Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

Are you referring to my grammar or post in general?

It was in reply to this post, excuse my grammar, i meant to write ‘went half price’

Oh sorry I got it :smiley:

IN stores or online? I’m desperately trying to find one o_0

Hey I was wondering if it’s possible to make a switch. I’d really like a TSC Rex. And if you don’t have Wave 3 and have access to Rex We can switch! I’m not sure how much money Rex costs but let me know! I live in Australia btw.

@ jessed (and other Aussies)

I don’t know what scale it is, but I spotted this Rex in the latest Mr Toys Toyworld catelogue for only $20.00: … =catalogue

It looks pretty decent, but it’s probably FAR smaller than TSC Rex.

yes, I’ve seen this in Toys 'R us and it’s tiny… but thanks anyway!


Wow! three in a row for Jesse! :
But look I found these logos for each character on the TOY STORY website.
If you want to see them all you can have a look under ‘Characters’
Check 'em out. The characters that have already been put in the Collection’s boxes match the logos here.
Maybe we can expect to see these on the boxes of future TSC items!
Let’s hope!

Yeah if we even get a Wave 4 don’t mean to be a downer but Wave 3 was UK exclusive I bet next Wave 4 is online Exclusive.

I just wanted to post a little Christmas cheer and to tell you that there are Rex’s to be had with a little creative thinking. I’ve been collecting for my daughter(and myself ;-p ) and was sorely missing a TSC Rex. I’ve been more than a little p***ed off by the likes of Princess Batel or the other Ebay seller from Israel or Hong Kong, and their $250 anyway you figure it prices. Then the thought occurred to me, that I’m a total Toy Story-phile and I’m always searching for “Collection” Rex, and that if I just had this dinosaur taking up space in my house, how would I describe it? So I searced for (Toy Story + Rex + talking)and happened across this:


He was a Buy It Now for only $24.99 and $35 out the door with shipping!!

Granted he had a bit of wear from playing,needed new batteries, and had a very fine white spray on a few places as if ol’ Rexy was supervising the repainting of a bike or playroom, but I only wanted him for display and play anyway. So I was able to snag something in short supply by looking through the eyes of someone who’s not a total geek for Toy Story.

Yeah, I’ve started searching for rex’s with different typing. It’s how I got my Mr… Mike, but unfortunately I haven’t been able to get anything. I just wish I could turn back the clock and go back to last Christmas when I went into toys r us, intending to buy toys for my cousins, and I saw rex (WHY DIDN’T I GET HIM!!! :imp:

I have honestly never seen a Rex in person it sucks.

Does anyone know any drift of Rex’s being back in stock?? I’m hoping and praying that he does because of the publicity of the new short movie. Hawaiian Vacation had a following of many merchandise which is still going strong so perhaps with a bit of luck AND with Christmas coming this way we could see Rex Again - I HOPE!!! :laughing:

I would wish SO MUCH for you guys to also get REX! But i’m sorry, Rex is over… I really don’t think there any more Rex toys… I feel like Rex was a limited time toy, but i hope i’m wrong and you guys can find him for your collections… I’m super happy i bought my Rex before Toy Story 3 came out… I think i got him when Toy Story 1/2 3D was playing in theaters… But i really hope you guys find him… He is a REALLY cool toy. :cry:

I just don’t understand why they would make Rex so limited he is one of the main Andy’s toy’s gang member.

Exactly, I had the same argument with a Bo Peep, but now we have even more of a reason to have rex because he’s still in the toy story saga. I email thinkway constantly about him and they always tell me the same thing: ‘Our demands rely on the retailers’ so if I understand correctly, toys r us, Disney store etc. can order a stock of rex’s and all of them are telling me that they’re expecting this toy back in stock soon and I’m also being an annoying customer to them, emailing toys r us constantly for a rex. It’s just really getting me wound up, especially seeing the prices for him on ebay. I try to use clever wording, but the UK ebay is very limited in items like these toys because the manufacturers are all in the U.S so right now I’m kinda stumped really on what to do next . . .

For anyone Waiting for the Wave 3 toys to come to the US. Here is PricklePants from Amazon uk. He is the ONLY one they will ship to the US. I just got him and with shipping He came out to Less than $20.

SO i would take advantage of this!

Now im missing just 5 TSC lol Dolly, Buttercup, Buzz, Bullseye, and REX :frowning: lol … k_h_b_cs_1

I can understand why retailers aren’t requesting Rex anymore. Jessie, Buzz and Woody are kind of the ‘icons’ of Toy Story - most kids and parents will recognise them. I’m not saying that the same thing wouldn’t happen to Rex, Mr. Potato Head and the other toys, but given the choice, a kid will most likely pick Buzz over Rex if they get the option. Plus, from a money point of view, I don’t think a parent would be willing to spend that kind of money on a toy that (in their eyes) is no different to the cheap plastic dinosaurs they can pick up for $5 at the local discount warehouse.

The same kind of thing happened to Mr. Potato Head and RC - in Potato Head’s case, people weren’t prepared to spend that amount of money on a Mr. Potato Head when the real ones are an aisle over retailing for a lot less than the talking one. Nobody was buying them, so stores (and Amazon) dropped the prices of them significantly to get rid of them, and I haven’t seen a Mr. Potato Head in-store ever since then. RC, on the other hand, wouldn’t be recogniseable as a Toy Story toy to the demographic that Thinkway are trying to market him towards. Most of the kids wanting Toy Story toys weren’t even alive when the first movie came out, so unless they’d seen TS1 and TS2 before they saw TS3 (believe me… it happens. Toy Story 3 is my 6 year old cousin’s favourite movie, but she’s never seen the first 2) there’s no way their parents would spend $50+ on RC.

I have a Question For all my non US Member buddys out there! Which TSC Toys were you all able to FIND IN STORE when they came out?
Was it only Woody, Buzz, and Lotso ? and now Dolly, Buttercup, and PricklePants?

The reason I ask because if you go to the Vivid Imagination Website the only TSC toys they have are Woody, Buzz, Lotso, Dolly, Buttercup, And PricklePants. But if you go to the Thinkway toys website you have all the TSC toys Except Dolly, Buttercup and PricklePants.

Looks to me that us here in the US wont be getting Wave 3 even though Thinkway has said they Shipped Them out.

Your thoughts?

Wasnt Wave 3 seen in the London Toy Fair and not the New York Toy Fair?