Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

I suppose :wink:, but my parents think its all kids toys, and when they see a big pink box :'), oh well… im only getting the collection… Have no room for the non collections sadly… :frowning: Really want Prospector and Trixie, and Mrs. P. and a lower price… also Chuckles. Im not actually that bothered about Zurg… i know im the only one but yeah.

I try to avoid buying them in-store as much as possible. The last toy I bought in an actual store was Jessie around Christmas time, which led to an awkward situation with the cashier.
“Your little sister must be very lucky to have such a generous brother like you!”
“No, actually, she’s for me.”

When it comes to buying toys, PayPal is your best friend. o_0

My parents wouldnt let me use there accounts to buy them there just " toys " to them and im 15, i should be out with friends. |: no thanks, il go out when i get them all! LOL, that may take a while… :cry:

woody’s roundup by ELVIS1931, on Flickr

ts collection by ELVIS1931, on Flickr I got little more of them now…

lollypop by sparks by ELVIS1931, on Flickr
Good pic of buzz belt I took long ago…

LIGHT OF THE BELT by ELVIS1931, on Flickr

Toy story 1 by
sHaY110, on Flickr

Troll & robot by sHaY110, on Flickr

mr potato head happy. by sHaY110, on Flickr

Fantastic collection shay110

Thank u! :smiley:

You could always make your own account?
Everyone seems to think you need a credit card to use PayPal but you can hook your bank account up to it and just pay that way. I’m not entirely sure if you’re supposed to be over 18 before you can make a PayPal account but I’ve had mine for over a year now and I’m only 17 so…

I dont have access to my credit card or bank :L my mums keeping my card till im 18 :frowning:

They are making a Bonnie doll now. … uctDisplay

Happy Halloween fellow collectors.

Happy halloween mr potato head! :stuck_out_tongue:


What Mrs. potato Head is that?

that is a little glass figure that you could mail in for about the time toy story 2 came out there was a mr.potao head with her

Do you know of any way to obtain her?
Thanks :slight_smile:

not that i know of i will keep my eye out for her you had to mail in to get her she isnt much bigger then a green army guy and is made of glass (=


I’m new here. I’m writing from Hungary!
I have a big problem. My son have a Toy Story Collection Woody. I have it on an auction site (like eBay) buying. Unfortunately his pull-string is brake away. It’s a material mistake. My son now very san. He love this toy, he take care for it, not his fault. I have write an e-mail, for Thinkway Toys customers service, that they maybe exchange for me.
What do you think? They exchange it me?

Sorry for my bad english.

That’s right, she’s very fragile it’s made of resin to be precise :slight_smile:

Most probably, I recently asked thinkway toys about my Mr. Potato Heads nose because it never cliped on to the toy and they sent me a brand new nose in the mail. I’m not to sure about a whole doll but it may be very likely - their customer service is usually very good. Hoped this helped. :slight_smile:

Just e-mailed Thinkway:

and Jenny responded:

Hmm… I think I’ll contact the Disney Store and ask them. This is kinda irritating.

Kaos I’m sure if you email Thinkway Toys they will help you out man best customer service I’ve ever dealt with personally.