Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

^ I also feel this way but you know instead of commenting how it is off topic I brush it off and wait for the next post… Or I’ll post a quick reply about it and move on.

But wait kyle, you can’t say Replica cause that’s suppose to on the other thread… :confused: See why do you post stuff like that Kyle, like stay on topic and some times you say in the Toy Story Replicas thread, keep the conversation about wave 3 on Toy Story Collection thread. Really man, i thought Toy Story was fun and loving and joy. And i thought we are just all having fun collecting and enjoying our selfs. Also having a great time, meeting new people who also like collecting Toy Story toys and creating these huge collection or some of us trying to collect at least a good one. So Kyle, i really think you changed the conversation on this thread not ToyStoryMan26. Kyle stay on topic.

Awesome picture ToyStoryMan26. :smiley:

I totally agree, glad you like btw :smiley:

Hey, I do still get annoyed when we get non TSC related stuff in here, but at least there’s some amount of overlap there, more than a photoshoped picture featuring no actual toys in the least, you know? If it was a replica at least you could argue it was still part of your collection, even if the other thread is still the more appropriate place for it.

I’m not saying don’t post the picture, I’d just prefer he find an on topic place to do it.

dude seriously you tell me where to post it then there is no other threads that people actually read that this would fit in you think I should make another thread just to show the pictures that nobody would ever see anyway, i to hope to see wave 3 or something like that when i get an email saying there was a new post but if it is something that doesnt interest u that much just get over it an move on u dont need to start this whole discussion about “off topic posts”

SO ANYWAYS!! What does everyone think, Will Wave 3 be in the states before christmas? or you think they will do it for next year?

How many of you have the DETOLF Glass-door cabinet from ikea for there collection? Any photos?

Hi peeps for those in the uk that are still after wave 3 tsc you can get dolly,pricklepants & buttercup delivered for £40.25 or £12.99 each plus delivery[£5].[AMAZON]
also if anyone is after a tsc rc someone has them on ebay with offers ov £120 or best offer he only has 3 left thou.

The entertainer toy shop in the uk have messaged me recently saying they are due a small number of tsc rex retailing at £54.99 but cud not say how many there getting and they can`t save any for peeps. :angry:

i’m new but ive been lurking for a while! :slight_smile:

I agree, idont think that weird pic should be in this forum, its about toys!

omg. i must get one, theres a store by me.

wow dude that is a nice way to enter a forum…like a jerk

All of you have great collections!!! Those new bonnie’s toys are great! but I don’t think I’ll get them, they are very hard to find in my country… Besides I’m happy with the ones I have, my 3 favorite TS characters! I hope I can get Bullseye soon though.

Here’s my TSC gang!

Jessie was the first one I got cause she’s my very favorite character from the movies. My grandma gave her to me for Christmas 2010, along with a TS blanket and pillows :slight_smile:

Woody was my birthday gift from my mom this year… and a friend of my mom’s who’s also my friend and loves me very much gave me Buzz a few days later, also as a birthday gift ^-^

And here’s my entire group of TS dolls

Here are some miniatures of my new and old dolls of each character together

This dolls are all very special for me… I have my 1995 Woody (also by Thinkway toys!) I got him the very same christmas the movie came out. I was like 7 or 8 years old, so he’s been with me almost my entire life. His vest is a bit dirty but besides that he’s in pretty good condition, I was really carefull and loving with my toys when I was a child (specially 'cause I believed they were alive). My first Jessie, (the littlest one) I got her when TS2 was in theaters, and the second one (bigger one) a year later… I luved my first Jessie but I wanted her to be bigger cause I loved huggin her! so I got the other one, and also Bullseye.

The other Buzz is from the TS3 line, but is just a “posable figure”, really pretty but has no voice, lights or articulations. I got him last christmas. Now he’s the subordinate to my TSC Buzz giggle

I take it your a girl… Twilight Pillow :laughing: JK great collection.

OO omg, you figured out I’m a girl just because of my twilight pillow? LOL, well I am, to obvious? giggle

You are now acting COMPLETELY inappropriate, nobody EVER called you names when you were voicing your opinion so why are you doing that to him? And for the record that’s probably not the right way to give him a ‘warm welcome’. You think you can come onto this forum and say WHATEVER you want because you’re too scared to say stuff like that to actual people, well I got news for you that’s not how it works around here.

It’s only the word ‘jerk’ get over it ! I will give you a nice warm welcome …welcome !!! :slight_smile:

Come on guys. If you want to continue arguing over something stupid then message each other. don’t post it where everyone can see it. No one wants to hear arguing let alone read it.

Hello all,

I am from the UK and just noticed the WAVE 3 has hit the stores. I picked up Dolly and Prickle Pants from the Entertainer yesterday for £20.00 each (although expensive compared to Amazon) and I will be getting Buttercup soon.

Bargain of the day was Rex at £15.00. Not part of The Collection but a super price from the Disney store.

Willing to trade to my US T.Story friends. :slight_smile:

Once Dec 1st hits if the toys are not in the US I am going to give in and order from FireBox.

Did they say when it will be in stock?

Man stil no wave 3 on DS US