Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

Hello all,

I have Butter Cup and Dolly available for anyone who would like them (including international friends). I am in the uk and willing to help anyone who cant get them.

If you would like these items, what would you trade? PM me

I love the Luxo ball so thats a good start :wink:

I grabbed a TSC Mr Pricklepants and Dolly from Target (in Australia) today!

Target refused to honour their “20% off all plush toys” offer in their recent catalogue because apparently Mr Pricklepants and Dolly are “boys toys” not “plush toys”.

I was pretty impressed with TSC Dolly, but still not very impressed by TSC Mr Pricklepants. I chose the best one they had (out of the five available), but there is still visible poor stitching around his mouth, the legs of his pants are different lengths and one of the ears is “warped”.

I think now that you own the Pricklepants you can try to contact Thinkway and have them mail you a better one they are really good about that stuff they may ask for the one you have.

I am starting to become very concerned about TSC Wave 3, how much longer could the disney store possibly wait, Black Friday has already passed, Christmas is around the corner, and Thinkway claims they shipped the items a while ago, what is going on? :angry:

Not to mention they are popping up in Australia now, and becoming more predominant in the UK

Ya it seems like everywhere has received them, but us, I mean they were all 50% off on, why couldn’t they just have released them at the same time as UK with limited quantities here, not to mention how they are going to be to more than retail price, I mean look at all the TSC toys on Disney Store website 65 each? It would have been better if ToysRus sold them, they would be selling already for sure.

Well, I went to my local Target with $120 hoping to find at least one of the new toys… no luck. Their Toy Story section has grown a little bit though so hopefully they’ll be getting the new wave as well as some of the older TSC stocked up for Christmas. At the moment all they had were 3 TSC Buzzes, about 3 million Mattel Jessies (Seriously… how many of them do they really need??) and the smaller, plastic Mattel figurines. I sent my Target an email asking if they’ll be getting the new wave in and if they could set one of each aside for me.

I’m hoping we get them within the next week, otherwise it looks like I’ll have to drive to Penrith. :~o

I was thinking exactly the same thing. Didn’t jenny say october 28th? That was a month ago. Also there’s less than a month till christmas and the muppets has been released now. I’m wondering if these will ever be available in The US at all, maybe they’ll sell them at the shops in disney world because they sell a lot of exclusive stuff there…

Well, I don’t remember who said the 28th of October, but I don’t think it was Jenny. I do remember her saying that Thinkway sends them to the Disney Store, and what happens with them from there is basically out of their control. I am sure Thinkway is just as frustrated that they aren’t hitting the shelf yet if they did indeed already deliver to Disney as she says they did.

And, I work at Disney World, I have worked there for nearly thirteen years (currently a parade float driver based in the Studios, sometimes also in the Magic Kingdom), so I have been in the shops in the park, in the Once Upon a Toy shop in Downtown Disney, and in the shop at Toy Story Mania a LOT. I have never once seen a single Toy Story Collection item for sale in the parks. We did get the Disney Store plush of Dolly, Buttercup, Peas, and Mr. Pricklepants…but I have never once seen a TSC item, so I sincerely doubt that we will see these.

I finally got impatient and got a friend in England to order me a set of Wave 3 and forward them to me. If the Post in the UK was correct when he mailed them, I MIGHT see them tomorrow. Fingers crossed. :slight_smile:

I know someone that lives in the UK and I have thinking about asking him to do the same thing Im just waiting it out a tiny bit more, heres to hoping 8D

My Pricklepants came in today. He is amazing. Absolutely perfect. I couldn’t be happier. I did do a little bit of “surgery on him”.

In this first picture you can see that his nose is rather squashed in, and there are some wrinkles around his face, almost like he is deflated a little.

So, I cut a small hole in his lower back and pushed some of his stuffing into the nose to make it fill out better, then stuffed a bunch of fiberfill in his back to help plump him up a little bit. Suddenly the wrinkles were gone, and his nose was perfectly shaped. Sewed up the hole, and now he is perfect in my opinion.

I didn’t realize until I took these pics just how off my Pricklepants that I had modified was. He was embarrassing really. The TSC Pricklepants is absolutely fantastic.

The guy sending me the toys had to send them in three seperate packages, so hopefully Buttercup and Dolly will come soon. If they are even half as impressive as the Pricklepants, I will be a happy happy boy. :slight_smile:

I’m heading to the city to buy Buttercup soon! -hopefully this weekend, but if not the following Wednesday. I’m really looking forward to having all of Wave 3 on my shelf. EXCITING!

@ jessed

Have Target (Australia) definitely received stock of Buttercup?

I’ll have to start ringing around my local stores to see if any of them have received stock. And to see why have more stock of Mr Pricklepants as the one I purchased just doesn’t compare to the photos I’ve seen in this thread. I don’t understand why all the Mr Pricklepants that I’ve seen (around 8 in total) have had such terrible craftmanship.

I just ordered my Mr. Pricklepants, Dolly and Buttercup! :smiley: Can’t wait to receive them! :slight_smile:

I’ve called major Target stores in Melbourne, like the one in Melbourne City, and they’ve recieved a lot of stock for Buttercup! The smaller stores don’t have him yet though…

Please tell me when you guys get your Pricklepants from that ebay seller because he seems kinda fishy to me right now his stock seems to go right back up to 10 after someone orders…

HELLO TOY STORY FANS!!! I just recently joined this website because I thought i should let you know what just happened to me. I just came back from a trip to China and when i was there i was walking down the street and i saw a toy store. Since of such a toy fan i went in. in the store i found… THE LEGIT CAMERA THAT FIMLED ALL THREE TOY STORY MOVIES!!! IT WAS AMAZING THE BEST PART ABOUT IT IS THAT IT ONLY COST $10! Since I know that it is worth AT LEAST $10,000 i am selling to anybody who is willing to pay the price. :smiley:

@ jessed - THANK YOU!


Send the bill to my paypal:!

Deal, send me your address, and i’ll send you a money order

It is a great deal, i mean, how rare, I didn’t know CGI films were shot with cameras