Thinkway's Toy Story Collection

I’m surprised REX of all toys is so rare. He’s a part of Andy’s original toy gang, for Pete’s sake!!!

I would have thought from the get go it would have been Potato Head Shoot Theres a Cheaper one if anyone wants it. But REX COME ON THINKWAY!

Toys I was able to find in store
Alien 3 Pack
Thinkway Chunk
Thinkway Sparks

Toy I had to purchase online
Mr. Potato Head

That’s about it any other toys like Slinky or Barbie and Ken I ordered from TRU.COM

I received all of my toy story collection items from stores. Woody, Jessie, Bullseye and R.C I got in the Entertainer. Mr. Potato Head, Buzz, Aliens and Soldiers I got from Toys R Us.

I prefer to buy online (so i can avoid akward moments with shop staff :L)

but in person,(In store) i have seen:

Mr Potato head

Amazon UK now have Pricklepants down to £6.99 with free shipping. Grabbed one yesterday for my nieces Christmas to go with Buttercup who I got when he was reduced to £7.99 for a time last week. kinda hoping/expecting to strike a similar deal on Dolly and she’ll get all three. Paid £19.99 each for those only a few weeks ago though as soon as they came out :unamused:

Not filling me with confidence for seeing a Toy Story Collection line Wave 4 anytime though :frowning:

I’ve only ever seen one TSC Woody in any store (which ended up being the one I have now)
Jessie I had to buy from a local toy story because none of the department stores had her.
I saw a lot of utility belt Buzz’s, but hardly any regular ones.
I’ve only ever seen 1 Rex, who was being sold at the toy store I got Jessie from.
Up until the other day I’d never seen a Bullseye in store, I had to order mine online.
There were a lot of Bucket O’ Soldiers around the launch of TS3, I haven’t seen any since last August though.
I’ve only ever seen one Mr. Potato Head in store.
There’s been a whole bunch of Dollys, Pricklepants’ and Buttercups in-store recently.
Never seen RC or the Aliens in store.

Bought from a store:
Belted Buzz
Mr. Potato Head (Now Mrs. Potato Head thanks to some new parts)
Bucket O Soldiers
Mr. Pricklepants
Disney Store Buttercup
Disney Store Mr. Pricklepants
Barrel of Monkies

Bought online:
Mr. Potato Head
Aliens 3 pack
Disney Store Hamm
Disney Store Dolly
Disney Store Peas-in-the-Pod
Sun Arrow Totoro
Ken and Barbie “Made for Each Other”

After reading the last few pages I thought this might interest some of you. I was trawling eBay, as I sometimes do, and came accross this auction. It only has two days to go, though. Not sure how often people check in to Pixar Planet. Here’s the link… … _500wt_922. Or if the link doesn’t work type in “Rex toy story collection” the item is listed as being in Australia.

^The eBay seller’ trying to scam - all 3 of Bonnie’s toys have been replaced with the Disney Store versions and that Rex isn’t TSC and doesn’t have batteries. :unamused:

Those are just standard Disneystore Toys repackaged in Toy Story Collection Boxes and about Pricklepants I can’t seem to order him from Amazon UK. :cry:

I understand that they are the Disney Store ones, and I think that it is not the seller who is trying to scam anyone. He said that they were given to his family by someone who has obviously upgraded. I was actually thinking about the possibility of someone getting a hold of Rex for their collection.

The same seller also has a cheap version of Woody packaged in a TSC box that his ‘daughter’ didn’t want. I smell a scammer.


The guy is just one big scam I’m pretty sure anyone looking for Toy Story collection toys is smart enough to see what he is doing and not purchase. Why will Amazon UK not let me ship Pricklepants to the US?

Well, I started collecting toy story collection toys about 8 months ago, Ifirst wanted the bucket-o-soldiers when I saw it at london, but I saw it at the airport, so the airplane must leave, so i left. and in the US i bought it at a local target store, well, I didn’t noticed that there were more toys untl 6 months ago, when I went to Walt mart, so I bought jesse and buzz lightyear, I started looking online, and found out that there were 11 toys!! so I bought RC, and utility belt buzz at Later, I bought woody and bulseye in a trip to mexico, so they talk in spanish, also I saw a REx, but the box was broken so they made me a discount. Mr. potato head, rarely, I received it for birthday present.Lotso was bought at toys r’ us.the aliens at kmart and i’m waiting anxiously for the last three toys, dolly, buttercup, and mr pricklepants, which I hope they arrive before Christmas.

So I basicly have all the thinkway’s Toy Story Collection in my house!

Man that is crazy I JUST finished buying him last night! and he was the only one i could get to ship too (which sucks i want to get the rest)

Bucket-o’-soldiers WELCOME!

and thats cool! Take a photo so we see it!

Wow this seems to good to be true not saying your a liar but do you have pics I am going to go pick up my jaw now… Can’t believe you found a Rex I mean it took me about a year or 2 now to get what I have and I am still missing RC,Rex,UB Buzz and Wave 3

What sucks for me is just before I saw Toy Story 3, I saw every single TSC toy there was out at the time at Kmart for an amazing $50! I obviously didn’t have enough money to get all of them. I got Woody that day…

Updated collection shot!
Wave 3 pushed the total money I’ve spent on these toys into the $1200 mark. I regret it sometimes but then I realise how awesome it is to have the characters from the first film to hit $1 billion at the box office sitting in my bookcase and I get all happy that I spent so much money on something so great.

And before anyone scolds me for spending that much, before I quit my part time job to focus on my last year of high school I was getting $200+ a week so I’d much rather spend all that excess money on something like these instead of wasting it on junk food or drugs or something.

Anyway, picture time!

I still cannot get over how incredible Mr. Pricklepants looks! I’ve had him for over a week now and every time I see him I have to do a double-take because he looks exactly like he does in the movie.

Money count!

[spoiler]Woody - $90
Jessie - $90
Buzz - $70
Bullseye - $150
Rex - $130
Potato Head 1 (now Mrs. Potato Head) - $60
Potato Head 2 - $30
Aliens - $60
Slink - $20
Hamm - $70
Soldiers - $25
Monkeys - $12 (3 seperate barrels that I took the red monkeys out of to put in the yellow barrel)
Ken and Barbie - $60
Totoro - $90
DS Pricklepants - $10
DS Dolly - $15
DS Buttercup - $10
DS peas - $15
Pricklepants - $40
Dolly - $40
Buttercup - $40

Total cost: $1222[/spoiler]

Just another picture to show the differences between the Thinkway and the Disney Store versions of the toys. Below them’s the other collection that recently broke the $1000 mark - Sims games. And my cute little eeveelution pokedolls. 8D