Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

Maybe they fixed the glitch. I was able to purchase Mr. Pricklepants and have him shipped to the USA. AND YES, the seller was AMAZON.CO.UK itself. NOT a third party seller, but amazon. I purchased it the same day it was posted in this forum. I tried ordering dolly and buttercup but it wouldn’t be accepted. Only pricklepants could be mailed to the USA, which was weird cause they are all the same item practically: toys.

Anyway, I was amazed because I found out there was actually two glitches. First one was allowing US COSTUMERS to purchase pricklepants and request shipping to a USA ADDRESS, and the second glitch was that the more you ordered the greater the discount. For some reason, when I increased the quantities of purchase, pricklepants sale price kept dropping. In all, I ended up paying $20.00 for each INCLUDING SHIPPING. I doubt I could get the same deal with DS STORE when they finally arrive.

ADVISE: Pay in euros using a credit card. If you use the amazon money convertion system you will end up paying a fixed dollar amount, BUT BE VERY CAREFUL!!! Amazon hides fees and costs in that amount. They will charge you fees for the convertion. Thank God I noticed this on time, and was able to cancel my order and make it again paying in euros. The difference was $10.00!!! Amazon had a hidden charge of $10.00 just for converting my price to US DOLLARS. Thats a scam!!!

In the end, every Pricklepants was $20.00 for me INCLUDING SHIPPING!!! But it gets better, they shipped out my merchandise in less than 24 hours using DHL INTERNATIONAL MAIL and gave me a tracking number. The American Amazon website doesnt even mail my stuff that fast.

Each? How many of them did you order?

OMG! I just now heard that they’d done a wave of these three, and was particularly stoked for Dolly. A couple things I’m not keen on–the strange outline around her mouth, and the largeness of her pupils–but such was to be expected. They look fantastic and I’d love to have them :smiley:

Lee Unkrich just posted this on his Twitter account.

Using a US address, I tried to purchase all three when I saw this posted, but only allowed Pricklepants to be shipped. I tried again just a few minutes ago, but now it won’t allow any of them to be shipped to a US address. Guess we’ll just have to wait for these guys to make the trip overseas.

I ordered my dolly, buttercup, and pricklepants from They were 31 us dollars each, but the shipping was a little pricey. The total was $150 us dollars, but they did arrive in 3 days!!! I felt like I had to get them now, for fear that when they arrived in the U.S. I would never get my hands on them.

The cheapest I’ve seen for wave 3 to be internationally shipped together is through The Entertainer, but they still round out to about 30 pounds each, coming to a total of £89.95, so around $140.
I’m not sure where I’ll be able to pull together the money for them, considering I really have to start saving for university next year and I have $85 worth of custom pony parts on order. o_0

Hey guys, just went to the entertainer today, i seen Pricklepants & Dolly, no buttercup, im getting Pricklepants from a friend so i decided to buy Dolly, Shes a nice toy but i think shes a tad small for £20. I also think she looks better in her box… iv moved around my current collection to find a space for her but she does look better in the box, iv took out the certificate and put that on display with the others but i think the reason she looks better in the box is because shes actually standing up where as if you can her out she just flops down and looks even smaller. Also Mr.p looked amazing i cannot wait to get him, and my Buttercup should have arrived thursday just gone. Il have to chase them up if it doesnt come on monday. Just thought id let you all know :slight_smile:.

Just seen on amazon in the uk that dolly buttercup and mr pricklepants are all on special offer

Nooooo! Lol, wish I hadn’t seen that. I could have saved myself £15 by just waiting a week. Didn’t want to risk them selling out though. Ah well…

Sorry booh88! lol

But still the special offer is only saving like £4.00 so the 15 sounds awesome! :slight_smile:

Yeah, but saving £5 on each toy multiplied by three equals a £15 saving overall.

Essentially it is paying full price for two characters and getting the third almost free.

Ahh, apologies. I thought you meant you’d save £15 for each! 8D Thought it was a pretty big deal considering they’re only at £20!!!

Are there any like Xmas specials for any toy story collection toys?

after jessie and bullseye


^ Nice :laughing:

Thanks :smiley:

How is that related in any way to this topic? Its neither a collection or replica…

Dude u always get so worried about whether something perfectly fits in the forum take a chill I just wanted to show the people that do care

I think more what he was saying is similar to what I’m feeling, which is that whenever I get an email about new posts I’m excited because I hope it means someone has finally found Wave 3 in the US, on Disney store, or found out new Wave 4 stuff, and when its not related to those it bums me out a little bit. That’s not to say I don’t appreciate or occasionally partake in the off topic discussions from time to time, especially in a slow news period, but I can understand where others are coming from if they’re on edge from checking the forum for every post too.