Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

Rex is going to be hard to find I own the whole collection except for him… Finding one under 150 is near impossible.

EDIT:also missing Dolly,Buttercup & Pricklepants from the collection.

Welcome Dexter Harry!

Man oh Man Rex, hes not hard to find atleast online. Thing is the prices are CRAZY!
In my Collection I am Missing Rex,Regular Buzz, Bullseye, Pricklepants, Dolly, and Buttercup. But i hope to get them soon well the others besides Rex grrr. lol

Anyone know where I can get the TSC 3 pack aliens in the UK for a reasonable price?! Although I am going to check my local Disney store Saturday…

I think the only place you can get TSC aliens in the UK is online (ebay ,amazon…).Also i don’t think Disney store stock any TSC ,oh and the choice of stuff at Disney store in MK is terrible :frowning:

And Amazon’s price is a tad excessive, and I don’t shop on Ebay.

Last year during december, i’ve bought 3 Rex TSC on for 3 child of my family.

I’ve bought for one 20€ (30$ aproximatively).

Now when i see the crasy price on ebay, it’s very weird… o_0

Any item increases in price as it gets harder to obtain, in this case referring to a very collectible TSC Rex, the thing that I can’t comprehend is Rex was obviously not produced as much as Buzz and Woody (for the obvious reason that Woody and Buzz are the main characters which will pre-sumably sell more) BUT if people are demanding TSC Rex then why not produce and distribute more TSC Rex’s.

Although emailing Thinkway they said to me that they were still producing him but our stocks depend on the retailer so if all of them are out of stock I would of thought that Thinkway would release more because of the public interest?? Oh well but there’s still the chance that we might see Rex more when the new short come out.

Does every one know what the new short is about? I dont want to spoil it if ppl do not want to know about it. I do hope after we will see some new stuff.

No clue I only know of its whereabouts because I was told that it was going to be released soon so I took their word for it, I may be wrong however!!!

I think it would be pretty cool if they made a new character for the new short, I have no idea why I want a new character… Just an abnormal notion I guess, :smiley:

Oh I also forgot, hopefully Disney uses the same concept they did for the “Cars Toons”. What I mean by that is… Cars Toons displayed all there mini episodes and then compacted them all into one Blu-Ray, I hope the Toy Story Toons after all displayed at the cinema are then compacted into a compilation on Blu-Ray.

Finally completed my “Toy Story Collection” collection. Loads more I want besides the official collection items, but it feels like a bit of a landmark. I was a late starter (January 2011) but it’s been fun. haha. Got UB Buzz last Saturday which was kinda my last toy I needed, but I was still waiting delivery of this bad boy…
Bit the bullet and imported him from Korea (thanks to some post made by Walt7 in this thread somewhere a long time ago, so thanks to him even though we’ve never spoke…haha). Cost £57 including shipping which whilst too expensive isn’t really much dearer than retail cost in the UK without delivery so not too bad. He speaks English before you ask, but what struck me was how huge he is. Wasn’t quite prepared for the size. I’ve been pretty happy with the non-collection Rex from Thinkway and knew it was smaller, but I did think it was only slightly smaller.
Not posted a pic of my full collection 'cause like so many on here I’m “just waiting on another piece” then I’ll post it. haha

Oh my goodness, £57, you are very lucky. It’s a shame the box’s language isn’t in English but hey who cares you got the figure! Well done sir :slight_smile:

I’m sooooooooooooooooooooooo jealous right now!! 8D
It looks fantastic and I can’t wait to see your full collection! I can’t believe it because I’ve seen Rex in every single toy story I’ve ever gone into and thought that I’ll buy him soon when the time came that I was ready to buy him - couldn’t find him anywhere!!! :cry:

Hey Goblet, roughly how many TSC figures could I get with £180?

Well when I got mine they are all pretty expensive then so I could of only got about 4 characters then but now I reckon roughly about 6 or 7 perhaps it depends really on the character you want but if I were you I’d think I would go in the order they came in the film so first complete Andy’s toys then thinking about moving on to Bonnies toys or Sunnyside. I say this because I sort of jumped into getting them all at once and in doing so, I’ve got a little bit of Sunnyside and a little bit of Andy’s. I should of really completed Andy’s first and then think about the others. Also, are you planning to get just Toy Story Collection or also some other toys like Bo Peep, Mike, lenny??

I’m only getting TSC toys and only TSC toys that I actually like…

Hehe! So what ones don’t you really like?

Woah put me on the spot 8D
Ub Buzz (Which i’ve ordered)
Buttercup and Mr.Pricklepants
Rex (Not happening probably :frowning: )
The aliens
And some others.
I have the soldiers, they are awesome and really cheap.