Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

Can anyone help me with getting a Toy Story Collection Rex? I never could find Rex at any of my stores near me and I really need to get one for someone who really wants him. So if anyone knows someone who has one or someone who can help me, please pm me about it.

Everyone is in the same boat as you if you don’t have a TSC Rex by now you won’t be getting one unless you pay big buck buck bucks! I still need one as well.

I’m just hoping that a new stock of toy story collection items, meaning Rex, will show up again in stores once the new short - small fr - starts to become big in the UK. My only doubt is though that when Hawaiian Vacation came out I still couldn’t find Rex anywhere. I makes me laugh because - my little ‘in’ joke - I would always see Rex visiting my toys r us and Disney store etc. and I would always say ‘oh yeah I’ll get him soon’ but now when I’m ready for one he’s no longer around. :imp:

I payed $130 for Rex this time last year so I don’t even want to guess how much he’d be going for nowadays. :confused:

I finished high school abou a month ago and should have a new job to get some money saved up for university next year so hopefully I’ll be able to set some aside for Lotso, regular Buzz (I bought the utility belt one by accident and couldn’t be bothered taking it back and swapping it for regular… which was lucky seeing as UB Buzz is basically non-existant in stores anymore) and RC, who I had no intention of buying while he was avaliable but now he’s vanished from stores I want him just to complete my TSC.

I checked Target again today to see if there were any of Bonnie’s toys in there… still no luck. I got impatient and ordered Mr. Pricklepants online, he’s only an extra $5 and now I can stop wasting all my time going in and out of town every couple of days. If Dolly and Buttercup don’t pop up in-store soon I’ll get them off eBay as well. :unamused:

I’ve held back on ordering the non-TSC Twitch, Chunk and Sparks because of the TSC Twitch seen at the London toy fair and the fact that Chunk’s voice actor said he’d recorded lines for a toy which presumably would have been TSC. If nothing pops up at the New York toy fair next year I may have to see about getting imported…

Thats weird,because i got this email from the entertainer yesterday:

Dear …

Thank you for your enquiry.

I have just checked this for you, and unfortunately this is a discontinued line so we will not be getting anymore of these in. Sorry for any disappointment this news may cause.

Kind regards
Gemma Croft Customer Service Advisor

Is wave 1 pretty much done then? Seems like stores are not ordering anymore Thankfully I have all of wave 1 except for Rex and RC and I still need UB Buzz for wave 2.

I want the TSC Rex so badly! :frowning:

Jessed, I went to the The actual Disney On Ice earlier this year and they weren’t selling the Lenny there… So I very much doubt that they will be sold at Disney Live… However if they are - remember to grab a few for your Aussie mates :wink:

I will definitely pay you for your troubles. :smiley:

BTW we still haven’t received our stock of Wave 3 yet at our local Target (and it’s not a Target Country).

Some links no too expensive…



Ah I really want one, but I just spended my money for TSC Dolly, Mr. Pricklepants and Buttercup. I’ll just have to wait.

I’m considering buying some Wave 3 items for my Aussie peops. But I hate ebay. Is there any other way?
Also. I think you should be patient. Maybe call your nearest city’s store and ask them to send you one? - the only thing there is you might get a dodgy one. If we go with my plan, I’ll actually pick ones that are good. Let me know thoughts. or message me if you’re interested!

those TSC Rex from Italy speak Italian unfortunately, which is why they ain’t so expensive. Then again if it’s for display I guess it doesn’t matter.

Out of curiosity, I tried buying the 3 toys from this wave from again. It still wouldn’t allow Buttercup or Dolly, but I was able to get Pricklepants processed and shipped to a US address. Looks like it’s on its way. The total came out to $27.75 (USD).

So I was in town today and figured I might as well check Target again for wave 3. I made my way to the (small) toy department and low and behold, they’d changed the Toy Story section around a little. I saw considerably less Mattel Jessies than I’d seen last time I was in there, and their spaces were taken up by TSC Woodys, Jessies and, wait for it, a Bullseye! I’ve never seen one in-store before, it was very exciting for me.
Anyway, in our Target they have 2 shelves at the bottom, a thing in the middle with hooks for the smaller, plastic Mattel figurines and another shelf at the top. Last time I was in there, the spot in the middle had the figurines, but below them were boxes of assorted Pokemon plushies (I use the word assorted generously here, there were only about 2 different ones) and a stray Angry Bird.
Those boxes were gone, and in their place were 3 rows of 3 Buttercups! I got very excited and was ready to grab the best-looking one there and head over to the checkouts, but I saw a flash of red amongst the greens and rainbows of Buttercup’s box. I walked around to the end of the aisle (the literal end, as in the small shelves attached to either end of the whole aisle that is normally taken up by specials and cheap junk) and GOOD GRACIOUS THERE WERE 2 PRICKLEPANTS, 10 DOLLY’S AND EVEN MORE BUTTERCUPS. I checked my wallet, $130. I checked the price labels twice, $39 each. Grabbing the best-looking ones I could find (I’ve never, NEVER had a choice of TSC toys before. When I got Woody, he was the only one there. Buzz? Only one there. Jessie? Only one there. Being able to pick out the best-looking ones was like a dream come true for me), I giddily strode to the checkouts, completely ignoring the weird stares I got from people wondering why I had a handful of Toy Story toys with Buttercup’s, well, feminine box on top. I’d previously made up a story about my younger cousins who shared a Toy Story collection and wave 3 would be their joint Christmas present in case the cashier asked who they were for, but I shamelessly abandoned it when she asked me and told her the truth.

