Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

Oh well, but at least they’re starting to pop up in stores! I’ve seen a fair few of the three in the Entetainer in the UK. Are they starting to appear in the U.S though???

nope and sadly they are not going to they are only going to be in the U.S. for a short amount of time on the Disney Store US website, I am getting worried about when they will arrive, heres hoping :smiley:

Attn: Aussie Thinkway Toy Story Collectors

TSC Mr Pricklepants has arrived! I spotted three TSC Mr Pricklepants at Target today for $40.

I intended to purchase one, but the quality control on all three figures was terrible. In particular, the “eyes” were all over the place. One of the figures had one of the eyes in the “middle” of his head, like a cyclops. The eyebrows were also poorly stitched and only one of the three had “clear” eyebrows while the others both had bits of black stitching coming off the edges of the eyebrows.

The stitching of the freckles (?) around his nose also varied greatly and the mouth was poorly stitched on two of the figures giving him more of a “grimace” then a smile. Finally, the buckles on his overalls were also all over the place. I’ll be checking other Targets for a Mr Pricklepants with better quality control, but I certainly expect better both from a “Toy Story Collection” figure and from a plush toy selling for $40!

Hey guys, I’m new here. I also live in Australia. and I have bought Mr Pricklepants from Target for $40. My brother bought me Dolly for the same price. and now I’m waiting for Buttercup. I’ve been calling around to different Target stores, and the one in Melbourne said that they’re stocking up on Toy Story Collection for Christmas! Here’s a pic of my Toy Story Collection. You’ll notice the Barbie from TS3 is really old looking. I found it in an Op Shop, for $3! Yeah so I’ve enjoyed reading your posts so much. I’m only 15, from Melbourne, Australia. So yeah! That’s it. here’s some pics, sorry about the bad quality…DSCN5626.JPG

Buttercup and dolly are now£10@ amazon uk. I hope this doesnt spell the end of toy story collection… :cry:

@ jessed

Did your brother find Dolly in Australia (in Target?) or was Dolly purchased from overseas?

I’ve only seen Mr Pricklepants in Australia, not Dolly or Buttercup.

To Toystoryman

I’m sorry if i ofended you& acted like a jerk,but that pic Has nothing to do with THINKWAYS TOY STORY COLLECTION. i think it’d best if i stuck to lurking instead of posting.

cool story bro tell it again

…well THAT was a mature response to an apology.

Back on topic though, I went to my local Target today (I live in Australia as well) to see if they had any of the new TSC toys there and there was nothing. Just finding the Toy Story section was hard enough, all it had were a few of the Mattel figurines and some Hamm torches. Hopefully they’ll start stocking up for Christmas, if not I may have to see them about possibly getting them sent over from a larger store.

I couldn’t agree more Draik, all you have been since you joined is trouble. You are acting completely childish and I literally can’t wait for you to get reported for being totally atrocious when it comes to criticism.

Grow up.

I am going to have to agree the guy did apologize a simple I forgive you would have been nice. My mom always said if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all and I think it applies everywhere including these forums.

Yes, my brother bought Dolly from Target in Australia. I live in Melbourne and heaps of the stores down here have Mr. Pricklepants and Dolly. He bought it at Fountain Gate, but I’ve seen them at a few other stores. The store in the city said Buttercup should be in soon. He also said they were stocking up on other Toy Story Collection items like Bullseye. I hope they get it Rex again and Mr. Potato Head because I really want one of those. So I’m just being patient :smiley:

Hi Guys,

Target Australia Online is selling the new “Hawaiin Vacation” Ken and Barbie for only $34. I know, I know, it’s not TSC but I thought it was a good saving… $49 RRP. Have been to our local Target Store in Bundaberg and have got someone reliable to actually see if she can find out where the Wave 3 TSC characters have been sent to (how they have been distributed). Don’t forget K-mart as well, remember they had all the TSC stuff this time last year. Has anyone seen all three of the Wave 3 items in one store?

Can someone confirm for me and clear things up, once and for all… Are the Vivid Imagination Dolly, Pricklepants and Buttercup exactly the same as the TSC Dolly, Pricklepants and Buttercup? Thanks

I can confirm they are the same. Thinkway produces them, and vivid distribute them in the UK. :slight_smile:

^^ I can’t wait until mine arrive!!! It will be nice, for once, to get a toy story collection item seeing that I’ve been so focused on getting the rare toys, the last time I got one was over a year ago!!! 8D

Yes, I saw the trio in the entertainer but that’s in the U.K so it’s probably no help to collectors in Oz, sorry I can’t help further! o_0 . . .

Good news Aussie collectors! Target head office have confirmed that most Target stores around the country will be receiving all three of the TSC Wave 3 characters within the week. Time to start calling your local store to get them to put a hold on them. The lady I spoke to was really helpful and said that the RRP of each was $39. Enjoy!

I’ll go in tomorrow to lay-by the three of them. I don’t want anyone buying whatever tiny shipment our store will be getting while I’m rounding up the $120 for them. :blush:

Attn: Aussie Collectors

Target’s catalogue starting on 24 November 2011 states that there will be “20% off all plush”. I’m not sure how well the TSC Pricklepants, Dolly and Buttercup fall within Target’s definition of “plush”, but I would consider them to all be plush toys, so they may only be $32.00 each from Thursday.

Hah, hah Agent 86! Just ask the Target toy section staff member if they have any Toy Story “plush” toys and then use the word “plush” anytime you refer to them. After a few “plushes” I think it would be safe to argue the point at the checkout. I’ll be using that strategy! Good luck!