Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

Well, I just e-mailed Disney Store :

and got a generic bull answer:

Man, this is frustrating. I have a bunch of money saved up right now for these toys, and I don’t even know when I’ll be able to get them.


respond to the email and say how you find it disrespectful that they sent you a generic answer and didn’t bother to read it…

I did that once, and they actually tried answering my question…and apologized

Thats a really good idea… Nacho, should do that!

I agree you should do that!

Alright, I sent them:

And they sent me back:

So, still not a great answer, but at least better than before.

yea much better answer!

With all the crap we have been getting I don’t see these toys hitting DS Online till late December possibly even 2012. :neutral_face:

Anyone who still needs Bullseye,Aliens,Jessie,Soldiers,Mr.P & Hamm … 828wt_1139 54.99 More than 10 available … 026&sr=8-3 26.95 1 left! … 026&sr=8-7 47.45 In Stock … 26&sr=8-11 23.95 2 left! … 26&sr=8-13 47.00 In Stock … Shopping&N 19.50 In Stock

Found these all listed at a good price and figured I would post it for anyone still missing these guys. :smiley:

Hi guys please check out my channel so far I have a collection video up and I just put togheter a new intro on adobe after affects, check them out, leave comments on what you think and if you want Subscribe! Here is the link to my channel: … ature=mhee

Very cool dude! :stuck_out_tongue: great collection.

Just posting here to show some love for the characters of Wave 3 which I recently received. Each set of photos shows a general full character pose, then a shot of some close up detail, and finally a scale reference with me holding each character.


An overlooked character of this wave, and very difficult to photograph well (as I found out) which I think is the reason many are put off by his appearance. Spot on material and a very nice, chunky tactile sort of feel to him. Excellent facial detail. The tail is a bit annoying in that it is very whispy and difficult to keep neat, with stray hairs having a tendency to sprawl. Not a big deal at all however.

Things to look out for:

Construction symmetry and a nice fluffy tail.


Very nice addition to the collection. Much smaller than I expected bu not disappointingly so. She feels very subtle and gentle to hold and you feel like you should be handling her with care due to fragility. Excellent button detailing and very nice thick felt hair. There’s a definite feeling of quality and care having gone into this character and is a wonderful addition to your collections. Exceedingly well constructed though possibly a tad over-priced for what she is.

Things to look out for:

Check her eyes are not scratched before purchase.

Mr. Pricklepants:

A superb toy. Very clean construction and nice detailing on his costume. Very fun to hold, like a big fluffy ball. Wonderful little rigid hat sits firmly on his head. His prickles aren’t as coarse as they appear on film and instead are made from a much softer material which still looks the part and has some really nice subtly colour variations throughout that add some dimension. Nice sturdy little feet and cute flappy little paws which are a joy to wiggle.

Things to look out for:

Not a great deal. Neatness of embroidery on his costume and general symmetry.

And all together (with the addition of Peas-in-a-pod for completeness):


All three are a much needed addition to any serious collector of Toy Story, and each is a vast step up from their previous Disney Store counterparts. Quite expensive (especially if you purchase them all in one hit like I did) but you get what you pay for, and with this wave you get quality in both materials and construction. Get them while they are on release because I can only see them going up in value due to their relative obscurity, especially in the U.S.

In other news, I just got a Christmas temp job working at the Disney Store. :smiley: Exciting times.

Awesome pictures and reviews if these are not in DS US soon I might have to cave and just order online from the UK.

Very sharp pics booh88! :slight_smile:

Nice pictures booh88 hoping to get them around Christmas time :smiley:

I personally am waiting until the end of 2011 to see if Wave 3 is released on the Disney Store website in the US. If they still aren’t, I’m just gonna import them from the UK.

If you live in the US ebay is selling almost every Toy Story collection toy for retail price only left out items are UB Buzz,Rex & RC other then that they are all there for about 50 bucks they also have Barbie & Ken for 27 dollars to find them just use the TRU search on Ebay.

Hey all :slight_smile:, i know i dont post much… i think my latest post was about what i saw in Smyths UK. Anyway, im asking for help… People in the UK if you see a Collection Alien Pack, please message me im in need of one, i can get everyone but Mr Potato, Rex, RC, & Aliens so im gonna try get each one, i know im not likley to get Rex & RC but i can try. Anyway please inbox me if you see Aliens. Also, one of my friends orderd me Buttercup and there only asking £8 for him :smiley: brand new in box and everything. Anyway hope for replies soon, - Oh by the way… i dont mind if aliens are second hand aslong as there in good condition & have the certificate. The box would also be a great bonus but i could live without it. Thanks again.

If you ordered troikas, please read the troikas thread


All U.S. collectors must read, ok so I was annoyed and a little worried that wave 3 hadn’t arrived to disney store yet so I was looking to buy them from the UK and I went on and Mr. PricklePants was on SALE! so I tried to buy all three of them just for the heck of it and dolly and buttercup didn’t work but Mr.PricklePants shipped to the U.S. worked and for only 25 US dollars(or 17.05 euros or whatever) in total this is a must buy, you know they retail for 30 dollars and Disney Store always over prices stuff and shipping so this is like on sale! BUY IT This would be a good price in US :smiley: Now I just need dolly and buttercup

^ I just tried doing that, and none of the three toys could be shipped to the US for me. Did you order directly from Amazon or another seller?