97":65jz0ykz]Exactly the same as mine! Wouldn’t mind a stretch but it might be out of their product aim (making toys interactive and a learning curve) But we never know :-\[/quote:65jz0ykz]

I would also love to see Chunk, Twitch and Sparks made into TSC as I think that trio would look amazing alongside Lotso. Stretch would be really good as well and then all you’d need is Bookworm to finish Lotso’s gang, excluding Ken. But would love to see Chuckles made as well as definitive Peas in a Pod to complete Bonnie’s toys. Lastly, I keep saying this but I really wish Thinkway would release a TSC Hamm and Slinky but apparently that’s very unlikely.

Nice Team Liam. 8D

I’m guessing that the Disney Store are waiting for Cars 2 to be released or for The Muppets to come out before they release Wave 3 onto the store.

That would make sense I am just tired of all the BS Thinkway is giving out If you don’t know a release date then do not give one out.

Welcome Mr.Potato :smiley:.
I TOTALLY agree with you Dr.Evil Porckchop, I think a TSC Chunk would be amazing! Twitch would be pretty cool, but I think Twitch’s packaging will/would be really good.


I think it may be quite likely seeing that he was packaged and prettified as a Toy Story Collection prototype but was never out with wave 3. However at the U.K toy far, the Hawaiian toys came out a different time then the TSC Bonnie toys, so perhaps there’s a big chance that a Toy Story Collection Twitch will be in the line (fingers crossed!)

Stretch possibly however her toy basis does not match Thinkway’s usual product specification however it did not stop Dolly, Buttercup or Mr. Prickklepants.

Tirxie - big chance and she’s a character that has not been written of of the Toy Story saga. But a girl dinosaur toy may not sell well but the chance is that they might release her is that it would be a fantastic collectors item and also girls of all ages have watched Toy Story 3 and loved it so if Pixar are planning to keep the Toy Story life alive with Woody and the gang and bonnnie’s toys, little girls would want the complete series of bonnies toys. Also to apply to girls they could make her packaging like a blue tin crate to ship her in with a pleasant paradise Tropicana in the background (replaces Rex’s crate and volcano)

Zurg - Would sell fantastically, everyone loves the Buzz Lightyear figure so to have a HUGE toy that has cool robotic features, a ion blaster, cool alien voice, Zurg vision, an accurate box and an interactive mode - who would not love that (I’m getting excited just talking about it!!!) Also Science - fiction has done a fantastic selling point in the toy buisness so a Toy Story Collection Zurg could really put Thinkway back on the map.

Stinky Pete - to make it a comical selling point in the Woody’s Roundup gang. DO what they did with Lotso and make him happy. A happy Toy Story Collection Stinky Pete would sell better than the villain one. Also make his box exactly like it is in the movie so people can recognize him in an instant - have it reasonably priced - and the public will think why not buy him!! Also the biggest selling point for the Prospector is the fact that he is the missing character from the Roundup Collection. People would want to buy him so they’d have the full woody’s roundup.

Mrs. Potato Head - I think Thinkway are scared to release a Toy Story Collection Mrs. Potato Head because of how poorly Mr. Potato Head sold. But the answers staring them blankly in the face! Mr. Potato Head didn’t sell well because he was inaccurate and inaccuracy that cost £50. People would want a toy that fits in the Toy Story Collection line that looks absolutely accurate and has an added bonus of it can talk! The whole idea of the Toy Story Collection line was to make kids happy because now they can have the exact toys that Andy/Bonnie/Children at Sunnyside played with. The toys we’ve watched and have been in my little life for as long as I can remember! Thinkway should look at Mrs. Potato Head as a positive rather then a negative. Make her have separate eyes but just higher the age range on the toy (I understand they couldn’t do this with Mr. Potato Head because he quotes it in the movie) Have a false bottom on her battery compartment so that there’s room for a part storage (Tata tush!!) Make her legs shorter. Then if or when she’s in my local Toys R US customers would love her (and the Estelle Harris voice) and then see Mr. Potato Head right next to her (OK he’s not as accurate but you need both of them or none of them!) Perhaps they could do a two for one deal or something.

All them characters would be perfect for me! That would be my ultimate Toy Story Collection.