Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

Ok well here is the deal 3 million
Deal, send me your address, and i’ll send you a money order

It is a great deal, i mean, how rare, I didn’t know CGI films were shot with cameras
r u serious?
Are you gonna take the offer or not? one night in China and you become a millionaire overnight. I’d have to take a 2nd mortgage, but WORTH IT

If you are uncomfortable with a money order, I can directly send it to your bank account, send me that info!

Deal, send me your address, and i’ll send you a money order

It is a great deal, i mean, how rare, I didn’t know CGI films were shot with cameras
r u serious?
Are you gonna take the offer or not? one night in China and you become a millionaire overnight. I’d have to take a 2nd mortgage, but WORTH IT

If you are uncomfortable with a money order, I can directly send it to your bank account, send me that info!
wait do you actually have 3 million dollars?

Why would I offer if I didn’t, I’ve been putting into my 401K for years, cash that in, 2nd mortgage, boom! camera

Your lack of enthusiasm for the deal is discouraging, is something wrong with it?

^ Reported. What is wrong with you? Go be a troll on some other forum.

We need a Mod asap.

Re: TSC Wave 3 in Australia

Thanks to the heads-up from jessed, I snagged TSC Buttercup from Target. And despite failing in my attempts to get the 20% off discount on Mr Pricklepants and Dolly, I was successful in convincing the cashier that Buttercup was 20% off.

It helped that there was a great big sign right in front of Buttercup which said “20% off all plush toys” and that Buttercup was stocked in the “plush toys” aisle instead of some other aisle. Now I have the complete wave, although I’m still on the look-out for a replacement Mr Pricklepants.

Re: Chinese CGI Cameras

It’s a real shame that the seller passed on Slink’s generous offer. I would have liked to have seen pictures of the Chinese camera that Pixar uses to film CGI movies.

Slink could have loaned the camera to wampar who has connections to ALL the actors from the Toy Story films and they could have made a Toy Story 4, 5 and 6!

Wait, what on earth just happened, lostdude108, are you talking about me getting teased by this guy, because I’m not sure I know what you are referring to, did that guy get banned yet? Wow why would someone sign up on here just to post ridiculous content, wow!

Because I looked on his channel and couldn’t help but notice that they are making fun of you and you’re collection

Hey guys, My brother is THE BEST BROTHER IN THE UNIVERSE! Today I get back from work and on my desk is BUTTERCUP! I nearly died with excitement and shock. Now I have all of Wave 3! YAY! and look, I know this has nothing to do with TSC but you guys have to see this, I was looking in a Toy Story magazine today and was ashamed to see this:

Hey sorry guys, I was just wandering… I’m going to see Disney live, and it has Toy Story featured (This isn’t on Ice and it’s in Australia) Do you guys reckon they’ll have the same Lenny binoculars that were at TS on Ice?

Wow they actually mixed up Molly and Bonnie… About the Lenny I couldn’t tell you and I don’t think anyone else has gone to the show you are talking about so you’ll just have to cross your fingers if they do happen to have Lenny’s you should pick up a few and put some on Ebay I saw one sell for about 111 dollars shipped.

To all board posters: We are sincerely sorry for what has happened in this thread, and it will be dealt with ASAP. Behavior like that is absolutely NOT tolerated on this site. Once again, we are sincerely and terribly sorry for the inconvenience and frustration.

EDIT: The troublesome member LotsoLover5000 has been banned. Thank you to those who reported the offensive posts.

little chef

Welcome to the internet, my friend. 8D

Yup those Trolls will do anything to get people stirred up this is not the first time and I’m sure it won’t be the last.

So I checked my email today to find this reply from Target:

And here was my original message (sent via the customer feedback form):

…that REALLY didn’t answer my question, especially considering that my local Target isn’t a Target Country store. I’ll give it a week or so, if they don’t stock any by then I’ll order them off eBay.


I normally have great success asking Australian retail stores (Myer, Big W, etc) to transfer stock between stores. Sometimes you have to wait a while and sometimes they charge a nominal fee, but if you ring around your closest Target stores (or even just some of the major stores in your State or Territory), they should be willing to transfer the figures to your local store.

Good luck!

Has anyone seen wave 3 in a US target yet? I might head over to my local target today and pray that a miracle happens and they all pop up on the shelf 50% off and in perfect condition. :laughing:

^^^ And later I might find that they’ve put all TV’s 50" or bigger on sale for the same 50% off with an additional $200 off. :laughing:

Sorry, no harmful feelings meant, I just couldn’t help but laugh when I read your post, because that would be awesome luck if that were to happen for you, but it usually only works that way in Disney movies. I would like to know when these are going to show up though, because I’m about to just order from the UK and pay the ridiculous shipping charge. I’m wondering if maybe Disney Store pre-sold their limited stock to some vendor or “big-wig” customer and that’s why we haven’t seen them yet or heard anything consistent from them. I’d hate to think that were true, but the more time that goes by, the more that seems like the case.

^ A guy can dream can’t he. :laughing:
Yeah I really don’t see these hitting Disneystore they said October and now its already December Christmas is around the corner if wave 3 isn’t on DS store online by about Dec.15 I don’t see it happening at all. What really bothers me is Thinkway and Disneystore telling the consumers all these dates and having us wait then nothing if you are not 100% sure then don’t say anything ya know.

Just be patient guys. I’m sure Disney and Thinkway wont let you down on this. You’ve just got to wait. You’ve waited so long for wave 3, I’m sure you can wait a few more weeks. Just stay positive. I’m also considering putting them on ebay, going to the shops and then buying them again. I’m not sure though, I need to talk to my brother about it cos he’s an ebay know-it-al.