If you managed to read that essay good luck to you because by God, there’s a lot more where that came from.


[spoiler]Buttercup, Buttercup, Buttercup. Like everyone else who’s got him and posted pictures here, he looks a lot better in person. I’m in love with the opalescent material he’s made out of, when you compare it to the pale grey of Disney Store’s Buttercup, you can really tell what better quality he is. I still think he’s a tiny bit too small, especially when you compare him to Bullseye like in the last scenes on TS3. A lot of people are saying Bullseye’s too big though so maybe that’s it. His eyes do look a little creepy though. If they’d positioned his iris and pupil down a little like the DS version he’d look a little better, but I guess if they were going for ‘toy mode’ rather than ‘alive mode’ they got it right. The main concern I have is that his mouth won’t close. And with those really wide eyes, it looks like he’s screaming in delight at something. It’s quite creepy actually.

His box looks like something that’s pranced right out of My Little Pony. (G3.5 or earlier… there’s no way the FiM staff would procure something so awful) From the flower-dotted, painful-to-the-eyes green grass to the loveheart-shaped leaves on the perfectly round trees and bushes to the pale yellow and pink castle to the gigantic rainbow framing the box, it really does look quite bad. And then you remember that Buttercup has Jeff Garlin’s voice and the whole packaging looks hysterical now.[/spoiler]


[spoiler]LOVE HER. Apart from the missing tooth and fake stitching, she’s pretty much perfect. A little too small though, when compared with the DS version she’s the same size, if not a bit smaller. I’m a little worried about the lack of stitching around the arm-holes in her dress because it looks like it could rip the stitching down the sides quite easily. Other than that, she’s extremely good quality. I’m a little confused as to why they didn’t include a display stand with her, because she really does need one. At the moment she’s propped against Rex sitting down at his feet.

The box is perfect for her. It really looks home-made and genuine. Then you look at the back at the rather larger “MADE IN CHINA” text and the fantasy of a little old lady living in the mid-west lovingly sewing them together vanishes. The good thing is that out of the entire TSC it’s by far the smallest box so if you’re into collecting the boxes as well as the toys it won’t take up much space at all.[/spoiler]

Mr. Pricklepants:

[spoiler]Ah, I saved the best for last. Everything, from the box to the actual toy, is perfect. The multi-toned hair looks much better than Disney Store’s version, the buckles and buttons look superb and the ‘real’ eyes and nose make him look so much better than the DS one. Out of the 3 new toys, he’d be the one most properly sized to scale to the movie. Like Wampar’s, my Pricklepants has some weird face wrinkles going on so I may have to add some extra stuffing to round him out properly. Other than that, you can really tell what good quality he is compared to the Disney Store version. His hat, like Emma pointed out, could be moved a little more sidewards to be more accurate, but it looks like it could easily be re-sewed on if you want to move it.

His box… wow. This has to be the best Toy Story Collection box that Thinkway have made yet. The detail is superb, from the tragedy and comedy masks featuring Mr. Pricklepants’ distinctive nose to the ‘critics’ quote on the side - ““I was moved to TEARS” - Everyone”. The inside of the box is just as good, with the backdrop props and the ladder that frame the main scene making the whole thing look so much better. The backdrop itself makes me think of the Lonely Goatherd scene from The Sound of Music, which explains both the lenderhosen and the thespian parts of Mr. Pricklepants himself.[/spoiler]

ANYWAY, if you skipped over that whole thing, my main point is this:

Australians wondering why their Target hasn’t got them yet. If Bathurst’s store, a place whose Toy ‘department’ consists of about 4 aisles, most of which is toddler stuff, can get around 30 of them altogether, I bet yours will as well. Unless you live near a Target Country, in which case you may need to take a road trip.

Americans / Every other nationality outside Europe: If you’re impatient because Disney Store hasn’t put them online yet (I’m under the impression that they’re insanely jealous that Thinkway have outdone them again and have destroyed the shipment they recieved), ordering them is well worth the money.
Pricklepants, Dolly and Buttercup are the cheapest I’ve seen them online. Just over $40 for the toy plus international shipping? Bargain.

ATTENTION AUSSIES - TSC Mr Pricklepants, Dolly and Buttercup are on SALE at Target from Thursday for ONLY $29.00!

All three are listed in Target’s latest catalogue. I’m hopeful that this means my local Target will get in more stock of Mr Pricklepants and I might find one that was made with better craftmanship. Otherwise, I managed to get Dolly and Buttercup for $31.00 each, so I’m not too fussed about purchasing before the sale (and I never expected brand-new stock to go on sale almost immediately).

Does this Rex speak Englis? … 8571wt_685

Mr pricklepants has finally been reduced to £10 @ amazon UK! i might even buy 2! :slight_smile:

I doubt it :frowning:


Thanks. I am very confident that I will be able to pick them up soon, as I have just received the Target catalogue that Agent 86 was talking about (thanks for the heads up Agent 86). $29 each is awesome! Will let you know how I go.

Are thinkway toys still making rex at all?

Greetings everyone. I started collecting last year after the birth of my son.
I live in Los Angeles and I am envious of those who have molly, buttercup and Mr. Pricklepants. Does anyone know when they will be available in the USA and what outlet?

I recently went to my local Disney store and found a Galloping Bullseye. You squeeze his ear and he makes a galloping sound very similar to the thinkway one. I really liked him but I can’t find any info does some one else have him?

I’ll post a picture of the box later.
